contains another entry: .hidden/
the .hidden/
folder contains lots of subfolders and each one of those has its own subfolders, and there is several levels of that;
at bottom of the directory tree there is a README file,
most of the README's contain the same text,
if someone wanted to check all the files that would be problematic because of the multitude of folders and subfolders
i wrote a little script to traverse the directory tree and extract the unique strings of text contained in README files
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
base = ''
uniq = set()
count = 0
def folder_scan(url):
global uniq, count
req = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser')
for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True):
link = a['href']
if link[:2] == '..':
elif link[-1] == '/':
folder_scan(url + link)
count += 1
print('\rscanning item #%d' % (count,), end='')
req2 = requests.get(url + link)
if req2.text not in uniq:
print('\n\t' + req2.text, url + link)
if __name__ == '__main__':
here is the output of the script
e1z2r8p32% ./hidden.py
scanning item #1
Demande à ton voisin de gauche
scanning item #2
Non ce n'est toujours pas bon ...
scanning item #3
Demande à ton voisin du dessous
scanning item #4
Demande à ton voisin du dessus
scanning item #6
Toujours pas tu vas craquer non ?
scanning item #12
Demande à ton voisin de droite
scanning item #13
Tu veux de l'aide ? Moi aussi !
scanning item #15694
scanning item #18279
wow, all together 18279 readme files
this file
contains a string that looks like a hash 99dde1d35d1fdd283924d84e6d9f1d820
and possibly .. a flag?
i am a little disappointed, because it doesn't explicitly say "Hey, here is your flag" like before, and also the length seems odd, this string is 33 characters long but all previous flags were 64 characters long
i am happy with the script and i think it would be cool to get a list of common folder and file names and then use a similar script to scan the web server root
... who knows what i might discover