- Fixed Python 3 incompatibilities
- Fixed bug in multi-sector block decompression
- Fixed division bug with Python3 compatibility
- Added Python3 support
- Now properly writes empty archive files to disk
- Improved handling of invalid archive files, now raises ValueError
- Allow for MPQ file extraction to current directory
- Returns None when reading empty files from the archive
- Automatically install argparse dependency during install
- Fixes bug when using force_decompress option on a multi-sector block
- Introduces force_decompress option. This flexibility allows for reading files from some otherwise corrupted MPQ files.
- Fixes print_headers for archives without user_data_header
- Improves formatting of print_file command
- Adds support for opening any file-like object (objects implementing .read())
- Returns None when attempting to read missing or non-existant file from archive
- Adds support for opening archives from opened file objects
- Fixes decompression bug for multi-sector blocks
- Adds option to skip/ignore the list file. Allows reading when listfile has been encrypted or tampered with when you already know what you are looking for.
- Raises NotImplementedError when attempting to read encrypted files from archives
- Adds print_hash_table and print_block_table commands
- Fixed UnboundLocalError in read_file
- Fixed installation layout
- Added minimal regression test
- Released on PyPI for the first time