Dark chocolcate filled with the finest salted caramel and decorated with the famous Dutch De Ruijter chocolate sprinkles.
- 63x Dark chocolate praliné hollow shells (26mm diameter)
- 450g Creamy salted caramel
- Piping bag for filling
Closing Lid
- 100g Dark chocolate
- 200g Dark chocolcate
- De Ruijter dark chocolate sprinkles
Slowly heat up the salted caramel in a pan to make sure it is liquid
Once liquid, wait until it has room temperature to ensure it is not too hot
- Pour the filling into a piping bag and evenly fill the chocolate shells
- Leave a little room to later on add the chocolate lid on top
Store the filled shells at room temperature to ensure the filling hardens
Melt the dark chocolate for the lids in a pan over a water bath
Pour the melted chocolate into a clean piping bag and use it to close all shell openings
Again, wait until the chocolate lids have hardened
Melt the dark chocolate for the decoration in a pan over a water bath
Pour the De Ruijter sprinkles in a separate bowl and have another empty bowl at hand to place the decorated chocolates in
Wash your hands and cover your palms with the melted chocolate
- Take a few pralinés into your hands and make sure they are evenly coated with the melted chocolate
- Quickly place them into the bowl with the sprinkles
- Shake the bowl to coat the pralinés evenly
Wait a few minutes until the coating has fully dried up and place them in the empty and clean bowl
Once all pralinés have been processed store them in an airtight box at room temperature