We maintain the requirements file ("./requirements.txt").
Create your Python (3.7+) environment.
First install miniconda: https://conda.io/miniconda.html.
Update conda’s listing of packages for your system:
>> conda update conda
Test your installation:
>> conda list
For a successful installation, a list of installed packages appears.
Test that Python 3 is your default Python:
>> python -V
You should see something like
Python 3.7.x :: Anaconda, Inc.
Create conda environment:
>> conda create --name RheocerOS python=3.7
>> conda activate RheocerOS
To deactivate an active environment, use
>> conda deactivate
Now we can use this isolated environment and its python as the base interpreter. Note: If we are going to use this environment within PyCharm, you might want to use Conda Package Manager, to manage project packages in stead of PyCharm's default pip.
Download PyCharm from http://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/
Simply jump to the next section below and use PyCharm for both Python setup and your environment. Choose the right Python version (3.7) during the auto-installation by PyCharm.
- pull package and open it as new project
- mark 'src' folder as source
- Interpreter
- Choose "Base Interpreter" from the steps above (Conda or PyCharm auto-download of Python 3.7+ from "python.org")
- Choose 'virtualenv' For more details, see https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/creating-virtual-environment.html
- Check the creation of 'venv' as a root directory.
- VirtualEnv: RheocerOS maintains "requirements.txt" and "requirements_test.txt" files for an easy setup of your own virtual-env.
- "requirements_test.txt": Use as is (for test-runs) or modify (for your local experimentation in ipython, local Jupyter notebook, etc)
- Refer Testing section below run unit or integ tests
- "requirements.txt": restore the RELEASE configuration before integ-tests or application activations against cloud
- "requirements_test.txt": Use as is (for test-runs) or modify (for your local experimentation in ipython, local Jupyter notebook, etc)
See test/README.md