This package is based on the xAODAnaHelpers (xAH) RootCore package, thus I strongly recommend you check out the xAH documentation first.
For questions please contact: lukas.adamek[at], or joakim.olsson[at]
Package created by Joakim Olsson Ported to release 21 and modified by: Lukas Adamek (lukas.adamek[at]
First setup the folders for running, building and the soruce files
mkdir myAnalysis; cd myAnalysis
mkdir source && mkdir run && mkdir build && mkdir run/results
cd source
Clone the packages that this analysis depends on.
git clone xAODAnaHelpers
git clone
git clone
asetup AnalysisBase,21.2.64,here
cd ../build
cmake ../source && make
Inside the scripts folder are two different config files. These are for running over MC, and for running over data. These files create ttrees for four different track selections, and store information about calorimeter energy deposits at the cell, EM, and LCW scale. To run a test job locally, try the following lines:
cd ../build
source */
cd ../run
mkdir results
rucio download user.luadamek.14704913.EXT1._000001.pool.root --files user.luadamek/user.luadamek.14704913.EXT1._000001.pool.root --config ../source/EoverPAnalysis/scripts/ --submitDir testing --force direct
Grid jobs are handled by a submission script located in $TestArea/EoverPAnalysis/scripts/. The grid job script takes four arguments as input: the submission directory, a txt file with all samples listed, a descriptor to label the output, and a configuration file. As an example, the following command will submit grid jobs to run over the 361022 jet jet MC sample.
cd ../run
python $TestArea/EoverPAnalysis/scripts/ --user luadamek --tag 21.2.64 --submitDir results --FileList $TestArea/EoverPAnalysis/filelists/test_list.txt --config $TestArea/EoverPAnalysis/scripts/ --descriptor test
Plotting macros can be found the root_numpy_plotting folder. See the README contained in that folder.
A macro exists for hadding together root files that are too large (> ~ 100 Gb). To use the macro, do:
python __outputfilename__ __directorywithfiles__
Do this on the /tmp/user/ directory of LxPlus nodes, and then move the large file to the final destination.