Integrates the modlr REST libraries with Symfony.
To utilize modlr, you must install a persister and an api specification.
To utilize search within modlr, you must install a search client.
Available modules can be found here, or you can write your own!
To install this bundle with support for MongoDB, elasticsearch and the JSON Api Spec, add the following to your composer.json file:
"require": {
"as3/modlr-bundle": "dev-master",
"as3/modlr-api-jsonapiorg": "dev-master",
"as3/modlr-search-elastic": "dev-master",
"as3/modlr-persister-mongodb": "dev-master"
Then, tell Composer to update and install the requested packages:
composer update as3/modlr-bundle --with-dependencies
Once installed, register the bundle in your AppKernel.php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new As3\Bundle\ModlrBundle\As3ModlrBundle(),
// ...
Modlr requires some configuration in order to work. You can use the default config below to get started:
# app/config/config.yml
root_endpoint: /api
debug: "%kernel.debug%"
type: jsonapiorg
type: mongodb
host: mongodb://localhost:27017
type: elastic
To utilize the external REST API, you must also include modlr's routing file. This will allow modlr to handle all requests to
. To prevent any routing conflicts, you should add this before any other bundle or your application route definitions.
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@As3ModlrBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
Next you must define your models! By default, modlr's metadata driver will look for YAML files in app/Resources/As3ModlrBundle/models
and app/Resources/As3ModlrBundle/mixins
You can customize where your definitions are stored by setting the models_dir
parameter of your metadata driver. See the bundle configuration documentation for more information.
See modlr documentation for additional information.
This bundle provides commands to rebuild modlr's metadatacache:
app/console as3:modlr:metadata:cache:clear [model_type] [--no-warm]
Create collection schema:
app/console as3:modlr:schema:create [model_type]