cd [your kernel source directory]
make module_prepare
make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=../
cd ../
git clone -b v5.3.9
cd rtl8188eus
That command places this driver behind your kernel source directory (RECOMMENDED). If you put it anywhere you might need to set the Makefile in this driver, but i won't explain it. Now, do:
export ARCH=arm64
export SUBARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=../toolchain/toolchain64/bin/aarch64-linux-android-
export KBUILD_KVER=3.10.73-NetHunter-something
arm64 is the device architecture. CROSS_COMPILE is your toolchain directory. KBUILD_KVER is your kernel build version, you can search for it in ../lib/modules (the place of your modules_install when you build kernel headers).
Now, do:
If there is no error or success you will see a file named 8188eu.ko in this driver directory.
cd /system/lib/modules
insmod 8188eu.ko