ChatApp is a simplest AngularJs based real-time chat application. It uses Firebase Real-time database to store and retireve messages.
Just clone the repo and start using the app. However you can always extend it to meet your unique requirements.
The following liberaries have been used for developing ChatApp:
- Google Firebase (Real-Time Database) - For sending/retreiving messages in real-time.
- W3.CSS - For styling.
Mostly contains the script tags for included liberaries and then container for showing the messages in DOM. It behaves as the view of our Single Page Application.
As it's name suggests, it is the sole controller of our app. Note on the part where 'firebase'
is injected as dependency in controller. This is an important part.
First thing we do in controller declaration, is we make a refference of our Firebase DB as myDataRef.
get's the name of user to be used in chat. It is retrieved from the query parameter. So whenever you host the app, you'll have to have a name
parameter in the query-url.
Rest of the code is quite understandable. Should you have any queries/suggestions, feel free to contact the auther.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- M. Zain Mohsin from Team Progomania.