// The name of the DragonBones data.
"name": "dragonBonesName",
// The version of the DragonBones data.
"version": "5.5",
// The minimum compatible version of the DragonBones data.
"compatibleVersion": "5.5",
// The frame rate of animations. (Optional property, default: 24)
"frameRate": 24,
// The custom user data. (Optional property, default: null)
"userData": null,
// A list of the armatures. (Optional property, default: null)
"armature": [{
// The name of the armature.
"name": "armatureName",
// The frame rate of animations. (Optional property, default: null)
// [null: Same as the frame rate of the DragonBones data, N: The frame rate.]
"frameRate": 24,
// Nonessential.
"type": "Armature",
// The custom user data. (Optional property, default: null)
"userData": null,
// A list of default actions when added to a parent armature. (Optional property, default: null)
"defaultActions": [
"gotoAndPlay": "animationName"
// A list of the bones. (Optional property, default: null)
"bone": [{
// The name of the bone.
"name": "boneName",
// The name of the parent bone. (Optional property, default: null)
"parent": "parentBoneName",
// The custom user data. (Optional property, default: null)
"userData": null,
// The transform of the bone relative to the parent bone or the armature for the base pose.
// (Optional property, default: null)
"transform": {
"x": 0.0, // The horizontal translate. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"y": 0.0, // The vertical translate. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"skX": 0.0, // The horizontal skew. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"skY": 0.0, // The vertical skew. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"scX": 1.0, // The horizontal scale. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
"scY": 1.0 // The vertical scale. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
// A list of the slots.
"slot": [{
// The name of the slot.
"name": "slotName",
// The name of the parent bone.
"parent": "parentBoneName",
// The default display index of the slot. (Optional property, default: 0)
"displayIndex": 0,
// The blend mode of the slot. (Optional property, default: null)
"blendMode": null,
// The custom user data. (Optional property, default: null)
"userData": null,
// The color transform of the slot. (Optional property, default: null)
"color": {
"aM": 100, // The alpha multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"rM": 100, // The red multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"gM": 100, // The green multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"bM": 100, // The blue multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"aO": 0, // The alpha offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
"rO": 0, // The red offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
"gO": 0, // The green offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
"bO": 0, // The blue offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
// A list of the skins.
"skin": [{
// The name of the skin.
"name": "skinName",
// A list of the slots.
"slot": [{
// The name of the slot.
"name": "slotName",
// A list of the displays.
"display": [{
// The name of the display.
"name": "displayName",
// The type of the display. (Optional property, default: "image")
// [
// "image": A textured rectangle,
// "armature": A nested child armature,
// "mesh": A textured mesh,
// "boundingBox": A bounding box
// ]
"type": "image",
// The resource path of the display. (Optional property, default: null)
"path": null,
// The name of the shared mesh. (Optional property, default: null)
"share": "meshName",
// Whether to inherit the deform animations of the shared mesh. (Optional property, default: true)
"inheritDeform": true,
// The sub type of the display.
// If the display is a bounding box: (Optional property, default: "rectangle")
// ["rectangle": A rectangle, "ellipse": An ellipse, "polygon": A pllygon]
"subType": "rectangle",
// Nonessential.
"color": 0x000000,
// The transform of the display relative to the slot's bone. (Optional property, default: null)
"transform": {
"x": 0.0, // The horizontal translate. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"y": 0.0, // The vertical translate. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"skX": 0.0, // The horizontal skew. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"skY": 0.0, // The vertical skew. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"scX": 1.0, // The horizontal scale. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
"scY": 1.0 // The vertical scale. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
// The relative pivot of the display. (Optional property, default: null)
"pivot": {
"x": 0.5, // The horizontal translate. [0.0~1.0] (Optional property, default: 0.5)
"y": 0.5, // The vertical translate. [0.0~1.0] (Optional property, default: 0.5)
// The size of display. (Valid for bounding box only)
"width": 100,
"height": 100,
"vertices": [-64.0, -64.0, 64.0, -64.0, 64.0, 64.0, -64.0, 64.0],
"uvs": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
"triangles": [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0],
"weights": [1, 0, 1.0, 2, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5],
"slotPose": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"bonePose": [0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
// Override the default actions of the nested child armature. (Optional property, default: null)
"actions": [
"gotoAndPlay": "animationName"
// A list of the IK constraints.
"ik": [{
// The name of the IK constraint.
"name": "ikName",
// The name of the bone.
"bone": "boneName",
// The name of the target bone.
"target": "ikBoneName",
// The IK constraint bend direction. (Optional property, default: true)
// [true: Positive direction / Clockwise, false: Reverse Direction / Counterclockwise]
"bendPositive": true,
// The bone count of the bone chain in the constraint.
// [0: Only the bone, N: The bone and the bone up N-level parent bones] (Optional property, default: 0)
"chain": 0,
// The weight of the IK constraint. [0.0~1.0] (Optional property, default: 1.0)
"weight": 1.0
// A list of the animations.
"animation": [{
// The name of animation.
"name": "animationName",
// The play times of the animation. [0: Loop play, N: Play N times] (Optional property, default: 1)
"playTimes": 1,
// The duration of the animation. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// A list of the action keyframes. (Optional property, default: null)
"frame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// A list of actions. (Optional property, default: null)
"actions": [{
// The type of the action. (Optional property, default: 0)
// [0: Play animation, 10: Frame event, 11: Frame sound event]
"type": 0,
// The name of the action. (The name of a animation or an event)
"name": "actionName",
// A bone name. (Optional property, default: null)
"bone": "boneName",
// A slot name. (Optional property, default: null)
"slot": "slotName",
// The list of custom data. (Optional property, default: null)
"ints":[0, 1, 2],
"floats":[0.01, 1.01, 2.01],
"strings":["a", "b", "c"]
// The z order timeline.
"zOrder": {
"frame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// A list of slot indeices and numeric offsets. [slotIndexA, offsetA, slotIndexB, offsetB, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"zOrder": [0, 2, 4, 1, 6, -1]
// A list of the bone timelines.
"bone": [{
// The name of the bone.
"name": "boneName",
// The scale of the timeline. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"scale": 1.0,
// The offset of the timeline. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"offset": 0.0,
// A list of the translate keyframes. (Optional property, default: null)
"translateFrame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The tween easing of the frame. [0.0: Linear, null: No easing]. (Optional property, default: 0)
"tweenEasing": 0.0,
// The interpolation to use between this and the next keyframe. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"curve": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
// The horizontal translate of a bone in the keyframe. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"x": 0.0,
// The vertical translate of a bone in the keyframe. (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"y": 0.00,
// A list of the rotate keyframes. (Optional property, default: null)
"rotateFrame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The tween easing of the frame. [0.0: Linear, null: No easing]. (Optional property, default: 0)
"tweenEasing": 0.0,
// The interpolation to use between this and the next keyframe. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"curve": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
// The rotation behavior during a tween. (Optional property, default: 0)
// [
// 0: Chooses a direction of rotation that requires the least amount of turning,
// 1: Rotates clockwise,
// -1: Rotates counterclockwise,
// N: Rotates clockwise at least N-rings,
// -N: Rotates counterclockwise at least N-rings
// ]
"clockwise": 0,
// The rotation of a bone in the keyframe. [-PI ~ PI] (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"rotate": 0.0,
// The skew of a bone in the keyframe. [-PI ~ PI] (Optional property, default: 0.0)
"skew": 0.0
// A list of the scale keyframes. (Optional property, default: null)
"scaleFrame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The tween easing of the frame. [0.0: Linear, null: No easing]. (Optional property, default: 0)
"tweenEasing": 0.0,
// The interpolation to use between this and the next keyframe. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"curve": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
// The horizontal scale of a bone in the keyframe. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
"x": 1.0,
// The vertical scale of a bone in the keyframe. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
"y": 1.0
// A list of the slot timelines.
"slot": [{
// The name of the slot.
"name": "slotName",
// A list of the display keyframes. (Optional property, default: null)
"displayFrame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The display index of a slot in the keyframe. (Optional property, default: 1)
"value": 0,
// The actions of a slot in the keyframe. (Optional property, default: null)
"actions": [
"gotoAndPlay": "animationName"
// A list of the color keyframes. (Optional property, default: null)
"colorFrame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The tween easing of the frame. [0.0: Linear, null: No easing]. (Optional property, default: 0)
"tweenEasing": 0.0,
// The interpolation to use between this and the next keyframe. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"curve": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
// The color transform of a slot in the frame. (Optional property, default: null)
"color": {
"aM": 100, // The alpha multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"rM": 100, // The red multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"gM": 100, // The green multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"bM": 100, // The blue multiplier. [0~100] (Optional property, default: 100)
"aO": 0, // The alpha offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
"rO": 0, // The red offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
"gO": 0, // The green offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
"bO": 0, // The blue offset. [-255~255] (Optional property, default: 0)
// A list of the FFD timelines. (Optional property, default: null)
"ffd": [{
// The name of the mesh.
"name": "meshName",
// The name of skin.
"skin": "skinName",
// The name of slot.
"slot": "slotName",
"frame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The tween easing of the frame. [0.0: Linear, null: No easing]. (Optional property, default: 0)
"tweenEasing": 0.0,
// The interpolation to use between this and the next keyframe. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"curve": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
// The number of vertices to skip before applying vertices. (Optional property, default: 0)
"offset": 0,
// A list of number pairs that are the amounts to add to the setup vertex positions for the keyframe.
// (Optional property, default: null)
// [x0, y0, x1, y1, ...]
"vertices": [0.1, 0.1]
// A list of the IK constraint timelines. (Optional property, default: null)
"ik": [{
// The name of the IK constraint.
"name": "meshName",
"frame": [{
// The duration of the frame. (Optional property, default: 1)
"duration": 1,
// The tween easing of the frame. [0.0: Linear, null: No easing]. (Optional property, default: 0)
"tweenEasing": 0.0,
// The interpolation to use between this and the next keyframe. [x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
// (Optional property, default: null)
"curve": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0],
// The positive direction of the IK constraint in the frame. (Optional property, default: true)
"bendPositive": true,
// The weight of the IK constraint in the frame. (Optional property, default: 1.0)
"weight": 1.0