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Anshuman Biswal edited this page Jun 1, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Capgemini-Internship-2021-Sprint1 wiki!


  • Overview of PPT.
  • Understood the problem statement and designed the project structure.
  • Designed the Use-Case Diagram.
  • Designed the Sequence Diagram.
  • Made few changes to the POJO Class and re-designed the project structure.


  • Made few changes to the Service layer and the Repository layer.
  • Added the @Entity, @Id, @Column, @OneToMany, @OneToOne, @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE) type of annotations.


  • Updated the Repository layer by adding the JPA Repository to all the repositories.
  • Added the @Autowired annotations and the @Service annotations.
  • Finished the Impl (Implementation) for all the Service layers.
  • Added the @OneToOne and @OneToMany annotations for the relationship mapping.
  • Used the @Enumerated (@Enumerated(EnumType.STRING)) for the STATUS Enum class.
  • Used the optional<> which is used for null pointer exception.


  • Error fixing for the service Impl layer.
  • Added @Service annotations.
  • Added @Transactional annotations.
  • Used the @RestController annotations.
  • Created controller package with all the REST controller classes.
  • Used the @RequestMapping annotations.
  • Used the @GetMapping @PostMapping @DeleteMapping @Putmapping to RESTful Controller.
  • Used the @Autowired annotation which is used for abstract classes.


  • Error fixing for the controller layer.


  • Error fixing for the Service Impl.
  • Error Fix for the date module.
  • Added SWAGGER Documentation.
  • Added Global Exception Handler.
  • Added EMI Due Date
  • Fixed all the REST Controllers and Tested them with POSTMAN Tool.


  • Fixed all the REST Controllers and Tested them with POSTMAN Tool.
  • EMI Service Fix.
  • EMI Due Dates Fix.
  • Oracle DB Fix.
  • Introduction to Mockito Test Cases.


  • Mockito Test Cases.
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