We welcome all contributions, just make sure that they comply with the terms and conditions mentioned in code of conduct file.
You can contribute in any of the following ways:
- Report a problem in any of the examples, whether it is a problem in running the code or a defect in the algorithm or the method of writing the code in the Issues section.
- Pull request to upload new examples.
- Give suggestions for new tasks to add to the roadmap.
- Share an algorithm (metho/steps for implementing a specific function) related to the topic of this project without having to write a single line of code
- If you present an algorithm or script, you should indicate which sources were used, if any.
When writing an example, if you want to perform a pull request for it, you should consider the following:
- The language used is Rust.
- Do not use the work of others without their express permission.
- Mention the sources that were consulted, if any.
- There are no rights to the examples in this project repository.
- Look at the road map to see the goals or functions to be achieved, or you can write an example of another function related to the project topic.
- 1- First, you must place this template at the beginning of the file As a comment in the file, replacing the text between “ ” with the required data:
- This example was written by "Author Name": "The author's GitHub page, or any page related to the author on the Internet"
- The following libraries were used in this example:
"libraries were used in this example"
Go to the links to find out the original authors of each library, the license and more examples if availabe.
- You do not have to mention this source and its author or provide credit to the author when you use it for any use (personally,
commercially, etc.), but it will be appreciated by you, and mentioning this source and the project:
will help increase the number of potential contributors to the project,
and help More programmers and learners in their learning
- 2- Write a comment for each step to explain how the program is going.
- 3- At the end of the file, add the sources that helped you write this example file, if any.
- 4- It is preferable to display pictures showing the geometric relationship or the steps that were used in writing the file.
- 5- It is also preferable, if possible, to include a README.md file to explain the example.
- 6- You can write an example based on the algorithm/code from another example file in this project repository, mentioning that you used the algorithm/code from that file. However, if you wrote the example file based on one of the examples in the graphics gallery or from other source, you must make sure that it is permissible to use it.
- 7- You can also write a copy of an example that already exists in this repository but with a different method/algorithm
You can also share graphical examples in the graphics gallery