- Prerequisites
- Starting the Database
- Running the Development Server
- Building The Project
- Documentation
- Learn More About Next.js
This project uses auth0 for user authentication. You will need a free account and a little bit of setup to start. It is recommended following this guide to get started. The .env.local
file mentioned in the guide is explained in a bit more detail in the next section.
To avoid the somewhat complex setup of passing role information to the application, you can comment out the following from middleware.js
at the top level of the project and skip to this section on the .env.local
const user = await getSession(req);
if (!user.user["http://localhost:3000/roles"].includes('Admin')) {
if (req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/admin')) {
const url = req.nextUrl.clone()
url.pathname = '/'
return NextResponse.redirect(url)
if (req.nextUrl.pathname.startsWith('/api/admin')) {
return new Response("Unauthorized", {status: 401});
return NextResponse.next();
The application uses the Admin
role in auth0 to protect the admin panel. To add this role to your tenant, use this auth0 documentation.
Finally, the role needs to be passed on to the user via a JWT. To do this, an auth0 action needs to be created using an auth0 Action. Follow this guide to create an action that happens during the login flow using the code below. The namespace is very important, but could be changed using an environment variable.
exports.onExecutePostLogin = async (event, api) => {
const namespace = 'http://localhost:3000';
if (event.authorization) {
api.idToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
api.accessToken.setCustomClaim(`${namespace}/roles`, event.authorization.roles);
There is a .env.local
file that needs to be configured before running anything. Copy/rename env.local.example
to .env.local
and fill in the required auth0 and MySQL database information
To run the database, docker compose needs to be installed. Follow the steps at https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ if you need help. You can then run the following command to start the MySQL database.
docker compose up -d
Before running the server, all packages need to be installed:
npm install
# or
yarn install
# or
pnpm install
Next, ensure Prisma is configured correctly:
npm prismaPush
# or
pnpm prismaPush
Finally, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing any of the files and when they are saved, the development server will automatically update them
Before building, make sure to set the AUTH0_BASE_URL
environment variable to the url where the server will be hosted in the .env.production
file (alternatively, the value in .env.local
will overwrite the value). If you are not using https, then it should be localhost.
Additionally, you will need to adjust the callback URLs in your auth0 configuration in order to still work with the new web address.
Assuming the database is up to date (using npm prismaPush
or npm prismaMigrate
) and running, building the project can be accomplished with:
npm build
# or
pnpm build
Once the project is built, start the server using:
npm start
# or
pnpm start
Log {
Int id PK
DateTime dateCreated "default: now()"
DateTime dateDue
DateTime dateReturned "(optional)"
String notes "(optional)"
Bool isReturned "default: false"
Int teamId FK
Int studentId FK
Int toolId FK
Log ||--|{ Team : "contains"
Log ||--|{ Tool : "contains"
Log ||..|{ Student : "contains"
Team {
Int id PK
String teamNumber UK
Int tableNumber
Int tokens "default: 5"
Int tokensUsed "default:0"
Bool isActive "default: true"
Student[] teamMembers
Log[] logEntries
Team ||..|{ Student : "contains"
Tool {
Int id PK
String name
Boolean isActive "default: true"
Log[] logEntries
Student {
Int id PK
String name
Team team
Int teamId FK "(optional)"
Log[] logEntries
User {
Int id PK
String name "@db.Text"
Bool isActive "default: true"
Bool isAdmin "default: false"
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!