This demo simulates a booking application including three services:
- booking
- car
- hotel
You will need:
You can run the demo using either docker compose or executable files.
run the following command to create docker images in saga project root folder.
mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pdocker -Pdemo
Enter the saga spring demo directory and give permissions to script
cd ./saga-demo/saga-spring-demo chmod +x
start the whole application up(including alpha server and three demo services)
./ up
Note: If you prefer to use MySQL as alpha's backend database, you need to try the following steps instead:
- add dependency of
<dependency> <groupId>mysql</groupId> <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId> </dependency>
- re-generate saga's docker images in saga project root folder
mvn package -DskipTests -Pdocker -Pdemo
- start application up in
with the following commandcd ./saga-demo/saga-spring-demo ./ up-mysql
Note: If you want start alpha server and demon services separately, you can try the following steps:
start alpha server
./ up-alpha
start alpha server with performance monitor and grafana
./ up-alpha-perf
when alpha server started completely, then start the demo services
./ up-demo
- add dependency of
stop application
./ down
run the following command to generate executable alpha server jar in
.mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pdemo
follow the instructions in the How to run section in User Guide to run postgreSQL and alpha server.
start application up
- start hotel service. The executable jar file should be in
java -Dserver.port=8081 -Dalpha.cluster.address=${alpha_address}:8080 -jar hotel-${saga_version}-exec.jar
- start car service. The executable jar file should be in
java -Dserver.port=8082 -Dalpha.cluster.address=${alpha_address}:8080 -jar car-${saga_version}-exec.jar
- start booking service. The executable jar file should be in
java -Dserver.port=8083 -Dalpha.cluster.address=${alpha_address}:8080 -Dcar.service.address=${host_address}:8082 -Dhotel.service.address=${host_address}:8081 -jar booking-${saga_version}-exec.jar
- start hotel service. The executable jar file should be in
- Booking 2 rooms and 2 cars, this booking will be OK.
curl -X POST http://${host_address}:8083/booking/test/2/2
If everything is OK, "test booking 2 rooms and 2 cars OK" will be returned and it means everything is OK
Check the hotel booking status with
curl http://${host_address}:8081/bookings
The hotel booking result is: [{"id":1,"name":"test","amount":2,"confirmed":true,"cancelled":false}] "cancelled":false means this booking is finished and confirmed status is true.
Check the car booking status with
curl http://${host_address}:8082/bookings
the card booking result is: [{"id":1,"name":"test","amount":2,"confirmed":true,"cancelled":false}] "confirmed":true,"cancelled":false means everything is OK too.
- Booking 3 rooms and 2 cars, this booking will cause the hotel order failed and trigger the compensate operation with car booking.
curl -X POST http://${host_address}:8083/booking/test/3/2
Error message will returned because the room count is more than 2: {"timestamp":"2019-01-22T08:41:57.251+0000","status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error","message":"500 null","path":"/booking/test/3/2"}
Check the hotel booking status with
curl http://${host_address}:8081/bookings
There is no more records because the room booking was failed.
Check the car booking status with
curl http://${host_address}:8082/bookings
The second car booking will be marked with cancel:true: [{"id":1,"name":"test","amount":2,"confirmed":true,"cancelled":false}, {"id":2,"name":"test","amount":2,"confirmed":false,"cancelled":true}]
Open a browser with URL, You will get a html page. You can use this page to invoke test cases, and then get results.
Note transactions and compensations implemented by services must be idempotent.
To debug the services of the demo, just add debug parameter to JVM through the environment field in docker-compose configs. Let's take alpha-server as an example:
image: "alpha-server:${TAG}"
- -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
- "6006:5005"
We append the debug parameter -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
to the JAVA_OPTS environment variable, the Java process inside the container will listen on port 5005. With the port forwarding rule 6006:5005
, when alpha-server is ready, we can connect to port 6006 on the host and start debugging alpha-server.
If you're using IntelliJ, open the saga project, create a new debug configuration with template 'Remote', fill "Host" and "Port" input with "localhost" and "6006", then select "alpha" in the drop-down list of "Use classpath of module". When alpha-server is running, hit shift+f9 to debug the remote application.