This is a system for detecting license plates, and qrcode. The purpose of making this application is to facilitate the management process in and out of the Dian Nuswantoro University parking lot, Semarang
This system is based on a website that we build using the flask framework, which we combine with various libraries such as opencv, easyocr, pyzbar, etc.
This is the database design that we made, for now the database doesn't have any relations
and this is the result of our application
This project is the result of a collaboration between Myself, Lutfia, Firda, Niko, Jessica, and Andini to complete the final operating system assignment that was taught by Mr. Adhitya Nugraha, S.Kom, M.CS.
If you want to contribute to this project, please do a pull request on this repository. I would really appreciate your help in developing this app.