A full stack social media website, built and designed entirely from scratch.
- Creating a post and comment
- Liking a post or comment
- User can delete posts and comments created by them, and comments on a post created by them
- Updating profile picture and display name
- Popup notifications when user creates/deletes a post or comment, signs in and signs out
- MVC Architecture for more scalable and clean code
- Node.js, Express.js for Backend
- MongoDB as a Database
- EJS as the templating engine (when rendering views)
- SASS and Bootstrap for styling frontend
- jQuery for AJAX requests
- Local Auth using Passport JS
- Noty.js library for creating Notification popups
- Multer for uploading user's profile picture
- Gulp for building minified CSS and client-side JS for production environment
- Deployed on AWS (EC2), using NGINX for reverse proxy