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error_codes for loggin.txt
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error_codes for loggin.txt
Error codes returned by the Backend Services RESTful API.
Error Code HTTP Status Code Error Message Description Returned By
1 500 Unexpected error. All Represents an error that doesn't fall into any other category.
107 General database error. All A problem occurred while working with the database. The error message will contain more information about the error.
107 400 The operation results in a duplicate key for a unique index. Create You are trying to create an item with a field that requires a unique value (for example: "Id"). The error shows that an item with such value already exists.
107 400 Duplicate values already exist for field Number of content type "New". Update field You are trying to enforce a uniqueness constraint on the values of a field but the field already contains non-unique values.
201 400 A user with the same username already exists. Register user, Update user The name of the user account you are creating or updating already exists.
202 400 No password was specified. Register user You are trying to register a user without specifying a password.
203 400 No username was specified. Register user You are trying to register a user without specifying a username.
204 400 The password you specified is not a valid password literal. Register user, Change password The specified password is not in the correct format. The password must be a non-empty string.
205 403 Invalid username or password. Login A user with the specified username and password combination does not exist in the system.
206 400 The specified user was not found. Change password, Set password, Reset password The specified user was not found.
207 400 The specified user data is invalid. Register user, Update user Some of the data you specified when creating or updating a user is invalid. The error message will contain specific information about the invalid data.
208 403 The specified reset code is invalid. Set password The reset code that you passed is incorrect or has expired.
209 400 The specified verification code is invalid. Verify user The verification code that you passed is incorrect or has expired.
210 403 The specified user is already verified. Verify user You are attempting to verify a user account that has already been verified.
211 400 A user with the specified email already exists. Register user, Link user You are attempting to use an email address that already exist in the system.
213 400 The specified user has no email address defined. Change password, Set password, Reset password, Register user, Resend verification The requested operation requires an email address to be set for the user.
214 400 The specified identity provider is not supported. Register user, Link user, AD FS metadata You have specified an identity provider value that is not recognized by the system.
215 400 No token was specified. Register user, Link user The provider-generated user access token is not present in the request.
216 400 No identity provider was specified. Register user, Link user You have not specified an identity provider.
217 400 Cannot retrieve a user for the specified token. Register user, Link user The system is unable to match the token you specified with a valid user for the identity provider you are using.
218 400 The user is already linked with the specified provider. Link user The user has already been linked to the specified authentication provider.
219 400 The user cannot be unlinked because she is not linked with the specified provider. Unlink user You are attempting to remove an authentication provider link that does not exist.
220 400 The user cannot be unlinked. Unlink user The user cannot be unlinked because it has a single identity provider.
221 400 The operation is not supported for the given user. Reset password, Resend verification email Reset password and resend verification email are not available for users coming from external identity providers.
222 403 The account quota is limited for this operation. All Your subscription plan does not allow you to run the operation. The message will vary based on the operation you are trying to perform.
223 403 The account is disabled. All The account that hosts the application has been disabled.
224 403 The feature is not enabled for this account. All The experimental feature you are trying to use is not enabled for your account.
301 403 Invalid access token. All The provided access token is not valid.
302 403 Your access token has expired. All The validity of the provided access token has expired.
600 404 Not found. All The requested resource was not found.
601 400 Invalid request. All The request is invalid. Consult the accompanying error message to find out what went wrong.
602 405 Method not supported. N/A You cannot use this HTTP method with this resource.
603 403 Access denied. All You are not allowed to perform the operation.
604 401 Unauthorized. All You did not provide authorization which is required for this operation.
605 400 Missing or invalid API version. N/A The API version is missing from the request URL.
606 400 Missing App ID. N/A The App ID is missing from the request URL.
607 Invalid App ID. N/A The specified App ID is invalid. Make sure you are using the correct App ID.
608 400 Invalid filter expression. Read, Delete, Update The filter expression you specified is invalid. Make sure the filter expression is a valid JSON object and it is in the required format.
609 400 Invalid sort expression. Read The sort expression you specified is invalid. Make sure the sort expression is a valid JSON object and it is in the required format.
610 Missing or invalid content type. Please specify a valid Content-Type header. All The Content-Type header is required for this operation, but is either missing or invalid.
611 The specified content type was not found. All data operations*, Metadata operations† for content types You specified an unexisting content type.
612 400 Invalid power fields definition. Read The Power Fields definition you specified is invalid. Make sure the Power Fields definition is a valid JSON object and it is in the required format.
613 Unsupported Content-Type. Set cloud code The specified content type is not supported by this request.
614 400 Invalid custom parameter expression. All data operations* The custom parameters expression you specified is invalid. Make sure it is a valid JSON object.
615 400 Invalid request body. All The body of the HTTP request is invalid. Make sure its format is consistent with the Content-Type header you specified.
616 400 Invalid fields expression. Read The fields expression you specified is invalid. Make sure the fields expression is a valid JSON and it is in the required format.
617 Loop detected. All data operations* An infinite loop was detected. This usually happens when your cloud code makes a call that results in the execution of the same code.
618 400 Invalid expand expression. Read operations The expand expression you specified is invalid. Make sure the expand expression is in the required format.
619 400 Invalid single field expression. Read operations The single field expression you specified is invalid. Make sure the single field expression is a non-empty string.
630 400 Invalid metadata definition specified. Metadata operations† The metadata request contains or results in an invalid metadata definition. Refer to the accompanying error message to find out what went wrong.
640 406 The specified response content type is not supported. All The response content type you specified in the request is not supported.
650 408 The request timed out. All The request timed out. A request times out if it does not complete within 60 seconds.
660 400 Data Link Server Error All The Data Link Server returned an error. Refer to the accompanying error message to find out what went wrong.
670 503 Application is down for maintenance All The application is down for maintenance. You are advised to stop all requests to it and resume them at a later time.
701 400 ContentType not specified. Upload file (base64) The required ContentType parameter is not specified.
702 400 Missing or invalid file content. Upload file, Update file content, Set cloud code You have not specified file content or the specified file content is invalid.
801 404 Item not found. Read by ID, Delete by ID, Update by ID The specified item was not found.
901 500 An error occurred during execution of custom server code. All data operations*, Execute cloud function There was an error while executing your cloud code. Review your cloud code logic.
902 500 The execution of the custom server code timed out. All data operations*, Execute cloud function The execution of your custom code took too long. Make sure you properly call the "done" callback in all cases.
910 500 The request was canceled by custom server code. All data operations* Your custom cloud code canceled the operation.
951 500 The custom code definition failed to compile. All data operations* The cloud code for the operation failed to compile. Check your cloud code for typos and syntax errors.
955 500 Custom cloud code is disabled for this type. All data operations* The cloud code for this content type have been disabled due to too many timeouts. Contact Support for more information.
960 400 The request was processed but an error was generated by custom code. All data operations* If you don't include your own error code when you are setting an error in your cloud code, then this default code is automatically added.
1000 400 Error processing email template. Send email There was an error processing the email template. The message may contain more information about the error.
* Data operations are all CRUD requests to custom or built-in content types. Built-in content types include: Users, Files, Devices, and Notifications.
† Metadata operations are CRUD requests that work with metadata. Metadata includes applications, content types, content type fields, roles, and Cloud Code.