Aditi Vinod & Sela Domkofski
A website with a fun personality quiz that provides characters & some key characteristics as a result.
- 12 questions
- 4 outcomes
- Next & previous buttons on each question page
- Compares outcome to other users
- Laying out graphics over the background.
- Creating and updating a SQL database through a front end while maintaining certain constraints (ex: each question should only be added once, storing the answered status of questions, and calculating final results.
- Figuring out how to properly debug the backend-frontend interactions when values were the wrong type or not being sent correctly.
- Creating and passing userIDs through the personality quiz; generating a new userID upon restarting the quiz.
- Calculating the percentage of users with the same result as the current user.
pip install Flask
pip install -U Flask-SQLAlchemy
In frontend directory (personality-site
npm install
npm install react-router-dom
npm install axios
npm run build
In backend directory (flask-server
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
into flask-server
, then run python
- Hosts a Flask app
locally so the React app can make API calls.
npm start
- Runs the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in a browser; the
page will reload on changes.
UserID is set on rendering the start screen and is passed through the next pages by adding to the URL (ex: /question?userID=${userID}
ID | Question Number | Result | Answered | Organality |
dfceb961-bca8-47d0-ae9d-7a5316b9f290 | 1 | stomach | 1 | stomach |
SQL database with 1 example row depicted. "Organality" is the result class that a single user recieves.
"Percentage" is the % of users with the result class as the current user, calculated each time around.