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This document enumerates arrayfire API equivalent in Matlab, Python (numpy, scipy). They are grouped into the following sections.

Array Creation

ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
Identity matrix identity(rows, cols) eye(rows, cols) np.identity(rows, 'float32')
Array filled with constant n constant(n, rows, cols) ones(rows, cols).n np.ones((rows, cols), 'float32').n
Random filled array randu(rows, cols) rand(rows, cols) rand(rows, cols)
Diagonal vector to matrix diag(A) diag(A) np.diag(A)

Fetch Array Info

AarrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
array A(rows, cols, f64)
Vector size A.elements() length(A) A.size
Number of dimensions A.ndims() ndims(A) len(x.shape)
shape of matrix A.dims() size(A) A.shape
number of rows A.dims(0) size(A, 1) A.shape.[0]
number of columns A.dims(1) size(A, 2) A.shape.[1]
number of elements A.elements() numel(A) A.size


ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
Sequences af::seq(low,high,step) (low:step:high)'->columnvector
i+1 element A(i) A(i+1) A[i]
last element A(end) A(end)
A(-1) A(end) A[-1]
1 to i elements A(seq(i)) A(1:i) A[:i]
i+1 to END elements A(seq(i, end)) A(i+1:end) A[i:]
i1+1 to i2+1 elements A(seq(i1, i2)) A(i1+1:i2+1) A[i1:i2+1]
i1+1 to i2+1 elements by step A(seq(i1, i2, step)) A(i1+1:step:i2+1) A[i1:i2+1:step]
i+1 element A(i) A(i+1) A[i]
last element A(end) A(end)
A(-1) A(end) A[-1]
Element(i+1, j+1) A(i, j) A(i+1, j+1) A[i, j]
i+1 row A(i, span) A(i+1, :) A[i, :]
i+1 column A(span, i) A(:, i+1) A[:, i]
A(seq(i, end), seq(j, end)) A(i+1:end, j+1:end)
A(seq(i, end), span) A(i+1:end, :) A[i:, :]
A(seq(i1, i2), seq(j1, j2)) A(i1+1:12+1, j1+1:j2+1) A[i1:i2+1, j1:j2+1]
A(seq(i1, i2, step1), seq(j1, j2, step2)) A(i1+1:step1:12+1, j1+1:step2:j2+1) A[i1:i2+1:step1, j1:j2+1:step2]
i+1 row A.row(i) A(i+1, :) A[i, :]
i+1 to j+1 rows A.rows(i, j) A(i+1:j+1, :) A[i:j+1, :]
i+1 column A.col(i) A(:, i+1) A[:, i]
i+1 to j+1 columns R.cols(i, j) A(:, i+1:j+1) A[:, i:j+1]
i+1 slice A.slice(i) A(:, :, i+1) A[:, :, i]
i+1 to j+1 slices A.slices(i, j) A(:, :, i+1:j+1) A[:, :, i:j+1]

Array Reshape

ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
Flatten to vector flat(R) R(:) R.flatten()
Reshaping moddims(R, rows, cols) reshape(R, [rows, cols]) np.reshape(R, (rows, cols))
Conjugate Transposition R.H() R' R.conj().T
Non-conjugate transpose R.T() R.' R.T
Conjugate of array values conjg(R) conj(R) np.conj
Flip left-right flip(R, 1) fliplr(R) np.fliplr(R)
Flip up-down flip(R, 0) flipud(R) np.flipud(R)
Repeat matrix tile(R, i, j) repmat(R, i, j) np.tile(R, (i, j))
Swap axis reorder(R, 1, 0) permute(R, [2, 1]) arr.transpose(2, 1, 0) arr.swapaxes(2, 1)
Bind columns join(1, A1, A2) [A1;A2] vertcat(A1, A2) vstack((a, b)) concatenate((a, b), axis=0)
Bind rows join(0, A1, A2) [A1A2] horzcat(A1, A2) hstack((a, b)) concatenate((a, b), axis=1)
Shift shift(A, 1) circshift(A, 1) np.roll(R, 1)
Rotate rotate(A, 3) rot90(A) np.rot90(a)

Matrix Math

ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
Lower Triangular lower(R) tril(R) np.tril(R)
Upper Triangular upper(R) triu(R) np.triu(R)
Rank rank(R) rank(R) rank(a)
Determinant det<float>(R) det(R) la.det(a)
Euclid norm norm(R) norm(R) la.norm(R)
L1 norm norm(R,AF_NORM_VECTOR_1) norm(R,1) la.norm(R,1)
L2 norm norm(R,AF_NORM_VECTOR_2) norm(R,2) la.norm(R,2)
L4 norm norm(R,AF_NORM_VECTOR_P,4) norm(R,4)
L_inf norm norm(R,AF_NORM_VECTOR_INF) norm(R,Inf) np.linalg.norm(R,np.Inf)
Addition A1+A2 A1+A2 A1+A2
Subtraction A1-A2 A1-A2 A1-A2
Multiplication A1*A2 A1.*A2 np.multiply(A1,A2)
Division R=R/Q R = P / Q R=R/Q
Matrix Multiplication matmul(A1,A2) A1*A2 np.matmul(A1,A2),A2)
Dot Product(vector) dot(x1,x2) dot(x1,x2) dot(x1,x2)
solve equation solve(A,B) X=A\B la.solve(a,B)
Inverse inverse(A) inv(A) la.inv(a)
LU L,U,P=lu(A) [L,U,P]=lu(A) p,l,
Cholesky factorization cholesky(R,A,true) R=chol(A1) R=la.cholesky(A)
QR qr(Q,R,tau,A) [Q,R]=qr(A) Q,R=la.qr(A)
Singular values svd(U,s,Vt,A) [U,S,V]=svd(A) U,s,Vt=la.svd(A)


ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
Sums of columns sum(A1) sum(A1) sum(A1, 1) np.sum(A1, 0)
Sums of rows sum(A1, 1) sum(A1, 2) np.sum(A1, 1)
Sums of all elem. sum<float>(A1) sum(A1, 'all') np.sum(A1)
Products of columns product(A1) prod(A1) prod(A1, 1), 0)
Products of rows product(A1, 1) prod(A1, 2), 1)
Products of all elem. product<float>(A1) prod(A1, 'all')
Averages of columns mean(A1) mean(A1) mean(A1, 1) np.mean(A1, 0)
Averages of rows mean(A1, 1) mean(A1, 2) np.mean(A1, 1)
Averages of all elem. mean<float>(A1) mean(A1, 'all') np.mean(A1)
Maximum of columns max(A1) max(A1) max(A1, 1) np.max(A1, 0)
Maximum of rows max(A1, 1) max(A1, 2) np.max(A1, 1)
Maximum of all elem. max<float>(A1) max(A1, 'all') np.max(A1)
Minimum of columns min(A1) min(A1) min(A1, 1) np.min(A1, 0)
Minimum of rows min(A1, 1) min(A1, 2) np.min(A1, 1)
Minimum of all elem. min<float>(A1) min(A1, 'all') np.min(A1)
Variance of columns var(A1, 1, 0) var(A1) var(A1, 0, 1)
Variance of rows var(A1, 1, 1) var(A1, 0, 2)
Variance s of all elem. var<float>(A1) var(A1, 0, 'all') np.var(x)
Stand. deviations of columns stdev(A1) std(A1, 1, 1)
Stand. deviations of rows stdev(A1, 1) std(A1, 1, 2)
Stand. deviations of all elem. stdev<float>(A1) std(A1, 1, 'all') np.std(x)

Basic Math

ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
Exponential exp(A1) exp(A1) np.exp(A1)
Element-wise power pow(A,2) A.^2 np.power(A,2)
pow(A,4) A.^4
Round round(A) round(A) np.around(A)
Round down floor(A) floor(A) np.floor(A)
Round up ceil(A) ceil(A) np.ceil(A)

Signal Processing

ArrayFire (C++) Matlab Python (numpy, scipy)
FFT1D (each column) fft(A) fft(A) np.fft.fft(A,0)
FFT1D (each row) fft(A.T).T fft(A,2) np.fft.fft(A) np.fft.fft(A,1)