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Akshaye JH edited this page Jul 14, 2020 · 12 revisions


This project is currently work in progress. Some widgets might not have all the features yet. Stay tuned for latest updates.

Page Wrapper

FlatPageWrapper() - helps you create quick pages with header, body and footer, with multiple scroll types.

Properties Values
header FlatPageHeader - Flat page header is another widget from the UI Kit, you can read more about it below.
footer FlatMessageInputBox - Flat message input box is another widget from the UI Kit, you can read more about it below.
backgroundColor Colors.white - You can assign any color to the page background.
scrollType ScrollType.floatingHeader - Makes the header stick to the top and above the page content. This will also make the FlatMessageInputBox floating. ScrollType.fixedHeader - Makes the header stick to top, but with the content after it.
children You can add list of widgets to this property, just as you would do with a ListView.
reverseBodyList true/false - If "true", the whole body content will be reveresed. It's useful for showing chat list.


     scrollType: ScrollType.fixedHeader,
     header: FlatPageHeader(),
     children: [
 	    // Add widgets as you would do in a ListView.
 	footer: FlatMessageInputBox(),

Info Page Wrapper

FlatInfoPageWrapper() - can be used to create quick info pages with centered heading and subheading. This wrapper contains 3 sections - header, body and footer.

Properties Values
heading String - Enter the title you want for the page heading.
headingColor Color - Color for the heading text.
subHeading String - Enter the text for the Subheading of the page.
subHeadingColor Color - Color for the Subheading text.
backgroundColor Color - Background color for the page.
body Widget - Any widget for the body of the page.
footer Widget - Any widget for the footer of the page.
     heading: "Info Page Wrapper",
     subHeading: "Info Page Sub Heading",
     body: Container(),
     footer: Container(),

Primary Button

FlatPrimaryButton() - can be used to create a quick button with prefix and suffix icons.

Properties Values
backgroundColor Color - Color for the button background.
text String - Text to display on button.
color Color - Color for the text and the icons of the button.
contentSize Double - Size of the both side icons.
textSize Double - Size of the button text.
onPressed Function - Function to trigger on button click.
enabled Boolean - Button Enabled/Disabled.
textAlign TextAlign - Alignment of the text inside button.
prefixIcon IconData - Icon on the left side of the button.
suffixIcon IconData - Icon on the right side of the button.
      onPressed: () {
      prefixIcon: Icons.arrow_back,
      textAlign: TextAlign.right,
      text: "Primary Button - Back",

Page Header

FlatPageHeader() - can be used to create quick action bar.

Properties Values
title "Page Title" - is the title of the page, visible in the PageHeader()
textSize double - Size of text
fontWeight FontWeight - Define custom font weight
backgroundColor Color - Custom background color for the whole header
textColor Color - Custom text color
suffixWidget Widget - You can add any widget at the end of page header. FlatActionButton - can make the job easier by placing the button at the correct place.
prefixWidget Widget - You can place another widget or FlatActionButton - to use it as a menu button or back button.


 	prefixWidget: FlatActionButton(  
 	title: "Page Title",
 	suffixWidget: FlatActionButton(  

Section Header

FlatSectionHeader() - can be used to create division between different sections of page using a title for the section.

Properties Values
title "Section Title" - You can add section title text here.
textSize double - Customize size of text
fontWeight FontWeight - Customize Font Weight of the header
backgroundColor Color - Custom background color for the header
textColor Color - Custom text color for the header


 	title: "Section Header",

Add Story Button


Properties Values
icon Icon - Place an icon that you want to display in this button.
image Image - Assign an image instead of icon. Image will not be visible if icon is already assigned.
backgroundColor Color - Custom background color for the button.
iconColor Color - Custom icon color.
size double - Custom size of the button.
onPressed Function - Perform function when clicked.


 	size: 60.0,
 	icon: Icon(
 	backgroundColor: Colors.white,
 	onPressed: () {
 		print("Clicked Add Story Button");

Profile Image

FlatProfileImage() - let's you create quick profile image widgets, which can be customized to add story indicator and online indicator as well.

Properties Values
outlineIndicator true/false - If true, an outline will be visible similar to the story indicator of social media apps.
outlineColor Color - Assign custom color to the story indicator.
onlineIndicator true/false - If true, an online indicator will be visible below the profile image of the user.
onlineColor Color - Assign custom color to the online indicator.
imageUrl String - Assign an image url to load.
size double - Size of the image.
backgroundColor Color - Assign a custom background color to the image. This is necessary for the border of online indicator. More Info Coming Soon.
onPressed Function - Perform function when clicked.


 	imageUrl: "https://imageurl.png", //Enter Image URL Here,
 	outlineIndicator: true,
 	onlineIndicator: true,
 	backgroundColor: Colors.white,
 	size: 60.0,
 	onPressed: () {
 		print("Clicked Add Story Button");

Chat List Item

Properties Values
profileImage Widget - Assign a custom profile image to the item. FlatProfileImage - Can also be used to create quick profile image.
name String - Name of the user.
message String - Message from or to the user.
counter Widget - Assign a custom message count widget. FlatCounter - Can be used too. Read more about it below.
nameColor Color - Custom color to the name text.
messageColor Color - Custom color to the message text.
backgroundColor Color - Custom color to the background of the item.
multiLineMessage true/false - If true, it will allow the chat item to display the full message instead of single line ellipsed message.
onPressed Function - Perform function when clicked.


 	profileImage: FlatProfileImage(  
 		onlineIndicator: true,  
 		imageUrl: '',  
 	name: "Name",  
 	message: "Message from the user.",  
 	multiLineMessage: true,  
 	onPressed: () {  
 		print("Clicked on chat item."); 

Chat Message

Properties Values
message String - Message from or to the user.
messageType MessageType.sent or MessageType.received to adjust the aligned and color of the message bubble.
backgroundColor Color - Custom background color to the message.
textColor Color - Custom text color.
time String - Enter a string to display time below the message.
showTime true/false - By default this value is false, and to display time below messsage, you need to change this to true.
maxWidth double - Maximum widget an message can occupy.
minWidth double - Minimum widget an message can occupy.


 	message: "Message here...",  
 	messageType: MessageType.sent,  
 	showTime: true,  
 	time: "2 mins ago",  

Message Input Box

Properties Values
prefix Widget - Add a custom widget before the message input field. FlatActionButton - Can be used.
suffix Widget - Add a custom widget after the message input field. FlatActionButton - Can be used.
roundedCorners true/false - Enables or disables rounded corners for the input box.
onChanged Function - Define what should happen when the text in message input box changes.
onSubmitted Function - Define what should happen when the input box is submitted.
WIP More Features Coming Soon


 	prefix: FlatActionButton(  
 		iconData: Icons.add,  
 		iconSize: 24.0,  
 	roundedCorners: true,  
 	suffix: FlatActionButton(  
 		iconData: Icons.image,  
 		iconSize: 24.0,  


Properties Values
color Color - Custom background color for the counter.
textColor Color - Custom text color.
text String - Display text in counter.


 	text: "3",

Action Button

Properties Values
icon Icon - Assign a custom icon widget to the button.
iconData IconData - Directly change the icon of the button.
iconColor Color - Change the color of the icon.
iconSize double - Change the size of the icon.
onPressed Function - Perform function when clicked.


 	iconSize: 32.0,
 	onPressed: () {
 		print("Clicked on Flat Action Button");