- paste your contract address to variable
on line 7 in utils.js.
-> insert this statements inside mounted()
method in index.vue
await setProvider()
const properties = await fetchAllProperties()
this.posts = properties
-> copy this to setProvider
method in utils.js
if (window.ethereum) {
metamaskWeb3 = new Web3(ethereum)
try {
// Request account access if needed
await ethereum.enable()
} catch (error) {
// User denied account access...
} else if (window.web3) {
metamaskWeb3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider)
account = await metamaskWeb3.eth.getAccounts()
- create and return contract Object
airbnbContract =
airbnbContract ||
new metamaskWeb3.eth.Contract(AirbnbABI.abi, airbnbContractAddress)
return airbnbContract
- copy below code insidepostAd
// convert price from ETH to Wei
const weiValue = web3().utils.toWei(this.price, 'ether')
// call metamask.postProperty
postProperty(this.title, this.description, weiValue)
-> copy below code inside postProperty
in utils.js
const prop = await getAirbnbContract()
.methods.rentOutproperty(name, description, price)
from: account[0],
- copy below code insidebook
const startDay = this.getDayOfYear(this.startDate)
const endDay = this.getDayOfYear(this.endDate)
const totalPrice =
web3().utils.toWei(this.propData.price, 'ether') * (endDay - startDay)
bookProperty(this.propData.id, startDay, endDay, totalPrice)
-> copy below code inside bookProperty
in utils.js
const prop = await getAirbnbContract()
.methods.rentProperty(spaceId, checkInDate, checkOutDate)
from: account[0],
value: totalPrice,
- fetch all properties
-> insert inside fetchAllProperties()
method in utils.js
const propertyId = await getAirbnbContract()
const properties = []
for (let i = 0; i < propertyId; i++) {
const p = await airbnbContract.methods.properties(i).call()
id: i,
name: p.name,
description: p.description,
price: metamaskWeb3.utils.fromWei(p.price),
return properties
Note: this is an altenative to Metamask, you can either use metamask or WalletConnect protocol to sign the transaction.
-> add connect button to menubar
<li class="nav-item">
<b-button v-on:click="walletConnect" class="mr-5 mt-3">
-> init walletConnect instance
// Create a walletConnector
walletConnector = new WalletConnect({
bridge: 'https://bridge.walletconnect.org', // Required
// Check if connection is already established
if (!walletConnector.connected) {
// create new session
walletConnector.createSession().then(() => {
// get uri for QR Code modal
const uri = walletConnector.uri
// display QR Code modal
WalletConnectQRCodeModal.open(uri, () => {
console.log('QR Code Modal closed')
// Subscribe to Events
walletConnector.on('connect', (error, payload) => {
if (error) {
throw error
// Close QR Code Modal
// Get provided accounts and chainId
const { accounts, chainId } = payload.params[0]
accountAddress = accounts[0]
-> add send Transaction button on homeScreen
<b-button v-on:click="sendTx" class="mr-5 mt-3">
<span>Send Transaction</span>
-> use draft transaction
const tx = {
from: accountAddress, // Required
to: '0x89D24A7b4cCB1b6fAA2625Fe562bDd9A23260359', // Required (for non contract deployments)
data: '0x', // Required
gasPrice: '0x02540be400', // Optional
gasLimit: '0x9c40', // Optional
value: '0x00', // Optional
nonce: '0x0114', // Optional
-> Send transaction
.then(result => {
// Returns transaction id (hash)
alert(`Signed Data: ${result}`)
.catch(error => {
// Error returned when rejected