Utilities for generating reports about a Fedora Repository:
- space used by a collection
- objects created by fiscal year
cpanm Config::Tiny
Copy settings.sample
to setting.config
and set variables.
Determine disk space used by a given collection:
perl reportSpaceUsedByCollection.pl collection:pid
Determine the number of object created in a fiscal year:
perl objectsCreatedByFiscalYear.pl > index.html
$ perl reportSpaceUsedByCollection.pl yul:F0433
Collection yul:F0433 Totals
Fedora Objects: 10489
Space Used: 177.545 GB
Number of Datastreams: 85485
curl -s "http://fedora:8080/solr/select?q=*:*&fl=*" | tidy -xml -wrap 0 2>/dev/null | grep numFound
Communication is in the clear to the FCRepo server. We have protect our reporting and FCRepo servers behind a firewall. Your mileage will vary.