- Add roles controle in the middleware
profile image fetch not working , backend bublic folder access error
Auth providers not working
Add signoz monitoring
Add umami analytics
Add Monogo docker
Add Mongo-express docker
Add NextJS docker
Add update post image modal
Working on post delete ( delete post images from the backend)
Add image to the post card
Bug in 2FA
Bug in account activation
Bug in reset password
Add heading to lexical editor
Add save functionnality to Lexical editor
Fixed no tokens bug
Uncaught TypeError: closeNavMenu is not a function, in navDropdown
Error on the close animation button
Error in the or in signinpage, shows above the navigation mobile menu
tokens error , my be in backend using multiple gets, use /tokens to get all tokens and /token/:id to work with one token
animate sandwith menu
bug in send registration email in email service: send registrationemail function in all .replace(), change all '{{...}}' to /{{...}}/g
more work on social login returing value and cookie and fingerprint
bug in mobile menu avatar click to show submenu
bug in throteling (status code 429)
Add 2FA middleware controle
working on isActivated with middleware
bug: delete cookies if '/me' request (delete or error)
bug in adding fingerprint to trusted devices (status code 430)
Bug: even after 2fa enbbled, the user with isTwoFAEnabled = true is not send back to the frontend properly
create twoFA/trusted devices, disable 2fa route
bug in tokens
Test Throttle
profile page
create update-profile page
social login
google social auth
update tokens mechanism
add bot signin/up protection
Fixing dashboard
Bug: Signout is not working, the Me query is not deleted after signout
Bug when returning to home after delleting account
activate account
Reset password
Change password
enable and disable querys on signin/up and signout