Last update: May 31, 2023
Once the data has been downloaded, we compress it to 8-bit for computational efficiency which can be done as follows:
gdal_translate -co "COMPRESS=JPEG" -ot Byte -b 1 uncompressed.tif compressed.tif
After this, the image and its corresponding labels must be tiled. We use Python's math, numpy and opencv libraries to split the images and labels into 256x256 pixel tiles for training. An example of how to do this is the following:
image = cv.imread(image_path, -1)
label = cv.imread(label_path, -1)
tile_size = (256, 256)
offset = (256, 256)
flag=0 #flag value that corresponds to the pixel value in the frame
for i in tqdm(range(int(math.ceil(image.shape[0]/(offset[1] * 1.0))))):
for j in range(int(math.ceil(image.shape[1]/(offset[0] * 1.0)))):
cropped_img = image[offset[1]*i:min(offset[1]*i+tile_size[1], image.shape[0]), offset[0]*j:min(offset[0]*j+tile_size[0], image.shape[1])]
cropped_lab = label[offset[1]*i:min(offset[1]*i+tile_size[1], label.shape[0]), offset[0]*j:min(offset[0]*j+tile_size[0], label.shape[1])]
#Save the tile only if none of the pixels has the value 'flag' and if at least one flood pixels is present
if np.sum(cropped_img==flag) == 0 and np.sum(cropped_lab)>0:
# Debugging the tiles
#cv.imwrite(tile_img + save_name + str(i) + "_" + str(j) + ".png", cropped_img, [cv.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0])
#cv.imwrite(tile_lab + save_name + str(i) + "_" + str(j) + ".png", cropped_lab, [cv.IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION, 0])
Alternative tiling mechanisms can be used depending on the overlap and zoom levels required.
XNet and U-Net Training:
Edit the configuration file and run:
cd naive_segmentation
python --config_file /configs/config_example.yaml
Fastai U-Net Training:
See notebook
cd naive_segmentation
python --config_file /configs/config_example.yaml