... managed by ArgoCD 🤖
Welcome to my OpenShift multi cluster Infrastructure as code repository. This repository follows standards from gitops-standards-repo-template
Getting started on Agent-based installer
Generate ISO
rm -rf installer/dev-acm #remove older cluster if any cp -r installer/cluster installer/dev-acm #copy cluster config files ./openshift-install agent create image --dir installer/dev-acm #create image
Upload ISO to proxmox from GUI
Create 3 VMs with CPU type as
Start VMs and wait for the cluster installation to finish
export KUBECONFIG=installer/dev-acm/auth/kubeconfig ./openshift-install agent wait-for install-complete --dir installer/dev-acm --log-level=debug
Playbooks to automate manual steps described above
- ArgoCD with SOPS plugin
- Secret Management using External secrets and 1Password
- Cert manager for API and Wildcard certificate
- Multi cluster management
- OpenShift Pipeline as Code
- Kyverno
- Renovate bot
- Proxmox helper scripts
- GitOps Catalog by RedHat COP