This is a demo to show how to setup and manager users and their roles on the client side.
- Client side User Manager
- Uses Microsoft Identity (NOT IdentityServer)
- A complete UI to manager user accounts
- Uses JWT for authentication
- Policy based roles and authentication
- You can Add, edit, delete and change the user’s role.
- Custom Database table names (Users, Roles etc., instead of the standard AspNetUsers, AspNetRoles)
- Custom fields added to the ‘ApplicationUser’ table (FirstName, LastName, DisplayName, Notes)
- Registration, Login and logout pages (client side)
- Can be easily expanded with extra user account fields etc.
- Added a simple ToolTips Component for ease of use
The access role to use the ‘User Account’ page is ‘SuperAdmin’, this is needed. Change your database connection in the ‘appsettings.json’ file (sqlConnection)) Create a secret key for JwtSecurityKey, this can be a Guid or anything you like
Change the ‘JwtIssuer’ and ‘JwtAudience’ to match your site. Using the ‘Package Manager Console’ or preferred way, create a migration: Make sure you are in the right directory:
cd blazoraccountsmanager
cd server
Create a migration
dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate
Update the database
dotnet ef database update
Once you have created the database via EntityFramework, you should be able to run the app and login with the pre-filled user account below:
Username : superadmin Password: Admin*123