This is a Terraform module to provision GCP Cloud Run to serve your container application or service
This Terraform module will create below resources:
- Google Container Image
- Google Service Account for Cloud Run
- Google Cloud Run service
- Terraform: ~> 1.0.0
- Terraform provider: hashicorp/archive v2.2.0
- Terraform provider: hashicorp/google v3.88.0
- Terraform provider: kreuzwerker/docker v2.15.0
- Terraform provider: hashicorp/null v3.1.0
- Terraform provider: hashicorp/random v3.1.0
Variable Name | Data Type | Is Required | Default Value | Description |
service_name | string | yes | The name of your service, e.g. my-web , ashari , ashweb , or andi-web |
gcp_project_name | string | yes | The name of your GCP project | |
gcp_region | string | yes | The name of GCP region | |
remove_image_when_destroy | bool | no | true | When you destroy the stacks, do you want to remove all of the images as well? |
docker_source_path | string | yes | The path of the service/application source code | |
docker_region | string | no | The default region name, available value asia , us , eu |
container_concurrency | string | no | 30 | The maximum concurrent per container |
container_port | string | no | 3000 | The port to access the container |
container_cpu | string | no | 2000m | The amount of CPU allocated for the container |
container_memory | string | no | 4096Mi | The amount of memory allocated for the container |
- docker-image-url: A generated docker image URL
- docker-image-tag: A generated docker image tag
- service-endpoint: A generated service URL
module "gcp-cloud-run" {
source = ""
service_name = "ashxyz"
gcp_project_name = "ashari-tech-main"
gcp_region = "asia-southeast2"
docker_source_path = "src"
docker_region = "asia"
Feel free to contribute, don't forget to raise an issue first then create a PR with referenced to that issue, thanks!