Solution Types: .NET Web Core
Description: This solution is intended to be a simple, yet feature rich, example of how to publish and subscribe to a dynamic message broker, exchange and queueing provider, such as RabbitMQ.
When this program is executed it inserts a message into an exchange and is picked up by the subscriber from the queue. The feedback to look for is on the rabbit UI. You should see a blip on the queues message rate preview if working correctly.
- RabbitMQ publishing and subscribing:
- UI plugin support.
- Supports an array of queues and multiple exchange/queue types.
- Multithreaded message dispatchers for subscribing.
- Primary project is a core console/web hybrid:
- It will run as a console in release, but as a web service when debugging.
- Console app is required to handle multithreaded message dispatchers for subscribing.
An introduction to RabbitMQ, and how the underlying message broker technology works , can be found here
Let's be honest. I'd rather write my own custom data structure from scratch using a uniquely defined rule set that fits the context perfectly. But if you tell your scrum master that you want to change your dynamic queueing story from a 5 point-story to a 55-pointer, then you might hear that annoying, cliche: "Don't re-invent the wheel". Code re-use is important, but sometimes it inhibits creative advances. Nonetheless, when you need a quick solution, RabbitMQ is a safe bet.
This is the rundown on how to get rabbit up and running on your local machine:
On the page linked above, you will find that erlang is required to run rabbit with a server of "localhost". a. Erlang is super light and simple to install
Once you've installed Erlang, go ahead and install rabbit. The installer is in the link found in step 1.
Now that everything is installed, a few things need to be configured in rabbit. Let's open the CLI tool that's included with rabbit and enable the UI tool.
Press: Windows key + S
Type: rabbit
Run as administrator: RabbitMQ Command Prompt
Run the following command on the CLI: rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Further details on plugin management can be found here
Rabbit is ready to rock!!! You can view the UI by putting this link in your browser: http://localhost:15672/#/
- Default Username: guest
- Default Password: guest