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110 lines (82 loc) · 4.04 KB

File metadata and controls

110 lines (82 loc) · 4.04 KB

#UPGRADE 1.2.0

  • Replace in your project the following terms :
order OLD NEW
#1 BusinessEntityPagePattern BusinessTemplate
#2 BusinessEntityPage BusinessPage
  • Run these sql queries:
UPDATE `vic_view` SET type = 'businesspage' WHERE type = 'businessentitypage';
UPDATE `vic_view` SET type = 'businesstemplate' WHERE type = 'businessentitypagepattern';
UPDATE `vic_view` SET type = 'articletemplate' WHERE type = 'businessentitypage' AND business_entity_id = 'article' ;

#UPGRADE 1.2.2

In your base.html.twig

  • Change the ng-init of your tag by using ng-init="init({% if view is defined %}'{{ view.cssHash }}'{% endif %})"
  • Add {{ cms_page_css() }} Twig extension at the beginning of your tag



There were a large refactor of WidgetMap system from 1.3.

  • Run the following command to migrate old system into new one :
php bin/console victoire:widget-map:migrate



  • Register the following Bundles:
new A2lix\TranslationFormBundle\A2lixTranslationFormBundle(),
new Knp\DoctrineBehaviors\Bundle\DoctrineBehaviorsBundle(),
new Victoire\Bundle\CriteriaBundle\VictoireCriteriaBundle(),
  • Views are now translated with Knp\DoctrineBehaviorsBundle.

First, do some manual steps:

  • drop the vic_view_i18n table manually
  • run the following sql command:
CREATE TABLE `vic_view_translations` (
  `translatable_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `slug` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `locale` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `vic_view_translations_unique_translation` (`translatable_id`,`locale`),
  KEY `IDX_A8FED5872C2AC5D3` (`translatable_id`),
  CONSTRAINT `FK_A8FED5872C2AC5D3` FOREIGN KEY (`translatable_id`) REFERENCES `vic_view` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;
INSERT INTO `vic_view_translations` (`translatable_id`, `name`, `slug`, `locale`) SELECT id, name, slug, locale FROM `vic_view`;
INSERT INTO `vic_article_translations` (`translatable_id`, `image_id`, `name`, `description`, `slug`, `locale`) SELECT id, image_id, name, description, slug, 'fr' FROM `vic_article`;

Then update the schema and run the migration command:

php bin/console doc:schema:update --force --dump-sql
php bin/console victoire:widget:migrate-owning-side
  • The layout system changed. Now, you need to define layouts in VictoireCoreBundle, so move your Layout directory into.
  • The vic_link has also been impacted so you'll have to migrate the links as follow:

If the website is only in french:

UPDATE vic_link SET locale = 'fr', view_reference = CONCAT(view_reference, "_fr") WHERE link_type = 'viewReference';



Layouts architecture were a piece of shit... this version cleans up but also breaks things and you need to follow these steps to fix your project:

  • don't override VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:layout.html.twig directly but VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:defaultLayout.html.twig
  • the initial VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:fullWidth.html.twig layout is now known as VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:defaultLayout.html.twig
  • the VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:frontLayout.html.twig does not exist anymore
  • the VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:base.html.twig's blocks were removed:
    • foot_script_additional
    • javascript
  • the VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:base.html.twig has some new blocks:
    • victoire_ui
    • body_header
    • body_content
    • body_footer
  • the VictoireCoreBundle:Layout:layout.html.twig:
    • has a new body_content_main block
    • wrap the body_content_main in a main#content tag
    • declare the main_content cms_slot_widgets (in the body_content_main block)
  • the fos_js_routes.js is now generated with the prod suffix in prod environment


  • The "getMainCurrentView" method disapeard from CurrentViewHelper, you have to use "getCurrentView" instead, which have the exact same behavior.