Sprint 2 Java Full Stack Project : Home Loan Application
About the project:-
To Create an Application for online Home Loan Application Customer should be able to , apply for home loan hassle-free,keep a track of their status and can view available services, policies, benefits and other information related to a specific loan without visiting any bank branch.
Admin should be able to perform below operations: 1.View all pending approvals 2.Approve/Reject applications 3.Create new schemes Other officers like LandVerificationOfficer and FinanceOfficer should be able to : View pending tickets Verify and report the status after LandVerification ,upon approval will raise a ticket for FInanceOfficer upon approval will send the application to Admin
Application will be developed in following Sprints :-
1.Core Java +JPA with Hibernate 2.Spring Boot + Rest Controller + JPA with Hibernate 3.Angular for UI design (Front End) + Integration with previous Sprint
Project Submitted By :-
- JA - 16 Anshuman Biswal anshumanbiswal14@gmail.com G4 Home Loan App
- JA - 16 Ashwin Sp ashwinsanthosh27@gmail.com G4 Home Loan App
- JA - 16 Bharath Surya J bharathsurya1@gmail.com G4 Home Loan App
- JA - 16 Blesy Helen V blesyhelen996@gmail.com G4 Home Loan App
- JA - 16 Gaurav Shrivastava gauravdb34@gmail.com G4 Home Loan App