The aim of this project is to propose open code in C for the Raspberry Pi Pico, to integrate several environnemental sensors into your embedded systems (Pimoroni breakouts).
As world climate is changing fastly, environnement is becoming more and more un-predictable. Integrating these sensors into low consumption and connected embedded systems is an opportunity to measure and evaluate what's happening in real time in your environnement, for better decision taking.
Therefore, don't hesitate to bring your contribution to these project and broadcast widely this open-source code.
The Raspberry Pico micro-controller is cheap, widely available, energy low comsumption and powerful (Dual Core ARM0+ clock at 133MHz - 2MB Flash Memory). It integrates several interfaces (UART, I2C, SPI) to match all needs for for I/O and sensors.
Moreover, a wide community is behind this MCU as you can find API documentation and examples.
C progamming is a very well optimized and robust langage for embedded systems : low consumption, compiled, many low level libraries, widely used...
Sensor Name | Description | Dev Progress | Calibration |
BME680 | Air Quality, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity Sensor | OK | ToDo |
VL53L1X | Time of Flight (ToF) Sensor Breakout | OK | ToDo |
SGP30 | Air Quality Sensor Breakout | OK | ToDo |
MAX30105 | Heart Rate, Oximeter, Smoke Sensor | IN PROGRESS | ToDo |
PMW3901 | Optical Flow Sensor | ToDo | ToDo |
Device Name | Description | Dev Progress |
Pico Wireless | Pico Wireless module based on ESP32 and SD Card | ToDo |
SIM7020E NB-IoT | SIM7020E NB-IoT Module | In Progress |
Device Name | Description | Dev Progress | Calibration |
ST7789 | Pico Explorer Base Display (ST7789) | OK | OK |
The rig used for testing is the Pico Explorer Base from Pimoroni. The ST7789 display will be used to check values of sensors and buttons to select configurations of the project.
A 'Debug' compilation can be used to read sensors values from serial port (USB) on Pico.
The code include a bash script ( to build the exe file (ELF) and load it to the Pico using OpenOCD and SWD port (using a Raspberry Pi for example). How to use the bash tool :
Display the help on the tool :
./ -h
Clean-up the compilation folder (build) :
./ -a clean
Generate the makefile using CMake. You need to deploy and set your Raspberry Pico SDK :
./ -a cmake
build or rebuild the binary ELF executable (pico-station.elf)
./ -a (re)build
Build the project then load the binary on RP2040 chip (see next topic for explanations) :
./ -a build_load
Once the binary exe file is compiled, you can upload it using the SWD port available on the Raspberry Pico, from a GPIO module (Raspberry Pi Zero for example).
From a Linux environnement including GPIO interface, you need to install OpenOCD following this tutorial. You have to link SWCLK/GND/SWDIO interface from Pico to a Raspberry Pi.