A blog about identity, technology etc.
This repository holds the Dockerfile
building the blog environment, as well as kubernetes config files, and build and deployment scripts.
Setting up rnd.feide.on on Google Container Engine.
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/secrets.yaml
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/deployment.json
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/service.json
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/ingress-ssl.yaml
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/ingress.yaml
Setup testing:
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/secrets-testing.yaml
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/deployment-testing.json
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/service-testing.json
kubectl create --namespace production -f etc-kube/ingress-testing.yaml
export TAG=$(gcloud compute instances describe $NODE --format="value(tags.items[0])")
export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl --namespace production get -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services feidernd-testing)
gcloud compute firewall-rules create feidernd-testing-allow-130-211-0-0-22 --source-ranges --target-tags $TAG --allow tcp:$NODE_PORT
export NODE_PORTP=$(kubectl --namespace production get -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services feidernd)
gcloud compute firewall-rules create feidernd-allow-130-211-0-0-22 --source-ranges --target-tags $TAG --allow tcp:$NODE_PORTP
Comit changes to test in master branch.
When verified:
git checkout stable && git merge master
git push
docker build -t uninettno/feidernd:testing .
docker run -p 8080:80 --env-file etc/ENV uninettno/feidernd:testing
kubectl --namespace production replace secret feidernd-testing -f etc-kube/secrets-testing.yaml
kubectl --namespace production replace deployment feidernd-testing -f etc-kube/deployment-testing.json
kubectl --namespace production replace secret feidernd -f etc-kube/secrets.yaml
kubectl --namespace production replace deployment feidernd -f etc-kube/deployment.json
Create service account: (not used yet)
kubectl --namespace production create -f etc-kube/serviceAccount.yaml
kubectl --namespace production get pods
kubectl --namespace production get ing
kubectl --namespace production describe ingress uninett-ingress
kubectl --namespace production logs -f feidernd-2511762231-jl76h
Update ingress
kubectl --namespace production replace -f etc-kube/ingress.yaml
Get service account:
kubectl --namespace production get serviceaccounts/circleci -o yaml
kubectl --namespace production get secrets/circleci-token-e78a4 -o yaml