From 4e35f1bbb0a9f049ea196103d2159a7ee15a27ab Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Weblate (bot)" Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2023 18:32:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#112) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit * Update translation files Updated by "Cleanup translation files" hook in Weblate. Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate Translate-URL: Translation: Vanilla OS/ABRoot * Translated using Weblate (uroc (generated) (uroc)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Mon) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Taroko) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Karbi) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Pampanga) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Bokmål) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dari) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Northern)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Shan) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Meadow Mari) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Crimean Tatar) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Xhosa) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Manx) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chuvash) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Corsican) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chechen) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dhivehi) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Silesian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Sanskrit) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kabyle) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian (latin)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Venetian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (German (Low)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (French (Canada)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Franco-Provençal) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (English (Canada)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ossetian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (English (Australia)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic (Morocco)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified)) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Sindhi) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Sami (Northern)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Burmese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Assamese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Sardinian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Haitian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Tagalog) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kurdish (Central)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Uzbek) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Urdu) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kyrgyz) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Slovenian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Cornish) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Sinhala) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Slovak) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Khmer (Central)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kannada) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Korean) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Albanian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kazakh) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Georgian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Faroese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Finnish) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Persian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Frisian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 5.0% (2 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Kashubian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Nepali) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Norwegian Nynorsk) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Indonesian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Azerbaijani) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Interlingua) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Arabic) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Aragonese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Amharic) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Afrikaans) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Uyghur) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Marathi) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Malay) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Polish) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Macedonian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Maori) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Mongolian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Malayalam) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Friulian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Malagasy) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hebrew) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hindi) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Croatian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Armenian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (English (United Kingdom)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Icelandic) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Vietnamese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Punjabi) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Pashto) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Welsh) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Catalan) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bosnian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Breton) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Tibetan) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Javanese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Asturian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bulgarian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Belarusian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Bengali) Currently translated at 10.0% (4 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Mapudungun) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Estonian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Basque) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Piemontese) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Esperanto) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Greek) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Danish) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong)) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Filipino) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Telugu) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Tajik) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Thai) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkmen) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Latvian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Turkish) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Tatar) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lao) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Lingala) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Luxembourgish) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Galician) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Irish) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Gaelic) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Valencian) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Gujarati) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Occitan) Currently translated at 2.5% (1 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Romanian) Currently translated at 40.0% (16 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Tamil) Currently translated at 0.0% (0 of 40 strings) Translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 22.5% (9 of 40 strings) Co-authored-by: Anonymous Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: Translate-URL: 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++++++++++++------------------------ locales/as.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ast.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/az.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/be.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/bg.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/bn.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/bo.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/br.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/bs.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ca.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ca@valencia.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ce.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ckb.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/co.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/crh.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/csb.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/cv.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/cy.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/da.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/de.yml | 137 ++++++++++++---------------------------- locales/dv.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/el.yml | 124 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/en_AU.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/en_CA.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/en_GB.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/eo.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/es.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/et.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/eu.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fa.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fa_AF.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fi.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fil.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fo.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fr.yml | 124 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fr_CA.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/frp.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fur.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/fy.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ga.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/gd.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/gl.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/gu.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/gv.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/he.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/hi.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/hr.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ht.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/hu.yml | 128 ++++++++++++------------------------- locales/hy.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ia.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/id.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/is.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/it.yml | 132 ++++++++++++-------------------------- locales/ja.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/jv.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ka.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/kab.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/kk.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/km.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/kmr.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/kn.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ko.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/kw.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ky.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/lb.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ln.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/lo.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/lt.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/lv.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mg.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mhr.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mi.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mjw.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mk.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ml.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mn.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mnw.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/mr.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ms.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/my.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/nb_NO.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/nds.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ne.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/nl.yml | 131 ++++++++++++-------------------------- locales/nn.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/oc.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/os.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/pa.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/pam.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/pl.yml | 126 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/pms.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ps.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/pt.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/pt_BR.yml | 129 ++++++++++++------------------------- locales/ro.yml | 127 +++++++++++-------------------------- locales/ru.yml | 124 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sa.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sc.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sd.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/se.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/shn.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/si.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sk.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sl.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sq.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sr.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sr_Latn.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/sv.yml | 102 ++++++++++++------------------ locales/szl.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ta.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/te.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/tg.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/th.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/tk.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/tl.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/tr.yml | 126 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/trv.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/tt.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ug.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/uk.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/ur.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/uroc.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/uz.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/vec.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/vi.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/xh.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/zh_Hans.yml | 101 ++++++++++------------------- locales/zh_Hant.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ locales/zh_Hant_HK.yml | 123 ++++++++++++------------------------ 136 files changed, 5310 insertions(+), 11430 deletions(-) diff --git a/locales/af.yml b/locales/af.yml index 4c35b67f..0de25ff9 100644 --- a/locales/af.yml +++ b/locales/af.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + use: status + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/am.yml b/locales/am.yml index 4c35b67f..8869f32a 100644 --- a/locales/am.yml +++ b/locales/am.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/an.yml b/locales/an.yml index 4c35b67f..5dcbe580 100644 --- a/locales/an.yml +++ b/locales/an.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/ar.yml b/locales/ar.yml index 4c35b67f..f469a006 100644 --- a/locales/ar.yml +++ b/locales/ar.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ar_MA.yml b/locales/ar_MA.yml index 4c35b67f..1879243d 100644 --- a/locales/ar_MA.yml +++ b/locales/ar_MA.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/arn.yml b/locales/arn.yml index 4c35b67f..9359b796 100644 --- a/locales/arn.yml +++ b/locales/arn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + short: Display status + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. diff --git a/locales/as.yml b/locales/as.yml index 4c35b67f..9c5903eb 100644 --- a/locales/as.yml +++ b/locales/as.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/ast.yml b/locales/ast.yml index 4c35b67f..7ada8fa4 100644 --- a/locales/ast.yml +++ b/locales/ast.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/az.yml b/locales/az.yml index 4c35b67f..544874a2 100644 --- a/locales/az.yml +++ b/locales/az.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/be.yml b/locales/be.yml index 4c35b67f..e3618f9f 100644 --- a/locales/be.yml +++ b/locales/be.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/bg.yml b/locales/bg.yml index 4c35b67f..838ef719 100644 --- a/locales/bg.yml +++ b/locales/bg.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/bn.yml b/locales/bn.yml index 4c35b67f..54ae6fdd 100644 --- a/locales/bn.yml +++ b/locales/bn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters। + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command। + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation। + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages। + short: Manage packages +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status। + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command। + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them।" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command। + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system। + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system। + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/bo.yml b/locales/bo.yml index 4c35b67f..a7c1e534 100644 --- a/locales/bo.yml +++ b/locales/bo.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/br.yml b/locales/br.yml index 4c35b67f..9b0dda43 100644 --- a/locales/br.yml +++ b/locales/br.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + short: Manage packages + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/bs.yml b/locales/bs.yml index 4c35b67f..a5cf6b18 100644 --- a/locales/bs.yml +++ b/locales/bs.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + use: status + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. diff --git a/locales/ca.yml b/locales/ca.yml index 4c35b67f..8aa3cff8 100644 --- a/locales/ca.yml +++ b/locales/ca.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" diff --git a/locales/ca@valencia.yml b/locales/ca@valencia.yml index 4c35b67f..7b50a932 100644 --- a/locales/ca@valencia.yml +++ b/locales/ca@valencia.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ce.yml b/locales/ce.yml index c2b45af9..7548025a 100644 --- a/locales/ce.yml +++ b/locales/ce.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + use: status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/ckb.yml b/locales/ckb.yml index 4c35b67f..5d3e1416 100644 --- a/locales/ckb.yml +++ b/locales/ckb.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/co.yml b/locales/co.yml index c2b45af9..4ae63413 100644 --- a/locales/co.yml +++ b/locales/co.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. diff --git a/locales/crh.yml b/locales/crh.yml index c2b45af9..7986c337 100644 --- a/locales/crh.yml +++ b/locales/crh.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." diff --git a/locales/csb.yml b/locales/csb.yml index 4c35b67f..2f30c970 100644 --- a/locales/csb.yml +++ b/locales/csb.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/cv.yml b/locales/cv.yml index c2b45af9..c49c14c3 100644 --- a/locales/cv.yml +++ b/locales/cv.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + use: status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + short: Update the boot partition + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/cy.yml b/locales/cy.yml index 4c35b67f..90900cb5 100644 --- a/locales/cy.yml +++ b/locales/cy.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/da.yml b/locales/da.yml index 4c35b67f..5e420846 100644 --- a/locales/da.yml +++ b/locales/da.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) +pkg: + use: pkg + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" diff --git a/locales/de.yml b/locales/de.yml index e5149c62..6b94fc58 100644 --- a/locales/de.yml +++ b/locales/de.yml @@ -1,109 +1,54 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot bietet vollständige Unveränderlichkeit und Atomizität, indem es Transaktionen\ - \ zwischen 2 Root-Partitionen (A<->B) durchführt." - short: "ABRoot bietet volle Unveränderlichkeit und Atomarität, indem Transaktionen\ - \ zwischen 2 Root-Partitionen (A<->B) durchgeführt werden." + long: "ABRoot bietet vollständige Unveränderlichkeit und Atomizität, indem es Transaktionen + zwischen 2 Root-Partitionen (A<->B) durchführt." + short: "ABRoot bietet volle Unveränderlichkeit und Atomarität, indem Transaktionen + zwischen 2 Root-Partitionen (A<->B) durchgeführt werden." verboseFlag: "Zeige eine detailliertere Ausgabe" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Aktualisieren Sie die Boot-Partition aus Wartungsgründen (nur für fortgeschrittene\ - \ Benutzer)." - short: "Aktualisiere die Boot-Partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "Aktualisiere die Boot-Partition ohne eine Bestätigung abzufragen." - confirm: "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?\nDie Boot-Partition sollte\ - \ nur aktualisiert werden, wenn eine Transaktion erfolgreich abgeschlossen wurde.\ - \ Dieser Befehl sollte von fortgeschrittenen Benutzern nur für Wartungszwecke\ - \ verwendet werden." - rootRequired: "Du musst als Root angemeldet sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Gibt den aktuellen oder zukünftigen Zustand der Root-Partition aus (A oder\ - \ B)." - short: "Gibt den aktuellen oder zukünftigen Zustand der Root-Partition aus (A oder\ - \ B)." - rootRequired: "Du musst Root-Rechte haben, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Verwalten von Kernel-Parametern." short: "Verwalten von Kernel-Parametern." rootRequired: "Sie müssen als Root angemeldet sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - nextReboot: "Kernel-Parameter werden beim nächsten Start angewendet." - failedTransaction: "Konnte keine Transaktions-Shell starten:" - stateRequired: "Bitte geben Sie einen Zustand an (Gegenwart oder Zukunft)." - params: "Parameter der aktuellen Partition:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Zukünftige Parameter der Partition:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "unbekannter Zustand: %s\n" - unknownParam: "unbekannter Parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Eine weitere Transaktion wurde bereits ausgeführt. Sie müssen\ - \ Ihr System neu starten, bevor Sie eine neue Transaktion starten können." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "Editiere Kernel-Parameter." - short: "Editiere Kernel-Parameter." - rootRequired: "Sie müssen Root-Benutzer sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Führen Sie einen Befehl in einer transaktionalen Shell im zukünftigen Root\ - \ aus und wechseln Sie beim nächsten Neustart zu ihm." - short: "Führen Sie einen Befehl in einer transaktionalen Shell im zukünftigen Root\ - \ aus und wechseln Sie beim nächsten Neustart zu ihm." - rootRequired: "Sie müssen als Root angemeldet sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - skipDiffFlag: "Überspringen Sie die Diff-Überprüfung am Ende der Transaktion." - forceRunFlag: "Führe den Befehl ohne Bestätigung aus." - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - BITTE SORGFÄLTIG LESEN, BEVOR SIE WEITERMACHEN\n===============================================================================\n\ - Änderungen, die in der Shell vorgenommen werden, werden bei erfolgreichem Start\ - \ auf die zukünftige Root angewendet.\nDas Ausführen eines Befehls in einer transaktionalen\ - \ Shell ist für fortgeschrittene Benutzer zur Wartung vorgesehen.\n\nWenn Sie\ - \ hier gelandet sind, um eine Anwendung zu installieren, sollten Sie Flatpak /\ - \ Appimage oder Apx (apx install package) in Betracht ziehen.\n\nLesen Sie mehr\ - \ über ABRoot unter [].\n\nSind\ - \ Sie sicher, dass Sie fortfahren möchten?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaktion erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Starten Sie neu, um die Änderungen\ - \ anzuwenden." - failed: "Konnte die transaktionale Shell nicht starten:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Starten Sie eine transaktionale Shell in der zukünftigen Root-Partition und\ - \ wechseln Sie beim nächsten Start des Systems zur Root-Partition." - short: "Starte eine transaktionale Shell." - rootRequired: "Du musst als Root angemeldet sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - forceOpenFlag: "Erzwinge das Öffnen der Shell ohne nach Bestätigung zu fragen" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - BITTE SORGFÄLTIG DURCHLESEN, BEVOR SIE FORTFAHREN\n===============================================================================\n\ - Änderungen, die in der Shell vorgenommen wurden, werden erfolgreich auf die zukünftige\ - \ Root-Dateisystem angewendet, wenn das nächste Booten erfolgt.\nDas Ausführen\ - \ eines Befehls in einer Transaktions-Shell ist für fortgeschrittene Benutzer\ - \ zur Wartungszwecken vorgesehen.\n\nWenn Sie hierher gekommen sind, um eine Anwendung\ - \ zu installieren, sollten Sie stattdessen Flatpak/Appimage oder Apx (apx install\ - \ package) in Betracht ziehen.\n\nWeitere Informationen zu ABRoot finden Sie unter\ - \ [].\n\nSind Sie sicher, dass\ - \ Sie fortfahren möchten?" - start: "Neue Transaktion gestartet. Dies kann eine Weile dauern...\nStarten Sie\ - \ das System nicht neu und brechen Sie die Transaktion nicht ab, bis sie abgeschlossen\ - \ ist." - success: "Transaktion erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Neustarten, um Änderungen anzuwenden." - failed: "Konnte die transaktionale Shell nicht starten:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Auflistung der Änderungen, die bei der letzten Übertragung am Dateisystem\ - \ vorgenommen wurden" - short: "Änderungen der letzten Transaktion anzeigen." - rootRequired: "Sie müssen root sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Führt ein System-Rollback aus, wobei Änderungen an der aktuellen Root verworfen\ - \ werden." + long: "Führt ein System-Rollback aus, wobei Änderungen an der aktuellen Root verworfen + werden." short: "Versetzt das System in einen früheren Zustand." rootRequired: "Sie müssen root sein, um diesen Befehl auszuführen." +pkg: + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/dv.yml b/locales/dv.yml index c2b45af9..dd9f8a1d 100644 --- a/locales/dv.yml +++ b/locales/dv.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/el.yml b/locales/el.yml index 14ce573b..1bf1ac78 100644 --- a/locales/el.yml +++ b/locales/el.yml @@ -1,99 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Ενημέρωση του διαμερίσματος εκκίνησης για λόγους συντήρησης (μόνο για προχωρημένους\ - \ χρήστες)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/en_AU.yml b/locales/en_AU.yml index c2b45af9..9c962c69 100644 --- a/locales/en_AU.yml +++ b/locales/en_AU.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + short: Display status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/en_CA.yml b/locales/en_CA.yml index c2b45af9..36d46cf2 100644 --- a/locales/en_CA.yml +++ b/locales/en_CA.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status +upgrade: + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + use: upgrade + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/en_GB.yml b/locales/en_GB.yml index 4c35b67f..3522900a 100644 --- a/locales/en_GB.yml +++ b/locales/en_GB.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + short: Manage packages + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/eo.yml b/locales/eo.yml index 4c35b67f..5906f02f 100644 --- a/locales/eo.yml +++ b/locales/eo.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/es.yml b/locales/es.yml index 4c35b67f..20db2d50 100644 --- a/locales/es.yml +++ b/locales/es.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/et.yml b/locales/et.yml index 4c35b67f..387a5326 100644 --- a/locales/et.yml +++ b/locales/et.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/eu.yml b/locales/eu.yml index 4c35b67f..bcb414da 100644 --- a/locales/eu.yml +++ b/locales/eu.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/fa.yml b/locales/fa.yml index 4c35b67f..f6fa1dd8 100644 --- a/locales/fa.yml +++ b/locales/fa.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +pkg: + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/fa_AF.yml b/locales/fa_AF.yml index c2b45af9..b8816f73 100644 --- a/locales/fa_AF.yml +++ b/locales/fa_AF.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation diff --git a/locales/fi.yml b/locales/fi.yml index 4c35b67f..2d670ddd 100644 --- a/locales/fi.yml +++ b/locales/fi.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" diff --git a/locales/fil.yml b/locales/fil.yml index 4c35b67f..6f23a455 100644 --- a/locales/fil.yml +++ b/locales/fil.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + use: status + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/fo.yml b/locales/fo.yml index 4c35b67f..3f151f19 100644 --- a/locales/fo.yml +++ b/locales/fo.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + short: Update the boot partition + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + use: upgrade + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" diff --git a/locales/fr.yml b/locales/fr.yml index f85b23ff..3e362eb9 100644 --- a/locales/fr.yml +++ b/locales/fr.yml @@ -1,99 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot fournit une immutabilité et une atomicité totales en effectuant des\ - \ transactions entre 2 partitions racine (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot fournit une immutabilité et une atomicité totales en effectuant des\ - \ transactions entre 2 partitions racine (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot fournit une immutabilité et une atomicité totales en effectuant des + transactions entre 2 partitions racine (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot fournit une immutabilité et une atomicité totales en effectuant des + transactions entre 2 partitions racine (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Mise à jour de la partition de démarrage" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?\nLa partition de démarrage ne doit\ - \ être mise à jour que si une transaction a réussi. Cette commande\ndoit être\ - \ utilisée par des utilisateurs expérimentés à des fins de maintenance." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Gérer les paramètres du noyau." short: "Gérer les paramètres du noyau." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Les paramètres du noyau seront appliqués au prochain démarrage." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Veuillez spécifier un état (actuel ou futur)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Paramètres de la future partition :\n%s\n" - unknownState: "État inconnu : %s\n" - unknownParam: "Paramètre inconnu : %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Une autre transaction a déjà été exécutée, vous devez redémarrer\ - \ votre système avant de commencer une nouvelle transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "éditer les paramètres du noyau." - short: "éditer les paramètres du noyau." - rootRequired: "Vous devez être root pour exécuter cette commande." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Exécuter une commande dans un shell transactionnel dans la future racine\ - \ et basculer vers celle-ci au prochain démarrage." - short: "Exécuter une commande dans un shell transactionnel dans la future racine\ - \ et basculer vers celle-ci au prochain démarrage" - rootRequired: "Vous devez être root pour exécuter cette commande." - skipDiffFlag: "Sauter le contrôle des différences à la fin de la transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Forcer l'exécution de la commande sans demander de confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - VEUILLEZ LIRE ATTENTIVEMENT AVANT DE POURSUIVRE\n===============================================================================\n\ - Les changements effectués dans l'interpréteur de commandes seront appliqués à\ - \ la future racine lors du prochain démarrage sur\navec succès.\nL'exécution d'une\ - \ commande dans un shell transactionnel est destinée aux utilisateurs avancés\n\ - à des fins de maintenance.\n\nSi vous vous êtes retrouvé ici en essayant d'installer\ - \ une application, envisagez d'utiliser\nFlatpak/Appimage ou Apx (apx install\ - \ package).\n\nPour en savoir plus sur ABRoot, consultez le site [].\n\ - \nÊtes-vous sûr de vouloir continuer ?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/fr_CA.yml b/locales/fr_CA.yml index c2b45af9..1dc1449f 100644 --- a/locales/fr_CA.yml +++ b/locales/fr_CA.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/frp.yml b/locales/frp.yml index c2b45af9..0264baec 100644 --- a/locales/frp.yml +++ b/locales/frp.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +pkg: + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/fur.yml b/locales/fur.yml index 4c35b67f..edf98f94 100644 --- a/locales/fur.yml +++ b/locales/fur.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/fy.yml b/locales/fy.yml index 4c35b67f..ba03b981 100644 --- a/locales/fy.yml +++ b/locales/fy.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + short: Display status + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ga.yml b/locales/ga.yml index 4c35b67f..236af13b 100644 --- a/locales/ga.yml +++ b/locales/ga.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/gd.yml b/locales/gd.yml index 4c35b67f..e0f35377 100644 --- a/locales/gd.yml +++ b/locales/gd.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/gl.yml b/locales/gl.yml index 4c35b67f..e39436ae 100644 --- a/locales/gl.yml +++ b/locales/gl.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/gu.yml b/locales/gu.yml index 4c35b67f..9023fcce 100644 --- a/locales/gu.yml +++ b/locales/gu.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/gv.yml b/locales/gv.yml index c2b45af9..c94afbe2 100644 --- a/locales/gv.yml +++ b/locales/gv.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" diff --git a/locales/he.yml b/locales/he.yml index 4c35b67f..e1163557 100644 --- a/locales/he.yml +++ b/locales/he.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + short: Manage packages +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + use: status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + use: upgrade + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/hi.yml b/locales/hi.yml index 4c35b67f..b7c61d50 100644 --- a/locales/hi.yml +++ b/locales/hi.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters। + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command। + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation। + long: Install and manage packages। + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status। + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command। + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them।" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command। + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system। + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system। + short: Update the boot partition + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/hr.yml b/locales/hr.yml index 4c35b67f..e15a88b6 100644 --- a/locales/hr.yml +++ b/locales/hr.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. diff --git a/locales/ht.yml b/locales/ht.yml index 4c35b67f..267f00ed 100644 --- a/locales/ht.yml +++ b/locales/ht.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + short: Manage packages + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + use: status + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" diff --git a/locales/hu.yml b/locales/hu.yml index 3bae150e..79e12df4 100644 --- a/locales/hu.yml +++ b/locales/hu.yml @@ -1,100 +1,54 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "Az ABRoot teljes változtathatatlanságot és atomicitást biztosít azáltal,\ - \ hogy tranzakciókat hajt végre 2 gyökérpartíció között (A<->B)" - short: "Az ABRoot teljes változtathatatlanságot és atomicitást biztosít azáltal,\ - \ hogy tranzakciókat hajt végre 2 gyökérpartíció között (A<->B)" + long: "Az ABRoot teljes változtathatatlanságot és atomicitást biztosít azáltal, + hogy tranzakciókat hajt végre 2 gyökérpartíció között (A<->B)" + short: "Az ABRoot teljes változtathatatlanságot és atomicitást biztosít azáltal, + hogy tranzakciókat hajt végre 2 gyökérpartíció között (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "részletesebb kimenet megjelenítése" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "A rendszerindító partíció frissítése karbantartás céljából (csak haladó felhasználók\ - \ számára)" - short: "A boot partíció frissítése" - forceUpdateFlag: "a boot partíció kényszerfrissítése megerősítés kérése nélkül" - confirm: "Biztos, hogy folytatni akarja?\nA bootpartíciót csak akkor kell frissíteni,\ - \ ha a tranzakció sikeres volt. Ezt a\nparancsot haladó csak felhasználóknak érdemes\ - \ használniuk karbantartási célokra." - rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "A gyökérpartíció jelenlegi vagy jövőbeli állapotának (A vagy B) kimenete" - short: "A gyökérpartíció jelenlegi vagy jövőbeli állapotának (A vagy B) kimenete" - rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "A rendszermag paramétereinek kezelése." short: "A rendszermag paramétereinek kezelése." rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - nextReboot: "A rendszermag paraméterei a következő rendszerindításkor kerülnek alkalmazásra." - failedTransaction: "Nem sikerült elindítani a tranzakciós héjat:" - stateRequired: "Kérjük, adjon meg egy állapotot (jelenlegi vagy jövőbeli)" - params: "Az aktuális partíció paraméterei:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "A jövőbeli partíció paraméterei:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Ismeretlen állapot: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Ismeretlen paraméter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Egy másik tranzakció már végrehajtásra került, az új tranzakció\ - \ indítása előtt újra kell indítania a rendszert." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "kernel paraméterek szerkesztése." - short: "kernel paraméterek szerkesztése." - rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Parancs végrehajtása egy tranzakciós héjban a jövőbeli gyökérben, és a következő\ - \ indításkor átváltás erre a parancsra" - short: "Parancs végrehajtása egy tranzakciós héjban a jövőbeli gyökérben, és a következő\ - \ indításkor átváltás erre a parancsra" - rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - skipDiffFlag: "A tranzakció végén a diff ellenőrzés kihagyása" - forceRunFlag: "A parancs megerősítés kérése nélküli kényszerfuttatása" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - KÉRJÜK, OLVASSA EL FIGYELMESEN, MIELŐTT TOVÁBBLÉPNE\n===============================================================================\n\ - A héjban végrehajtott változtatások a következő indításkor a következő root-ra\ - \ lesznek sikeresen\nalkalmazva.\nA tranzakciós héjban történő parancsfuttatást\ - \ haladó felhasználóknak szántuk\nkarbantartási célokra.\n\nHa ide jutott, amikor\ - \ egy alkalmazást próbált telepíteni, fontolja meg a következők egyikének használatát\n\ - Flatpak/Appimage vagy Apx (apx telepítőcsomag).\n\nAz ABRootról bővebben a []\ - \ oldalon olvashat.\n\nBiztos, hogy folytatni szeretné?" - start: "Új tranzakció indult. Ez eltarthat egy darabig...\nNe indítsa újra, vagy\ - \ ne törölje a tranzakciót, amíg az be nem fejeződött." - success: "A tranzakció sikeresen befejeződött. Újraindítás a változások alkalmazásához." - failed: "Nem sikerült elindítani a tranzakciós héjat:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Lépjen be egy tranzakciós héjba a jövőbeli root partícióban, és váltson rootot\ - \ a következő indításkor" - short: "Belépés a tranzakciós héjba" - rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - forceOpenFlag: "Mindenképp nyissa meg a héjat megerősítés kérése nélkül" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - KÉRJÜK, OLVASSA EL FIGYELMESEN, MIELŐTT TOVÁBBLÉPNE\n===============================================================================\n\ - A héjban végrehajtott változtatások a következő indításkor a következő root-ra\ - \ lesznek sikeresen\nalkalmazva.\nA tranzakciós héjban történő parancsfuttatást\ - \ haladó felhasználóknak szántuk\nkarbantartási célokra.\n\nHa ide jutott, amikor\ - \ egy alkalmazást próbált telepíteni, fontolja meg a következők egyikének használatát\n\ - Flatpak/Appimage vagy Apx (apx telepítőcsomag).\n\nAz ABRootról bővebben a []\ - \ oldalon olvashat.\n\nBiztos, hogy folytatni szeretné?" - start: "Új tranzakció indult. Ez eltarthat egy darabig...\nNe indítsa újra, vagy\ - \ ne törölje a tranzakciót, amíg az be nem fejeződött." - success: "A tranzakció sikeresen befejeződött. Újraindítás a változások alkalmazásához." - failed: "Nem sikerült elindítani a tranzakciós héjat:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "A fájlrendszerben a legutóbbi átvitel során végrehajtott módosítások listája" - short: "A legutóbbi tranzakció módosításainak megjelenítése." - rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Rendszer-visszaállítás végrehajtása, a jelenlegi gyökérben végrehajtott változtatások\ - \ elvetésével." + long: "Rendszer-visszaállítás végrehajtása, a jelenlegi gyökérben végrehajtott változtatások + elvetésével." short: "Visszaállítja a rendszert egy korábbi állapotra." rootRequired: "A parancs futtatásához root rendszergazdának kell lennie." +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" diff --git a/locales/hy.yml b/locales/hy.yml index 4c35b67f..2672647c 100644 --- a/locales/hy.yml +++ b/locales/hy.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +upgrade: + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ia.yml b/locales/ia.yml index 4c35b67f..b54bdebc 100644 --- a/locales/ia.yml +++ b/locales/ia.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/id.yml b/locales/id.yml index 4c35b67f..0e8cd46a 100644 --- a/locales/id.yml +++ b/locales/id.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/is.yml b/locales/is.yml index 4c35b67f..b73ac3e6 100644 --- a/locales/is.yml +++ b/locales/is.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/it.yml b/locales/it.yml index b17d1fdc..d937451e 100644 --- a/locales/it.yml +++ b/locales/it.yml @@ -1,104 +1,54 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot fornisce piena immutabilità e atomicità eseguendo transazioni tra\ - \ 2 partizioni root (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot fornisce piena immutabilità e atomicità eseguendo transazioni tra\ - \ 2 partizioni root (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot fornisce piena immutabilità e atomicità eseguendo transazioni tra + 2 partizioni root (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot fornisce piena immutabilità e atomicità eseguendo transazioni tra + 2 partizioni root (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "mostra un output più dettagliato" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Aggiorna la partizione di avvio per scopi di manutenzione (solo per utenti\ - \ avanzati)" - short: "Aggiorna la partizione di avvio" - forceUpdateFlag: "aggiorna forzatamente la partizione di avvio senza chiedere conferma" - confirm: "Siete sicuri di voler procedere?\nLa partizione di avvio deve essere aggiornata\ - \ solo se la transazione è riuscita. Questo\ncomando dovrebbe essere usato da\ - \ utenti avanzati per scopi di manutenzione." - rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Emette lo stato attuale o futuro della partizione root (A o B)" - short: "Emette lo stato attuale o futuro della partizione root (A o B)" - rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Gestisci i parametri del kernel." short: "Gestisci i parametri del kernel." rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - nextReboot: "I parametri del kernel saranno applicati al prossimo avvio." - failedTransaction: "Impossibile avviare la shell transazionale:" - stateRequired: "Specifica uno stato (presente o futuro)" - params: "Parametri della partizione corrente:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Parametri della partizione futura:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Stato sconosciuto: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Parametro sconosciuto: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Se è già stata eseguita un'altra transazione, è necessario\ - \ riavviare il sistema prima di avviare una nuova transazione." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "modifica i parametri del kernel." - short: "modifica i parametri del kernel." - rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Esegui un comando in una shell transazionale nella root futura e passare\ - \ ad essa all'avvio successivo" - short: "Esegui un comando in una shell transazionale nella root futura e passare\ - \ ad essa all'avvio successivo" - rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - skipDiffFlag: "Salta il controllo differenziale alla fine della transazione" - forceRunFlag: "Esegui forzatamente il comando senza chiedere conferma" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE PRIMA DI PROCEDERE\n===============================================================================\n\ - Le modifiche apportate nella shell saranno applicate alla futura root al prossimo\ - \ avvio se\nsuccesso.\nL'esecuzione di un comando in una shell transazionale è\ - \ destinata a utenti avanzati\nper scopi di manutenzione.\n\nSe siete finiti qui\ - \ cercando di installare un'applicazione, prendete in considerazione l'uso di\n\ - Flatpak/Appimage o Apx (apx install package).\n\nPer saperne di più su ABRoot,\ - \ consultare [].\n\nSiete sicuri\ - \ di voler procedere?" - start: "È iniziata una nuova transazione. Potrebbe volerci un po'...\nNon riavviare\ - \ o annullare la transazione finché non è terminata." - success: "La transazione è stata completata con successo. Riavvia per applicare\ - \ le modifiche." - failed: "Impossibile avviare la shell transazionale:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Entra in una shell transazionale nella futura partizione root e passare a\ - \ root all'avvio successivo" - short: "Entra in una shell transazionale" - rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - forceOpenFlag: "Forza l'apertura della shell senza chiedere conferma" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - LEGGERE ATTENTAMENTE PRIMA DI PROCEDERE\n===============================================================================\n\ - Le modifiche apportate nella shell saranno applicate alla futura root al prossimo\ - \ avvio se\nsuccesso.\nL'esecuzione di un comando in una shell transazionale è\ - \ destinata a utenti avanzati\nper scopi di manutenzione.\n\nSe siete finiti qui\ - \ cercando di installare un'applicazione, prendete in considerazione l'uso di\n\ - Flatpak/Appimage o Apx (apx install package).\n\nPer saperne di più su ABRoot,\ - \ consultare [].\n\nSiete sicuri\ - \ di voler procedere?" - start: "È iniziata una nuova transazione. Potrebbe volerci un po'...\nNon riavviare\ - \ o annullare la transazione finché non è terminata." - success: "La transazione è stata completata con successo. Riavvia per applicare\ - \ le modifiche." - failed: "Impossibile avviare la shell transazionale:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Elenco delle modifiche apportate al filesystem nell'ultima transizione" - short: "Mostra le modifiche dell'ultima transazione." - rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Esegue un rollback del sistema, scartando le modifiche apportate alla root\ - \ attuale." + long: "Esegue un rollback del sistema, scartando le modifiche apportate alla root + attuale." short: "Riporta il sistema a uno stato precedente." rootRequired: "Per eseguire questo comando è necessario essere root." +pkg: + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ja.yml b/locales/ja.yml index 4c35b67f..a44be167 100644 --- a/locales/ja.yml +++ b/locales/ja.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + short: Update the boot partition + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/jv.yml b/locales/jv.yml index 4c35b67f..927067ac 100644 --- a/locales/jv.yml +++ b/locales/jv.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ka.yml b/locales/ka.yml index 4c35b67f..5f76efe5 100644 --- a/locales/ka.yml +++ b/locales/ka.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/kab.yml b/locales/kab.yml index c2b45af9..c516b2e8 100644 --- a/locales/kab.yml +++ b/locales/kab.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/kk.yml b/locales/kk.yml index 4c35b67f..acd8c3de 100644 --- a/locales/kk.yml +++ b/locales/kk.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + use: status + short: Display status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + short: Manage packages + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation diff --git a/locales/km.yml b/locales/km.yml index 4c35b67f..ef2eacb2 100644 --- a/locales/km.yml +++ b/locales/km.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/kmr.yml b/locales/kmr.yml index c2b45af9..8af1cda1 100644 --- a/locales/kmr.yml +++ b/locales/kmr.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/kn.yml b/locales/kn.yml index 4c35b67f..59e0d1a3 100644 --- a/locales/kn.yml +++ b/locales/kn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + short: Display status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ko.yml b/locales/ko.yml index 4c35b67f..2211794c 100644 --- a/locales/ko.yml +++ b/locales/ko.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/kw.yml b/locales/kw.yml index 4c35b67f..60c33fc3 100644 --- a/locales/kw.yml +++ b/locales/kw.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ky.yml b/locales/ky.yml index 4c35b67f..2fd1e568 100644 --- a/locales/ky.yml +++ b/locales/ky.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +status: + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/lb.yml b/locales/lb.yml index 4c35b67f..1798868d 100644 --- a/locales/lb.yml +++ b/locales/lb.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/ln.yml b/locales/ln.yml index 4c35b67f..61bfa423 100644 --- a/locales/ln.yml +++ b/locales/ln.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" diff --git a/locales/lo.yml b/locales/lo.yml index 4c35b67f..f4c5b5e4 100644 --- a/locales/lo.yml +++ b/locales/lo.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + use: status + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/lt.yml b/locales/lt.yml index 4c35b67f..d3a630a8 100644 --- a/locales/lt.yml +++ b/locales/lt.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + short: Display status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. diff --git a/locales/lv.yml b/locales/lv.yml index 4c35b67f..9c109827 100644 --- a/locales/lv.yml +++ b/locales/lv.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/mg.yml b/locales/mg.yml index 4c35b67f..62dc4df7 100644 --- a/locales/mg.yml +++ b/locales/mg.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/mhr.yml b/locales/mhr.yml index c2b45af9..441af60e 100644 --- a/locales/mhr.yml +++ b/locales/mhr.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/mi.yml b/locales/mi.yml index 4c35b67f..4c7f58ee 100644 --- a/locales/mi.yml +++ b/locales/mi.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/mjw.yml b/locales/mjw.yml index c2b45af9..b9905e86 100644 --- a/locales/mjw.yml +++ b/locales/mjw.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/mk.yml b/locales/mk.yml index 4c35b67f..2a85c3f2 100644 --- a/locales/mk.yml +++ b/locales/mk.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ml.yml b/locales/ml.yml index 4c35b67f..71f7d95d 100644 --- a/locales/ml.yml +++ b/locales/ml.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/mn.yml b/locales/mn.yml index 4c35b67f..f2ce8a8b 100644 --- a/locales/mn.yml +++ b/locales/mn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/mnw.yml b/locales/mnw.yml index c2b45af9..27bd8c08 100644 --- a/locales/mnw.yml +++ b/locales/mnw.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition diff --git a/locales/mr.yml b/locales/mr.yml index 4c35b67f..62a71683 100644 --- a/locales/mr.yml +++ b/locales/mr.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ms.yml b/locales/ms.yml index 4c35b67f..14c4e01f 100644 --- a/locales/ms.yml +++ b/locales/ms.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/my.yml b/locales/my.yml index 4c35b67f..a5870a78 100644 --- a/locales/my.yml +++ b/locales/my.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/nb_NO.yml b/locales/nb_NO.yml index c2b45af9..72465e59 100644 --- a/locales/nb_NO.yml +++ b/locales/nb_NO.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/nds.yml b/locales/nds.yml index c2b45af9..61fbab3a 100644 --- a/locales/nds.yml +++ b/locales/nds.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/ne.yml b/locales/ne.yml index 4c35b67f..db62b8ae 100644 --- a/locales/ne.yml +++ b/locales/ne.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + short: Manage packages + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + short: Display status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/nl.yml b/locales/nl.yml index 3f80c6ad..d8d27957 100644 --- a/locales/nl.yml +++ b/locales/nl.yml @@ -1,103 +1,54 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot biedt volledige onveranderlijkheid en atomiciteit door transacties\ - \ uit te voeren tussen 2 root-partities (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot biedt volledige onveranderlijkheid en atomiciteit door transacties\ - \ uit te voeren tussen 2 root-partities (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot biedt volledige onveranderlijkheid en atomiciteit door transacties + uit te voeren tussen 2 root-partities (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot biedt volledige onveranderlijkheid en atomiciteit door transacties + uit te voeren tussen 2 root-partities (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "Gedetailleerdere uitvoer tonen" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "De opstartpartitie bijwerken voor onderhoudsdoeleinden (alleen voor geavanceerde\ - \ gebruikers)" - short: "Opstartpartitie bijwerken" - forceUpdateFlag: "Opstartpartitie geforceerd bijwerken zonder om bevestiging te\ - \ vragen" - confirm: "Weet u zeker dat u wilt doorgaan?\nDe opstartpartitie wordt normaal gesproken\ - \ alleen worden bijgewerkt als een transactie is geslaagd. Deze opdracht is bedoeld\ - \ voor geavanceerde gebruikers voor onderhoudsdoeleinden." - rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Toont de huidige of toekomstige status van de rootpartitie (A of B)" - short: "Toont de huidige of toekomstige status van de rootpartitie (A of B)" - rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Kernel-parameters beheren" short: "Kernel-parameters beheren" rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - nextReboot: "Kernel-parameters worden toegepast bij de volgende opstart" - failedTransaction: "Transactionele shell starten mislukt:" - stateRequired: "Geef een toestand aan (huidig of toekomstig)" - params: "Parameters van huidige partitie:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Parameters van toekomstige partitie:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Onbekende toestand: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Onbekende parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Er is al een andere transactie uitgevoerd, u moet uw systeem\ - \ opnieuw opstarten voordat u een nieuwe transactie start." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "Kernel-parameters bewerken" - short: "Kernel-parameters bewerken" - rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Opdracht uitvoeren in een transactionele shell in de toekomstige root en\ - \ ernaar overschakelen bij de volgende opstart" - short: "Opdracht uitvoeren in een transactionele shell in de toekomstige root en\ - \ ernaar overschakelen bij de volgende opstart" - rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - skipDiffFlag: "De diff-controle aan het eind van de transactie overslaan" - forceRunFlag: "De opdracht geforceerd uitvoeren zonder om bevestiging te vragen" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - LEES AANDACHTIG ALVORENS VERDER TE GAAN\n===============================================================================\n\ - Wijzigingen die succesvol in de shell zijn aangebracht, worden bij de volgende\ - \ opstart toegepast op de toekomstige root.\nHet uitvoeren van een commando in\ - \ een transactionele shell is bedoeld voor geavanceerde gebruikers voor onderhoudsdoeleinden.\n\ - \nAls u hier terecht bent gekomen terwijl u een app probeerde te installeren,\ - \ overweeg dan om Flatpak, AppImage, of Apx (apx install package) te gebruiken.\n\ - \nLees meer over ABRoot op [].\n\ - \nWeet u zeker dat u verder wilt gaan?" - start: "Nieuwe transactie gestart. Dit kan even duren…\nHerstart of annuleer de\ - \ transactie niet totdat deze klaar is." - success: "Transactie succesvol afgerond. Herstart om wijzigingen toe te passen." - failed: "Transactionele shell starten mislukt:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Transactionele shell in de toekomstige rootpartitie binnengaan en hiernaar\ - \ wisselen bij de volgende opstart" - short: "Transactionele shell binnengaan" - rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - forceOpenFlag: "Shell geforceerd openen zonder om bevestiging te vragen" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - LEES AANDACHTIG ALVORENS VERDER TE GAAN\n===============================================================================\n\ - Wijzigingen die succesvol in de shell zijn aangebracht, worden bij de volgende\ - \ opstart toegepast op de toekomstige root.\nHet uitvoeren van een commando in\ - \ een transactionele shell is bedoeld voor geavanceerde gebruikers voor onderhoudsdoeleinden.\n\ - \nAls u hier terecht bent gekomen terwijl u een app probeerde te installeren,\ - \ overweeg dan om Flatpak, AppImage, of Apx (apx install package) te gebruiken.\n\ - \nLees meer over ABRoot op [].\n\ - \nWeet u zeker dat u verder wilt gaan?" - start: "Nieuwe transactie gestart. Dit kan even duren…\nHerstart of annuleer de\ - \ transactie niet totdat deze klaar is." - success: "Transactie succesvol afgerond. Herstart om wijzigingen toe te passen." - failed: "Transactionele shell starten mislukt:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Lijst tonen van wijzigingen aan het bestandssysteem in de laatste transactie" - short: "Wijzigingen van de laatste transactie tonen" - rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Voert een systeem-rollback uit, waarbij wijzigingen in de huidige root worden\ - \ verwijderd" + long: "Voert een systeem-rollback uit, waarbij wijzigingen in de huidige root worden + verwijderd" short: "Systeem terugbrengen naar vorige toestand" rootRequired: "U dient root te zijn om deze opdracht uit te voeren" +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + short: Display status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/nn.yml b/locales/nn.yml index 4c35b67f..dad17a1c 100644 --- a/locales/nn.yml +++ b/locales/nn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/oc.yml b/locales/oc.yml index 791c4e9f..92415b1e 100644 --- a/locales/oc.yml +++ b/locales/oc.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "Vos cal èsser root per executar aquesta comanda." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + short: Display status + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/os.yml b/locales/os.yml index c2b45af9..21af10e5 100644 --- a/locales/os.yml +++ b/locales/os.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" diff --git a/locales/pa.yml b/locales/pa.yml index 4c35b67f..42f500e2 100644 --- a/locales/pa.yml +++ b/locales/pa.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/pam.yml b/locales/pam.yml index c2b45af9..c03ea28a 100644 --- a/locales/pam.yml +++ b/locales/pam.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + short: Manage packages + long: Install and manage packages. + use: pkg + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/pl.yml b/locales/pl.yml index 118ea657..0871e310 100644 --- a/locales/pl.yml +++ b/locales/pl.yml @@ -1,101 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot zapewnia pełną niezmienność i atomowość poprzez wykonywanie transakcji\ - \ pomiędzy 2 partycjami root (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot zapewnia pełną niezmienność i atomowość poprzez wykonywanie transakcji\ - \ pomiędzy 2 partycjami root (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot zapewnia pełną niezmienność i atomowość poprzez wykonywanie transakcji + pomiędzy 2 partycjami root (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot zapewnia pełną niezmienność i atomowość poprzez wykonywanie transakcji + pomiędzy 2 partycjami root (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "pokaż bardziej szczegółowe dane wyjściowe" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Aktualizacja partycji startowej w celach konserwacyjnych (tylko dla zaawansowanych\ - \ użytkowników)" - short: "Aktualizacja partycji startowej" - forceUpdateFlag: "wymuszenie aktualizacji partycji startowej bez pytania o potwierdzenie" - confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?\nPartycja startowa powinna być aktualizowana\ - \ tylko wtedy, gdy transakcja się powiedzie. To\npowinno być używane przez zaawansowanych\ - \ użytkowników do celów konserwacyjnych." - rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Wyprowadza obecny lub przyszły stan partycji głównej (A lub B)" - short: "Wyprowadza obecny lub przyszły stan partycji głównej (A lub B)" - rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Zarządzaj parametrami jądra." short: "Zarządzaj parametrami jądra." rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - nextReboot: "Parametry jądra zostaną zastosowane przy następnym starcie systemu." - failedTransaction: "Nie udało się uruchomić powłoki transakcyjnej:" - stateRequired: "Proszę określić stan (obecny lub przyszły)" - params: "Parametry bieżącej partycji:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Parametry przyszłej partycji:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Nieznany stan: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Nieznany parametr: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Inna transakcja została już wykonana, przed rozpoczęciem nowej\ - \ transakcji należy ponownie uruchomić system." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edytować parametry jądra." - short: "edytować parametry jądra." - rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Wykonaj polecenie w powłoce transakcyjnej w przyszłym roocie i przełącz się\ - \ na nią przy następnym starcie" - short: "Wykonaj polecenie w powłoce transakcyjnej w przyszłym roocie i przełącz\ - \ się na nią przy następnym starcie" - rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - skipDiffFlag: "Pominięcie kontroli różnicowej na końcu transakcji" - forceRunFlag: "Wymuś uruchomienie polecenia bez pytania o potwierdzenie" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PROSIMY O UWAŻNE PRZECZYTANIE PRZED PRZYSTĄPIENIEM DO PRACY\n===============================================================================\n\ - Zmiany dokonane w powłoce zostaną zastosowane do przyszłego roota przy następnym\ - \ uruchomieniu systemu na\nudane.\nUruchomienie polecenia w powłoce transakcyjnej\ - \ jest przeznaczone dla zaawansowanych użytkowników\ndo celów konserwacyjnych.\n\ - \nJeśli znalazłeś się tutaj próbując zainstalować aplikację, rozważ użycie\nFlatpak/Appimage\ - \ lub Apx (pakiet instalacyjny apx).\n\nWięcej o ABRoot można przeczytać na stronie\ - \ [].\n\nCzy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?" - start: "Nowa transakcja rozpoczęta. To może trochę potrwać...\nNie należy restartować\ - \ ani anulować transakcji, dopóki nie zostanie ona zakończona." - success: "Transakcja zakończona pomyślnie. Uruchom ponownie komputer, aby zastosować\ - \ zmiany." - failed: "Nie udało się uruchomić powłoki transakcyjnej:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Wejdź do powłoki transakcyjnej na przyszłej partycji głównej i przełącz się\ - \ na roota przy następnym starcie" - short: "Wprowadź powłokę transakcyjną" - rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - forceOpenFlag: "Wymuszone otwarcie powłoki bez pytania o potwierdzenie" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PROSIMY O UWAŻNE PRZECZYTANIE PRZED PRZYSTĄPIENIEM DO PRACY\n===============================================================================\n\ - Zmiany dokonane w powłoce zostaną zastosowane do przyszłego roota przy następnym\ - \ uruchomieniu systemu na\nudane.\nUruchomienie polecenia w powłoce transakcyjnej\ - \ jest przeznaczone dla zaawansowanych użytkowników\ndo celów konserwacyjnych.\n\ - \nJeśli znalazłeś się tutaj próbując zainstalować aplikację, rozważ użycie\nFlatpak/Appimage\ - \ lub Apx (pakiet instalacyjny apx).\n\nWięcej o ABRoot można przeczytać na stronie\ - \ [].\n\nCzy na pewno chcesz kontynuować?" - start: "Nowa transakcja rozpoczęta. To może trochę potrwać...\nNie należy restartować\ - \ ani anulować transakcji, dopóki nie zostanie ona zakończona." - success: "Transakcja zakończona pomyślnie. Uruchom ponownie komputer, aby zastosować\ - \ zmiany." - failed: "Nie udało się uruchomić powłoki transakcyjnej:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Lista modyfikacji dokonanych w systemie plików w ostatniej tranzycji" - short: "Pokaż modyfikacje z ostatniej transakcji." - rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Wykonuje rollback systemu, odrzucając zmiany wprowadzone do obecnego roota." short: "Przywrócenie systemu do poprzedniego stanu." rootRequired: "Musisz być rootem, aby uruchomić to polecenie." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/pms.yml b/locales/pms.yml index 4c35b67f..6c596b2b 100644 --- a/locales/pms.yml +++ b/locales/pms.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + long: Install and manage packages. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + short: Display status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ps.yml b/locales/ps.yml index 4c35b67f..a49bbafe 100644 --- a/locales/ps.yml +++ b/locales/ps.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) diff --git a/locales/pt.yml b/locales/pt.yml index 4c35b67f..9e546fe1 100644 --- a/locales/pt.yml +++ b/locales/pt.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/pt_BR.yml b/locales/pt_BR.yml index d679b73c..798aa64a 100644 --- a/locales/pt_BR.yml +++ b/locales/pt_BR.yml @@ -1,101 +1,54 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot oferece total imutabilidade e atomicidade ao realizar transações entre\ - \ 2 partições raiz (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot oferece total imutabilidade e atomicidade ao realizar transações\ - \ entre 2 partições raízes (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot oferece total imutabilidade e atomicidade ao realizar transações entre + 2 partições raiz (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot oferece total imutabilidade e atomicidade ao realizar transações + entre 2 partições raízes (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "mostrar saída mais detalhada" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Atualizar a partição de inicialização para fins de manutenção (somente para\ - \ usuários avançados)" - short: "Atualizar a partição de inicialização" - forceUpdateFlag: "forçar a atualização da partição de inicialização sem pedir confirmação" - confirm: "Você tem certeza de que quer prosseguir?\nA partição de inicialização\ - \ deve ser atualizada somente se uma transação for bem-sucedida. Este\ncomando\ - \ deve ser utilizado por usuários avançados para fins de manutenção." - rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Produz o estado atual ou futuro da partição raiz (A ou B)" - short: "Produz o estado atual ou futuro da partição raiz (A ou B)" - rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Gerenciar os parâmetros do kernel." short: "Gerenciar os parâmetros do kernel." rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - nextReboot: "Os parâmetros do kernel serão aplicados na próxima inicialização." - failedTransaction: "Falha ao iniciar o shell transacional:" - stateRequired: "Especifique um estado (presente ou futuro)" - params: "Parâmetros da partição atual:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Parâmetros da partição futura:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Estado desconhecido: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Parâmetro desconhecido: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Outra transação já foi executada, você deve reinicializar seu\ - \ sistema antes de iniciar uma nova transação." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "editar parâmetros do kernel." - short: "editar parâmetros do kernel." - rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Executa um comando em uma shell transacional na raiz futura e muda para ela\ - \ na próxima inicialização" - short: "Executa um comando em uma shell transacional na raiz futura e muda para\ - \ ela na próxima inicialização" - rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - skipDiffFlag: "Ignorar a verificação de comparação no final da transação" - forceRunFlag: "Forçar a execução do comando sem pedir confirmação" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - POR FAVOR, LEIA ATENTAMENTE ANTES DE PROSSEGUIR\n===============================================================================\n\ - As alterações feitas no shell serão aplicadas à futura raiz na próxima inicialização\n\ - bem-sucedida.\nA execução de um comando em uma shell transacional é destinada\ - \ a ser usada por usuários avançados\npara fins de manutenção.\n\nSe você acabou\ - \ aqui tentando instalar um aplicativo, considere o usar\npacotes Flatpak/Appimage\ - \ ou Apx (apx install package) em seu lugar.\n\nLeia mais sobre o utilitário ABRoot\ - \ em [].\n\nVocê tem certeza de\ - \ que quer prosseguir?" - start: "Nova transação iniciada. Isso pode demorar um pouco...\nNão reinicie ou\ - \ cancele a transação até que ela seja concluída." - success: "Transação concluída com sucesso. Reinicie o sistema para aplicar as alterações." - failed: "Falha em iniciar o shell transacional:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Insira um shell transacional na futura partição raiz e troque a raiz na próxima\ - \ inicialização" - short: "Insira um shell transacional" - rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - forceOpenFlag: "Forçar a abertura do shell sem pedir confirmação" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - POR FAVOR, LEIA COM ATENÇÃO ANTES DE PROSSEGUIR\n===============================================================================\n\ - As alterações feitas na casca serão aplicadas à futura raiz no próximo boot em\n\ - sucesso.\nA execução de um comando em uma shell transacional é destinada a ser\ - \ usada por usuários avançados\npara fins de manutenção.\n\nSe você acabou aqui\ - \ tentando instalar um aplicativo, considere o uso de\nFlatpak/Appimage ou Apx\ - \ (apx install package) em seu lugar.\n\nLeia mais sobre a ABRoot em [].\n\ - \nVocê tem certeza de que quer prosseguir?" - start: "Começou uma nova transação. Isto pode demorar um pouco...\nNão reinicie\ - \ ou cancele a transação até que ela esteja concluída." - success: "Transação concluída com sucesso. Reinicie o sistema para aplicar as alterações." - failed: "Falha em iniciar o shell transacional:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Listar modificações feitas no sistema de arquivos na última transação" - short: "Mostrar modificações da última transação." - rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Executa um rollback do sistema, descartando as alterações feitas na raiz\ - \ atual." + long: "Executa um rollback do sistema, descartando as alterações feitas na raiz + atual." short: "Retorna o sistema a um estado anterior." rootRequired: "Você deve ser um administrador (root) para executar este comando." +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ro.yml b/locales/ro.yml index c5bdf46d..1be8dc13 100644 --- a/locales/ro.yml +++ b/locales/ro.yml @@ -1,109 +1,56 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot oferă imuabilitate completă și atomicitate prin efectuarea de tranzacții\ - \ între 2 partiții root (rădăcină) (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot oferă imuabilitate și atomicitate complete prin efectuarea de tranzacții\ - \ între 2 partiții root (rădăcină) (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot oferă imuabilitate completă și atomicitate prin efectuarea de tranzacții + între 2 partiții root (rădăcină) (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot oferă imuabilitate și atomicitate complete prin efectuarea de tranzacții + între 2 partiții root (rădăcină) (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "afișează detalii" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Actualizează partiția de boot în scopuri de întreținere (doar pentru utilizatorii\ - \ avansați)" - short: "Actualizează partiția de boot" - forceUpdateFlag: "forțează actualizarea partiției de boot fără a cere confirmare" - confirm: "Sunteți sigur că doriți să continuați?\nPartiția de boot ar trebui să\ - \ fie actualizată numai dacă o tranzacție a reușit. Această\ncomandă ar trebui\ - \ să fie utilizată doar de utilizatori avansați în scopuri de întreținere." - rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Afișează starea prezentă sau viitoare a partiției rădăcină (A sau B)" - short: "Afișează starea prezentă sau viitoare a partiției rădăcină (A sau B)" - rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Gestionează parametrii de kernel." short: "Gestionează parametrii de kernel." rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - nextReboot: "Parametrii de kernel se vor aplica la următoarea pornire." - failedTransaction: "Pornirea shell-ului tranzacțional a eșuat:" - stateRequired: "Vă rugăm să specificați o stare (prezentă sau viitoare)" - params: "Parametrii partiției curente:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Parametrii partiției viitoare:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Stare necunoscută: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Parametru necunoscut: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "O altă tranzacție a fost deja executată, trebuie să reporniți\ - \ sistemul înainte de a începe o nouă tranzacție." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "editați parametrii de kernel." - short: "editați parametrii de kernel." - rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execută o comandă într-un shell tranzacțional în rădăcina viitoare și comută\ - \ la această partiție la următoarea pornire" - short: "Execută o comandă într-un shell tranzacțional în rădăcina viitoare și comută\ - \ la această partiție la următoarea pornire" - rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - skipDiffFlag: "Omite verificarea diferențelor la sfârșitul tranzacției" - forceRunFlag: "Forțează execuția comenzii fără a cere confirmare" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - CITIȚI CU ATENȚIE ÎNAINTE DE A CONTINUA\n===============================================================================\n\ - \ Modificările făcute în shell vor fi aplicate rădăcinii viitoare la următoarea pornire\n - \ dacă tranzacția s-a incheiat cu succes.\nRularea unei comenzi într-un shell tranzacțional\n\ - \ este menită să fie utilizată doar de utilizatorii avansați\n\ - \ în scopuri de întreținere.\n\nDacă ați ajuns aici încercând să instalați o aplicație,\ - \ luați în considerare utilizarea\nFlatpak/Appimage sau Apx (apx install \"nume-pachet\"\ - ) în schimb.\n\nCitiți mai multe despre ABRoot la [].\n\ - \nSunteți sigur că doriți să continuați?" - start: "A început o nouă tranzacție. Acest lucru poate dura ceva timp...\nNu reporniți\ - \ sau anulați tranzacția până când nu este finalizată." - success: "Tranzacție finalizată cu succes. Reporniți pentru a aplica modificările." - failed: "Pornirea shell-ului tranzacțional a eșuat:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Intră într-un shell tranzacțional în partiția rădăcină viitoare și comută\ - \ la această partiție la următoarea pornire" - short: "Introduceți un shell tranzacțional" - rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți root pentru a executa această comandă." - forceOpenFlag: "Forțează deschiderea shell-ului fără a cere confirmare" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - CITIȚI CU ATENȚIE ÎNAINTE DE A CONTINUA\n===============================================================================\n\ - \ Modificările făcute în shell vor fi aplicate rădăcinii viitoarei la următoarea pornire\n\ - \ dacă tranzacția s-a incheiat cu succes.\nRularea unei comenzi într-un shell tranzacțional\n\ - \ este menită să fie utilizată doar de utilizatorii avansați\n\ - \ în scopuri de întreținere.\n\nDacă ați ajuns aici încercând să instalați o aplicație,\ - \ luați în considerare utilizarea\nFlatpak/Appimage sau Apx (apx install \"nume-pachet\"\ - ) în schimb.\n\nCitiți mai multe despre ABRoot la [].\n\ - \nSunteți sigur că doriți să continuați?" - start: "A început o nouă tranzacție. Acest lucru poate dura ceva timp...\nNu reporniți\ - \ sau anulați tranzacția până când nu este finalizată." - success: "Tranzacție finalizată cu succes. Reporniți pentru a aplica modificările." - failed: "Pornirea shell-ului tranzacțional a eșuat:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Listează modificările aduse sistemului de fișiere în cea mai recentă tranzacție" - short: "Afișează modificările din ultima tranzacție." - rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Execută un rollback al sistemului, eliminând modificările făcute la rădăcina\ - \ actuală." + long: "Execută un rollback al sistemului, eliminând modificările făcute la rădăcina + actuală." short: "Readuceți sistemul la o stare anterioară." rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." pkg: rootRequired: "Trebuie să fiți utilizatorul root pentru a executa această comandă." - noPackageNameProvided: "Trebuie să specificați cel puțin un nume de pachet pentru această operație." + noPackageNameProvided: "Trebuie să specificați cel puțin un nume de pachet pentru + această operație." addedMsg: "Pachet(e) %s adăugate.\n" removedMsg: "Pachet(e) %s șterse.\n" listMsg: "Pachete adăugate:\n%s\nPachete șsterse:\n%s\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ru.yml b/locales/ru.yml index a376d4a4..92438e31 100644 --- a/locales/ru.yml +++ b/locales/ru.yml @@ -1,99 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot обеспечивает полную неизменяемость и атомарность, выполняя транзакции\ - \ между двумя корневыми разделами (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot обеспечивает полную неизменяемость и атомарность, выполняя транзакции + между двумя корневыми разделами (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Обновление загрузочного раздела в целях обслуживания (только для опытных\ - \ пользователей)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "Принудительное обновление загрузочного раздела без запроса подтверждения" - confirm: "Вы уверены, что хотите продолжить?\nЗагрузочный раздел должен быть обновлен\ - \ только в том случае, если транзакция прошла успешно. Эта\nкоманда должна использоваться\ - \ опытными пользователями в целях обслуживания." - rootRequired: "Для выполнения этой команды вы должны быть пользователем root." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Выводит настоящее или будущее состояние корневого раздела (A или B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + short: Display status + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/sa.yml b/locales/sa.yml index c2b45af9..50dc3cdd 100644 --- a/locales/sa.yml +++ b/locales/sa.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + short: Display status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/sc.yml b/locales/sc.yml index 4c35b67f..f0cfabc7 100644 --- a/locales/sc.yml +++ b/locales/sc.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/sd.yml b/locales/sd.yml index 4c35b67f..8fde6129 100644 --- a/locales/sd.yml +++ b/locales/sd.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/se.yml b/locales/se.yml index 4c35b67f..322850d4 100644 --- a/locales/se.yml +++ b/locales/se.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. diff --git a/locales/shn.yml b/locales/shn.yml index c2b45af9..33d690a5 100644 --- a/locales/shn.yml +++ b/locales/shn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" diff --git a/locales/si.yml b/locales/si.yml index 4c35b67f..dfcbba84 100644 --- a/locales/si.yml +++ b/locales/si.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + short: Manage packages +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/sk.yml b/locales/sk.yml index 4c35b67f..714f9117 100644 --- a/locales/sk.yml +++ b/locales/sk.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + use: pkg + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." diff --git a/locales/sl.yml b/locales/sl.yml index 4c35b67f..75ac3763 100644 --- a/locales/sl.yml +++ b/locales/sl.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/sq.yml b/locales/sq.yml index 4c35b67f..a7c1e534 100644 --- a/locales/sq.yml +++ b/locales/sq.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/sr.yml b/locales/sr.yml index 4c35b67f..097ce5a6 100644 --- a/locales/sr.yml +++ b/locales/sr.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/sr_Latn.yml b/locales/sr_Latn.yml index c2b45af9..61dee82f 100644 --- a/locales/sr_Latn.yml +++ b/locales/sr_Latn.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation diff --git a/locales/sv.yml b/locales/sv.yml index 3f25febd..20384b51 100644 --- a/locales/sv.yml +++ b/locales/sv.yml @@ -1,74 +1,54 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot ger full oföränderlighet och atomicitet genom att utföra transaktioner mellan 2 rootpartitioner (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot ger full oföränderlighet och atomicitet genom att utföra transaktioner mellan 2 rotpartitioner (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot ger full oföränderlighet och atomicitet genom att utföra transaktioner + mellan 2 rootpartitioner (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot ger full oföränderlighet och atomicitet genom att utföra transaktioner + mellan 2 rotpartitioner (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "visa mer detaljerad utdata" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Uppdatera uppstartspartitionen i underhållssyfte (endast för avancerade användare)" - short: "Uppdatera uppstartspartitionen" - forceUpdateFlag: "tvinga uppdatering av uppstartspartitionen utan att be om bekräftelse" - confirm: "Är du säker på att du vill fortsätta?\nUppstartspartitionen bör endast uppdateras om en transaktion lyckades. Detta\nkommando bör endast användas av avancerade användare i underhållssyfte." - rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Matar ut nuvarande eller framtida rootpartitionstillstånd (A eller B)" - short: "Matar ut nuvarande eller framtida rootpartitionstillstånd (A eller B)" - rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Hantera kärnparametrar." short: "Hantera kärnparametrar." rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - nextReboot: "Kärnparametrar kommer att tillämpas vid nästa start." - failedTransaction: "Misslyckades att starta transaktionsskalet" - stateRequired: "Vänligen ange ett tillstånd (nuvarande eller framtida)" - params: "Nuvarande partitions parametrar:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Framtida partitions parametrar:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Okänt tillstånd: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Okänd parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "En annan transaktion har redan utförts, du måste starta om ditt system innan du startar en ny transaktion." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "Redigera kärnparametrar." - short: "Redigera kärnparametrar." - rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Kör ett kommando i ett transaktionsskal i den framtida rooten och växla till det vid nästa uppstart" - short: "Kör ett kommando i ett transaktionsskal i den framtida rooten och växla till det vid nästa uppstart" - rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - skipDiffFlag: "Hoppa över diffkontrollen i slutet av transaktionen" - forceRunFlag: "Tvinga kommandot att köras utan att be om bekräftelse" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\nPLÄS NOGGRANT INNAN DU FORTSÄTTER\n========================================== =====================================\nÄndringar som görs i skalet kommer att tillämpas på den framtida rooten på nästa uppstart på\nslyckad.\nKörning av ett kommando i ett transaktionsskal är det tänkt att användas av avancerade användare\nför underhållsändamål.\n\nOm du hamnade här och försökte installera ett program, överväg att använda\nFlatpak/Appimage eller Apx ( apx installationspaket) istället.\n\nLäs mer om ABRoot på [].\n\nÄr du säker på att du vill fortsätta?" - start: "Ny transaktion startade. Detta kan ta ett tag...\nStarta inte om eller avbryt inte transaktionen förrän den är klar." - success: "Transaktionen slutförd. Starta om för att tillämpa ändringar." - failed: "Misslyckades att starta transaktionsskalet:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Gå med i ett transaktionsskal i den framtida rootpartitionen och byt root vid nästa uppstart" - short: "Gå med i ett transaktionsskal" - rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - forceOpenFlag: "Tvinga öppnande av skalet utan att be om bekräftelse" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\nLÄS NOGGRANT INNAN DU FORTSÄTTER\n=========================================== =====================================\nÄndringar som görs i skalet kommer att tillämpas på den framtida roten på nästa start på\nslyckad.\nKörning av ett kommando i ett transaktionsskal är tänkt att användas av avancerade användare\nför underhållsändamål.\n\nOm du hamnade här och försökte installera ett program, överväg att använda\nFlatpak/Appimage eller Apx ( apx installationspaket) istället.\n\nLäs mer om ABRoot på [].\n\nÄr du säker på att du vill fortsätta?" - start: "Ny transaktion startade. Detta kan ta ett tag...\nStarta inte om eller avbryt inte transaktionen förrän den är klar." - success: "Transaktionen slutförd. Starta om för att tillämpa ändringar." - failed: "Misslyckades att starta transaktionsskalet:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "Lista modifikationer som gjorts i filsystemet i den senaste transaktionen" - short: "Visa modifikationer från senaste transaktionen." - rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" - long: "Utför en systemåterställning och kasserar ändringar som gjorts i den nuvarande rooten." + long: "Utför en systemåterställning och kasserar ändringar som gjorts i den nuvarande + rooten." short: "Återställ systemet till ett tidigare tillstånd." rootRequired: "Du måste vara root för att köra detta kommando." +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + use: status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/szl.yml b/locales/szl.yml index c2b45af9..75123f3b 100644 --- a/locales/szl.yml +++ b/locales/szl.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/ta.yml b/locales/ta.yml index 4c35b67f..e159a465 100644 --- a/locales/ta.yml +++ b/locales/ta.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/te.yml b/locales/te.yml index 4c35b67f..b27cd083 100644 --- a/locales/te.yml +++ b/locales/te.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + use: status + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/tg.yml b/locales/tg.yml index 4c35b67f..0ecba16c 100644 --- a/locales/tg.yml +++ b/locales/tg.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" diff --git a/locales/th.yml b/locales/th.yml index 4c35b67f..b74a87d1 100644 --- a/locales/th.yml +++ b/locales/th.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/tk.yml b/locales/tk.yml index 4c35b67f..1c24ba40 100644 --- a/locales/tk.yml +++ b/locales/tk.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + use: status +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/tl.yml b/locales/tl.yml index 4c35b67f..25af799d 100644 --- a/locales/tl.yml +++ b/locales/tl.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + use: status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/tr.yml b/locales/tr.yml index c7f7731d..327c3561 100644 --- a/locales/tr.yml +++ b/locales/tr.yml @@ -1,101 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot, 2 kök bölüm (A<->B) arasında işlemler gerçekleştirerek tam değişmezlik\ - \ ve atomiklik sağlar" - short: "ABRoot, 2 kök bölüm (A<->B) arasında işlemler gerçekleştirerek tam değişmezlik\ - \ ve atomiklik sağlar" + long: "ABRoot, 2 kök bölüm (A<->B) arasında işlemler gerçekleştirerek tam değişmezlik + ve atomiklik sağlar" + short: "ABRoot, 2 kök bölüm (A<->B) arasında işlemler gerçekleştirerek tam değişmezlik + ve atomiklik sağlar" verboseFlag: "daha ayrıntılı çıktı göster" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Bakım amacıyla önyükleme bölümünü güncelle (yalnızca ileri düzey kullanıcılar\ - \ için)" - short: "Önyükleme bölümünü güncelle" - forceUpdateFlag: "Onay istemeden önyükleme bölümünü güncellemeye zorla" - confirm: "Devam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz?\nÖnyükleme bölümü yalnızca bir\ - \ işlem başarılı olduğunda güncellenmelidir. Bu\nkomutu ileri düzey kullanıcılar\ - \ tarafından bakım amacıyla kullanılmalıdır." - rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Mevcut veya gelecekteki kök bölüm durumunu (A veya B) çıktısını verir" - short: "Mevcut veya gelecekteki kök bölüm durumunu (A veya B) çıktısını verir" - rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Çekirdek parametrelerini yönetin." short: "Çekirdek parametrelerini yönetin." rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - nextReboot: "Çekirdek parametreleri bir sonraki açılışta uygulanacaktır." - failedTransaction: "İşlemsel kabuk başlatılamadı:" - stateRequired: "Lütfen bir durum belirtin (mevcut veya gelecek)" - params: "Geçerli bölümün parametreleri:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Gelecek bölümün parametreleri:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Bilinmeyen durum: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Bilinmeyen parametre: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Başka bir işlem zaten çalıştırıldı, yeni bir işlem başlatmadan\ - \ önce sisteminizi yeniden başlatmanız gerekiyor." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "Çekirdek parametrelerini düzenleyin." - short: "Çekirdek parametrelerini düzenleyin." - rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Gelecekteki kökde, işlem kabuğunda bir komut çalıştır ve bir sonraki açılışta\ - \ buna geç" - short: "Gelecekteki kökde, işlem kabuğunda bir komut çalıştır ve bir sonraki açılışta\ - \ buna geç" - rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - skipDiffFlag: "İşlemin sonundaki, fark kontrolüne atlayın" - forceRunFlag: "Onay istemeden komutu çalıştırmaya zorla" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - LÜTFEN DEVAM ETMEDEN ÖNCE DİKKATLİCE OKUYUN\n===============================================================================\n\ - Kabukta yapılan değişiklikler bir sonraki açılışta gelecekteki kök dizinine uygulanacaktır.\n\ - başarılı.\nİşlem kabuğunda bir komut çalıştırmak, ileri düzey kullanıcılar tarafından\ - \ kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır\nbakım amaçları için.\n\nEğer buraya bir uygulama\ - \ yüklemeye çalışırken geldiyseniz, dikkatlice düşünün\nFlatpak/Appimage veya\ - \ Apx (apx yükleme paketi) Bunun yerine.\n\nABRoot hakkında daha fazla bilgiyi\ - \ [] adresinde bulabilirsiniz.\n\ - \nDevam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz ?" - start: "Yeni işlem başlatıldı. Bu biraz zaman alabilir...\nİşlem bitene kadar yeniden\ - \ başlatmayın veya işlemi iptal etmeyin." - success: "İşlem başarıyla tamamlandı. Değişiklikleri uygulamak için yeniden başlatın." - failed: "İşlemsel kabuk başlatılamadı:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Gelecekteki kök bölümüne bir işlem kabuğu girin ve bir sonraki açılışta kök\ - \ dizine geçin" - short: "İşlemsel bir kabuk girin" - rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - forceOpenFlag: "Onay istemeden kabuğu açmaya zorla" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - LÜTFEN DEVAM ETMEDEN ÖNCE DİKKATLİCE OKUYUN\n===============================================================================\n\ - Kabukta yapılan değişiklikler bir sonraki açılışta gelecekteki kök dizinine uygulanacaktır.\n\ - başarılı.\nİşlem kabuğunda bir komut çalıştırmak, ileri düzey kullanıcılar tarafından\ - \ kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmıştır\nbakım amaçları için.\n\nEğer buraya bir uygulama\ - \ yüklemeye çalışırken geldiyseniz, dikkatlice düşünün\nFlatpak/Appimage veya\ - \ Apx (apx yükleme paketi) Bunun yerine.\n\nABRoot hakkında daha fazla bilgiyi\ - \ [] adresinde bulabilirsiniz.\n\ - \nDevam etmek istediğinizden emin misiniz ?" - start: "Yeni işlem başlatıldı. Bu biraz zaman alabilir...\nİşlem bitene kadar yeniden\ - \ başlatmayın veya işlemi iptal etmeyin." - success: "İşlem başarıyla tamamlandı. Değişiklikleri uygulamak için yeniden başlatın." - failed: "İşlemsel kabuk başlatılamadı:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "En son aktarımda, dosya sisteminde yapılan değişiklikleri listele" - short: "Son işlemden itibaren yapılan değişiklikleri göster." - rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Mevcut kökte yapılan değişiklikleri iptal ederek, sistemi geri alır." short: "Sistemi önceki duruma döndür." rootRequired: "Bu komutu çalıştırmak için root olmanız gerekir." +pkg: + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/trv.yml b/locales/trv.yml index c2b45af9..57f070c0 100644 --- a/locales/trv.yml +++ b/locales/trv.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +pkg: + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +upgrade: + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/tt.yml b/locales/tt.yml index 4c35b67f..473a9595 100644 --- a/locales/tt.yml +++ b/locales/tt.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + short: Display status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ug.yml b/locales/ug.yml index 4c35b67f..6ceaf2e7 100644 --- a/locales/ug.yml +++ b/locales/ug.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." +pkg: + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/uk.yml b/locales/uk.yml index 4c35b67f..889fed74 100644 --- a/locales/uk.yml +++ b/locales/uk.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/ur.yml b/locales/ur.yml index 4c35b67f..19a65a1c 100644 --- a/locales/ur.yml +++ b/locales/ur.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. +status: + use: status + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/uroc.yml b/locales/uroc.yml index c2b45af9..c042f8e6 100644 --- a/locales/uroc.yml +++ b/locales/uroc.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + long: Display the current ABRoot status. +upgrade: + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + short: Update the boot partition +pkg: + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" diff --git a/locales/uz.yml b/locales/uz.yml index 4c35b67f..a7c1e534 100644 --- a/locales/uz.yml +++ b/locales/uz.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/vec.yml b/locales/vec.yml index c2b45af9..06123aff 100644 --- a/locales/vec.yml +++ b/locales/vec.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/vi.yml b/locales/vi.yml index 4c35b67f..23541f33 100644 --- a/locales/vi.yml +++ b/locales/vi.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + use: upgrade + short: Update the boot partition + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. +pkg: + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" diff --git a/locales/xh.yml b/locales/xh.yml index c2b45af9..7b120af1 100644 --- a/locales/xh.yml +++ b/locales/xh.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. +status: + use: status + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/zh_Hans.yml b/locales/zh_Hans.yml index 34bb9dbf..35362e0e 100644 --- a/locales/zh_Hans.yml +++ b/locales/zh_Hans.yml @@ -4,79 +4,48 @@ abroot: short: "ABRoot 藉由在两个根分区(A<->B)间执行事务以提供完全的不变性及原子性" verboseFlag: "显示更详细的输出" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "出于维护目的更新引导分区(仅适用于高级用户)" - short: "更新引导分区" - forceUpdateFlag: "强制更新引导分区而不要求确认" - confirm: "您确定要继续吗?\n引导分区仅应当在事务成功执行时更新。\n此命令仅应由高级用户出于维护目的执行。" - rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - -get: - use: "get" - long: "输出当前或将来(A或B)根分区的状态" - short: "输出当前或将来(A或B)根分区的状态" - rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "管理内核参数。" short: "管理内核参数。" rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - nextReboot: "内核参数将在下次启动时应用。" - failedTransaction: "无法启动事务 shell:" - stateRequired: "请指定状态(当前或将来)" - params: "当前分区的参数:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "将来分区的参数:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "未知的状态:%s\n" - unknownParam: "未知的参数:%s\n" - transactionsLocked: "另一个事务已经执行,您必须重新启动系统才能开始新事务。" - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "编辑内核参数。" - short: "编辑内核参数。" - rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "在将来根分区的事务 shell 中执行命令,并在下次启动时切换到该分区" - short: "在将来根分区的事务 shell 中执行命令,并在下次启动时切换到该分区" - rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - skipDiffFlag: "跳过事务结束时的差异检查" - forceRunFlag: "强制运行命令而不要求确认" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - 请在继续操作前仔细阅读!\n===============================================================================\n\ - 在 shell 内执行的更改将会在事务成功时在下一次启动时应用至将来根分区。\n\n在事务 shell 内执行命令只应出于维护目的由高级用户执行。\n\n\ - 若您接下来的操作只是想安装程序,请考虑使用 Flatpak/Appimage\n或者Apx(只需执行 apx install <包名>)。\n\n更多有关ABRoot的信息,参见\ - \ []。\n\n您确定要继续吗?" - start: "新事务已开始。这可能需要一些时间…\n在事务结束前,请勿重新启动或取消事务。" - success: "事务成功完成。重新启动以应用更改。" - failed: "无法启动事务 shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "进入将来根分区的事务 shell,并在下次启动时切换根分区" - short: "进入事务 shell" - rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - forceOpenFlag: "强制打开 shell 而不要求确认" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - 请在继续操作前仔细阅读!\n===============================================================================\n\ - 在 shell 内执行的更改将会在事务成功时在下一次启动时应用至将来根分区。\n\n在事务 shell 内执行命令只应出于维护目的由高级用户执行。\n\n\ - 若您接下来的操作只是想安装程序,请考虑使用 Flatpak/Appimage\n或者Apx(只需执行 apx install <包名>)。\n\n更多有关ABRoot的信息,参见\ - \ []。\n\n您确定要继续吗?" - start: "新事务已开始。这可能需要一些时间…\n在事务结束前,请勿重新启动或取消事务。" - success: "事务成功完成。重新启动以应用更改。" - failed: "无法启动事务 shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "列出最近一次事务对文件系统做出的修改" - short: "显示最近一次事务的修改。" - rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" - + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. rollback: use: "rollback" long: "执行系统回滚,丢弃对当前根分区的修改。" short: "将系统恢复到先前的状态。" rootRequired: "必须是 root 用户才能运行此命令。" +pkg: + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them diff --git a/locales/zh_Hant.yml b/locales/zh_Hant.yml index c2b45af9..3465da99 100644 --- a/locales/zh_Hant.yml +++ b/locales/zh_Hant.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transaction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +status: + use: status + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" +pkg: + use: pkg + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. diff --git a/locales/zh_Hant_HK.yml b/locales/zh_Hant_HK.yml index 4c35b67f..a74974c3 100644 --- a/locales/zh_Hant_HK.yml +++ b/locales/zh_Hant_HK.yml @@ -1,98 +1,53 @@ abroot: use: "abroot" - long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" - short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions\ - \ between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + long: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" + short: "ABRoot provides full immutability and atomicity by performing transactions + between 2 root partitions (A<->B)" verboseFlag: "show more detailed output" -update: - use: "_update-boot" - long: "Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only)" - short: "Update the boot partition" - forceUpdateFlag: "force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "Are you sure you want to proceed?\nThe boot partition should be updated\ - \ only if a transaction succeeded. This\ncommand should be used by advanced users\ - \ for maintenance purposes." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -get: - use: "get" - long: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - short: "Outputs the present or future root partition state (A or B)" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - kargs: use: "kargs" long: "Manage kernel parameters." short: "Manage kernel parameters." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - nextReboot: "Kernel parameters will be applied on next boot." - failedTransaction: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - stateRequired: "Please specify a state (present or future)" - params: "Current partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - futureParams: "Future partition's parameters:\n%s\n" - unknownState: "Unknown state: %s\n" - unknownParam: "Unknown parameter: %s\n" - transactionsLocked: "Another transaction has already been executed, you must reboot\ - \ your system before starting a new transaction." - -edit: - use: "edit" - long: "edit kernel parameters." - short: "edit kernel parameters." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - -exec: - use: "exec" - long: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - short: "Execute a command in a transactional shell in the future root and switch\ - \ to it on next boot" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - skipDiffFlag: "Skip the diff check at the end of the transaction" - forceRunFlag: "Force run the command without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -shell: - use: "shell" - long: "Enter a transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root\ - \ on the next boot" - short: "Enter a transactional shell" - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - forceOpenFlag: "Force open the shell without asking for confirmation" - confirm: "\n===============================================================================\n\ - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING\n===============================================================================\n\ - Changes made in the shell will be applied to the future root on next boot on\n\ - successful.\nRunning a command in a transactional shell is meant to be used by\ - \ advanced users\nfor maintenance purposes.\n\nIf you ended up here trying to\ - \ install an application, consider using\nFlatpak/Appimage or Apx (apx install\ - \ package) instead.\n\nRead more about ABRoot at [].\n\ - \nAre you sure you want to proceed?" - start: "New transaction started. This may take a while...\nDo not reboot or cancel\ - \ the transaction until it is finished." - success: "Transaction completed successfully. Reboot to apply changes." - failed: "Failed to start transactional shell:" - -diff: - use: "diff" - long: "List modifications made to the filesystem in the latest transiction" - short: "Show modifications from latest transaction." - rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." - + notChanged: No changes were made to kernel parameters. + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" rollback: use: "rollback" long: "Executes a system rollback, discarding changes made to the present root." short: "Return the system to a previous state." rootRequired: "You must be root to run this command." +pkg: + use: pkg + long: Install and manage packages. + short: Manage packages + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + noPackageNameProvided: You must provide at least one package name for this operation. + addedMsg: "Package(s) %s added.\n" + applyFailed: "Apply command failed: %s\n" + removedMsg: "Package(s) %s removed.\n" + listMsg: "Added packages:\n%s\nRemoved packages:\n%s\n" +status: + long: Display the current ABRoot status. + use: status + short: Display status + jsonFlag: Show output in JSON format + dumpFlag: Dump the ABRoot status to an archive + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + infoMsg: "ABRoot Partitions:\n - Present: %s ◄\n - Future: %s\n\nLoaded configuration: + %s\n\nPC Specs:\n - CPU: %s\n - GPU:%s\n - Memory: %s\n\nABImage:\n - Digest: + %s\n - Timestamp: %s\n - Image: %s\n\nKernel Arguments: %s\n\nPackages:\n - + Added: %s\n - Removed: %s\n - Unstaged: %s%s\n" + unstagedFoundMsg: "\n\t\tThere are %d unstaged packages. Please run 'abroot pkg + apply' to apply them." + dumpMsg: "Dumped ABRoot status to %s\n" +upgrade: + use: upgrade + long: Update the boot partition for maintenance purposes (for advanced users only) + short: Update the boot partition + forceFlag: force update the boot partition without asking for confirmation + rootRequired: You must be root to run this command. + updateAvailable: There is an update for your system. + noUpdateAvailable: No update is available for your system. + checkOnlyFlag: check for updates but do not apply them