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Interactive real time WebGL powered 3d rendering of CityGML files

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Sreenshot of CityViz web-app

Getting Started

  1. Clone repository from like this:

    git clone
  2. Run $ npm install to install all dependencies

  3. In order to make the cityviz command available on your machine run following command in the CityViz root directory:

    npm link

    In order to get an overview over available sub-commands you can simply run cityviz without any parameters.

3DCityDb 2.1 based version

  1. Start postgres server
  2. Run cityviz setup to create the CityViz database. The newly created database has following properties:
    • name: cityviz
    • user: cityviz
    • password: cityviz If you want to have different database-settings, make sure to update those in config.yaml.
  3. If you encounter any problems during setup, drop the CityViz database first with cityviz dropdb and try again.
  4. Run cityviz import <citygml-file|directory> to import specified files Attention: Although the script reports that the import was successful it might not contain any data. Investigation on this issue Alternatively you can import data with the graphical version of the 3DCityDb-importer-exporter 1.6

Please checkout test/export.js for the export to collada and the conversion to gltf

RethinkDB based version

  1. Install RethinkDB On Mac with hombrew: brew update && brew install rethinkdb

  2. Start RethinkDB by executing rethinkdb in your command line

  3. Use the admin interface on localhost:8080 to manage the database.

  4. Import citygml files into your database by running:

    cityviz rdb-import <gml file | directory of gml files>
  5. Run node app.js to start the application server

The server now exposes several endpoints:


Get all cityObjects from the database as JSON-array. To limit the number of cityObjects use the endpoint like this: localhost:3000/cityObjects/1000

The query parameter type can be used to get the data [buffered] (http://localhost:3000/cityObjects?type=buffered) or as event-stream (default is streamed)

The query parameter district can be used to get only cityObjects from a certain district: localhost:3000/cityObjects?district=witte%20dorp

Open localhost:3000 in your Browser to get a interactive webgl globe including renderings of the ground-surfaces of all buildings in your database. (Attention: This might crash when you have too many (~ >50000) cityObjects in your database)

The query parameter numberOfCityObjects can be used to limit the number of cityObjects to be rendered: localhost:3000?numberOfCityObjects=500

This uses the streaming version of the cityObjects endpoint in a buffered way. Clients for the streaming api and for the event-stream api which leverage streaming are work in progress in the app/js/index.js file.

The query parameter district is the same as in the backend. localhost:3000?district=witte%20dorp

Detailed Installation

This should be used if you want to use the official GUIs and execute the 3DCityDb setup process manually instead of using the bundled version (not recommended).

On Mac:

  1. Install postgresapp (Already contains PostGIS plugin which otherwise would have to be installed as well)

  2. Follow the instructions on to add the psql command to your command line.

  3. Download 3DCityDB 2.1

  4. Run setup.jar to install 3DCityDB

    • Create a new database in postgres (You can use pagadmin to inspect and interact with your database.)
    • Enable the postgis extension for it by right clicking Extensions > name: postgis > OK.
  5. Open /Applications/3DCityDB-Importer-Exporter/3dcitydb/postgis/ with a text-editor and adapt the exported variables to your settings.

    Then create the necessary schemas and tables by executing this shell-script. (For the Rotterdam model use SRID: 28992 and name EPSG: 28992)

  6. Open the 3D City Database Importer/Exporter by executing /Applications/3DCityDB-Importer-Exporter/ and connect to the database

  7. Import your files with the Importer/Exporter.




WebGL Resources



Interactive real time WebGL powered 3d rendering of CityGML files







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