All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog,
- Changed to force h5py installation of <3.0. This is because of this error -- keras-team/keras#14265
- Changed to force Keras installation of <2.4
- Corrected errors in the Python Docstrings of both keras and tflearn modules
- Corrected errors/typos in API documentation
- Documentation and Tutorials
- Code is now Production Ready as Well
- gamornet_predict_tflearn can handle the situation now when batch_size > number of images
- Basic Documentation for the Project
- updated LRN function in keras_module to remove dependancy on image_dim_ordering function of keras backend
- altered the naming scheme of saved tflearn models.
- increased the flushing time for the gamornet_predict_tflearn function progressbar
- implemented single version and author sourcing. (both are sourced from to
- the tflearn_module now properly imports functions from the keras_module
- tflearn_module
- Alterations to some of the inner working of the keras_module user facing functions.
- Initial Release of GaMorNet