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452 lines (340 loc) · 17.3 KB

File metadata and controls

452 lines (340 loc) · 17.3 KB


||    k8s     ||         kubernetes      ||        master        ||        worker        || 
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  • Specifications: -
    • If we will not write storageClassName in PVC manifests file then by default storage class will assign to it.
    • To check the storage class has default assign capabilities or not
    • annotations:
    • This annotation marks made them a default storage class.
    • If we will assign storageClassName in manifests file then PVC get volume assigned by given storageClassName.
    • If we write wrong storageClassName in the manifests file then PVC status will be 'pending' and reason marked by 'ProvisioningFailed'.
    • To allocate dynamic provisioning we have to create a Storage Class, assign them a name, provisioner, parameters etc. After that when ever it will get requests from cluster user, It will create dynamically volume. Cluster Administrator don't need to create PV manifests file for this.
    • Note: Cluster user has to write storageClassName in PVC manifests file otherwise if not write storageClassName then it will get default storage class.

    • If you want to bind the PVC to pre-provisioned PV then you have write the empty string after the storageClassName.
    • storageClassName: ""
    • This things bound to allocate the default storage class volume.
    • Explicitly set storageClassName to "" if you want the PVC to use a pre-provisioned PersistentVolume.


  • Specifications: -
    • Key must contain an alphanumeric, hypens(-), dots(.), underscores(_).
    • We cannot give a key name for a directory path.
    • kubectl create cm thanos --from-file=data=data/ ---> wrong
  • A whole directory
    • kubectl create cm thanos --from-file=data/ ---> correct
  • Data stored in a file
    • kubectl create cm data --from-file=config.json ---> correct
  • Key/Value
    • kubectl create cm data --from-file=key=value ---> correct
  • A file stored in a custom key
    • kubectl create cm data --from-file=strike=data.yaml ---> correct
  • You can also mark a reference to a ConfigMap as optional (by setting configMapKeyRef.optional: true). In that case, the container starts even if the ConfigMap doesn’t exist.
    • Environment variables doesn't support hyphens(-) is in the key. http-top is not a valid identifier. It should be http_top.

OS Upgrades

  • If any Pod is schedule on Node and that is not operate by ReplicaSets, Deployments, Replicationcontroller then it will not possible to unschedule in normal way.

    • One thing, we can do first delete the Pod then process ahead for unschedule to Node.
    • Second thing, run the command with forcefully it will delete single Pods and proceed unschedule process.
  • We have to run the following command: -

kubectl drain node02 --force --ignore-daemonsets

Note: - That Pod is not a part of any self heal resources so it will be deleted for ever and not recoverable or not scheduleable on other Nodes.

  • To get back the unschedule Node to on Ready/Scheduling state then run the following command: -
kubectl uncordon node02

If you wants to Node be unscheduleable and not ready state without evicted already available Pod then run the following command: -

kubectl cordon node01

  • To get back on Schedule/Ready state then run the following command: -
kubectl uncordon node01


  • ETCD Backup: -

  • ETCD cluster volume already mounted in master node at location /var/lib/etcd. If you will inspect/describe etcd-master Pod in kube-system namespace. You will see in volumeMounts.mountPath to volumes.hostPath.

  • To maintain a backup of ETCD cluster: -

    • We have to follow these steps.
    • ETCDCTL_API=3 because functions are working in API version 3.

Note: - You cannot perform ETCD API version 2 commands, You have to change it into API version 2 to make it work.

  • You can do export ETCDCTL_API=3 to expose in system ENV.
  etcdctl snapshot save --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key --endpoints=  <path of location to save snapshot of ETCD>

  • Before attempting this, check it that following command is working or not.
etcdctl member list --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key --endpoints=

O/P :  7b20d9b132c379ac, started, controlplane,, 

That means successfully ran.

  • You can check version of ETCD and location of Keys and Certificates from etcd.yaml manifests file or To inspect/describe the etcd-master Pod, which is located in kube-system namespace.

  • To check the version of ETCD inside etcd Pod.

List of Pods in kube-system namespaces

kubectl get po -n kube-system

# To check the version of ETCD cluster

kubectl exec etcd-master -n kube-system -- etcdctl version

  • You can check version of etcd and other important location of etcd from static etcd manifests file. (/etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml) or You can inspect/describe etcd-master Pod which is located in kube-system namespaces.
kubectl describe pod etcd-master -n kube-system

  • You will get all the details of etcd cluster.

  • ETCD Restore: -

  • To restore backup in ETCD cluster

    • First export ETCDCTL_API=3 in system ENV.
    • To take a help of etcdctl subcommands: -
etcdctl snapshot restore -h

  • To take a restore of data with help of backup data.
# Make sure to do `export ETCDCTL_API=3` otherwise add in beginning of the command.

ETCDCTL_API="3" etcdctl snapshot restore \
--cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \
--key /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key \
--endpoints= --name master \
--data-dir="/var/lib/etcd-backup" --initial-advertise-peer-urls="" \
--initial-cluster-token="etcd-cluster-1" \
--initial-cluster="master="   /tmp/snapshot-data.db

Options: -
> --name                                --> Name of the controlplane node component
> --data-dir                            --> New location of etcd directory
> --initial-cluster-token               --> New name of ETCD cluster 
> --initial-advertise-peer-urls         --> Interact with master node and helpful while restoring data
> --initial-cluster                     --> Initial cluster configuration for restore bootstrap

  • After this setup configuration, move to the static Pod manifest path of kubernetes. (/etc/kubernetes/manifests)
  • Add these lines into command section of etcd.yaml manifest file.
    • --data-dir=/var/lib/etcd-backup
    • --initial-cluster-token=etcd-cluster-1
  • Change into the volumes section: -
    • volumeMounts.mountPath: - /var/lib/etcd to /var/lib/etcd-backup
    • volumes.hostPath: - /var/lib/etcd to /var/lib/etcd-backup
  • After this whole configuration of ETCD cluster, kubelet will detect these changes and automatically restart the Pods. It will take a few minutes.

E2E Test-0

  • Warnings: -
2020/07/11 03:50:19 Warning: Couldn't find directory src/ under any of GOPATH /root/go, defaulting to /root/go/src/
2020/07/11 03:50:19 Warning: Couldn't find directory src/ under any of GOPATH /root/go, defaulting to /root/go/src/
2020/07/11 03:50:19 Warning: Couldn't find directory src/ under any of GOPATH /root/go, defaulting to /root/go/src/

  1. You can make a directory of above missing directories in under $HOME/go/src to resolve this issues.
  2. You can ignore above errors. It will not impact in your e2e test.
  3. Clone this repo in your current working directory (
 $ cd $HOME
 $ git clone
  1. After successfully cloned. Move into the directory test-infra and run the following command: -

It will downloaded some modules/dependencies/packages.

 $ cd /root/test-infra/kubetest
 $ GO111MODULE=on go install ./kubetest
  1. Completion of downloading and extraction of modules/packages. Move into the /root/go/bin path.
 $ cd /root/go/
 $ ls
 $ bin  pkg
 $ cd bin/
 $ ls
 $ kubetest
  1. Set a environment variable in your system to allocate identity of about master component.
# Example : ""
$ export KUBE_MASTER_API="{master-ip}:{master-port}"
# Example : master, controlplane
$ export KUBE_MASTER={master-name}
  1. After successfully setup all configurations. Run the following command to perform e2e test.
# Move into the bin directory of GOPATH (/root/go/bin).
$ cd /root/go/bin/

# kubetest is available in an executable mode. It will take long time to run the tests.
$ kubetest --test --provider=skeleton --extract=v1.18.0 --test_args=--ginkgo.focus="\[Conformance\]" > test-result

Options: -
1. --test        - This flag tells kubetest to run the test.e2e binary built/extracted from the kubernetes/kubernetes repo.
2. --provider    - This flag tells to perform in which platform. "skeleton" for local environment.
3. --extract     - This flag tells what version of kubernetes would like to test. Must be match with your Kubernetes cluster version.   

Note: - --extract value must be match with your Kubernetes version.

  1. To run the selected resources. Run the following command: -
$ cd /root/go/bin
$ kubetest --test --provider=skeleton --extract=v1.18.0 --test_args=--ginkgo.focus="\[Secrets\]" > secrets-testresult

# Deployments | Pods | ConfigMaps | Secrets | ServiceAccount | RoleBinding | Role | ClusterRole | ClusterRoleBinding | more..
  1. You can check the details about kubernetes version, success, failed status from stored file.
$ cat secrets-testresult

E2E Test-1

  • Correct way: -
  1. Set a environment variable in your system to allocate identity of about master component.
# Example : ""
# You can check kube-apiserver running details from `kubectl cluster-info`

$ export KUBE_MASTER_API="{master-ip}:{master-port}"

# Example : master, controlplane

$ export KUBE_MASTER={master-name}
  1. Clone a repo in your current working directory (
$ git clone
  1. Move into the cloned directory test-infra and run the following command: -
$ cd /root/test-infra

# Run this from the clone repo

$ GO111MODULE=on go install ./kubetest
  1. (Optional) Check/List the directory contents: -
$ ls -l /root/go
total 12
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jul 11 05:04 bin
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jun  8 22:04 pkg
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Jul 11 04:53 src

$ cd /root/go

$ ls -l bin/
total 99832
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 41330568 Jun  8 22:04 kind
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 60892683 Jul 11 04:56 kubetest
  1. Move into the bin directory of GOPATH (/root/go/bin). kubetest is available in executable mode.
# Move into the bin directory of GOPATH (/root/go/bin).
$ cd /root/go/bin/

# kubetest is available in an executable mode. It will take long time to run the tests.

$ kubetest --test --provider=skeleton --extract=v1.18.0 --test_args=--ginkgo.focus="\[Secrets\]" > secret-testresult

Options: -
1. --test        - This flag tells kubetest to run the test.e2e binary built/extracted from the kubernetes/kubernetes repo.
2. --provider    - This flag tells to perform in which platform. "skeleton" for local environment.
3. --extract     - This flag tells what version of kubernetes would like to test. Must be match with your Kubernetes cluster version.   

Note: - --extract value must be match with your Kubernetes version.

  1. To run the selected resources. Run the following command: -
$ cd /root/go/bin

$ kubetest --test --provider=skeleton --extract=v1.18.0 --test_args=--ginkgo.focus="\[ConfigMaps\]" > cm-testresult

# Deployments | Pods | ConfigMaps | Secrets | ServiceAccount | RoleBinding | Role | ClusterRole | ClusterRoleBinding | more..
  1. You can check the details about kubernetes version, success, failed status from stored file.
$ cat cm-testresult
  1. You can add --timeout flag to finish a test in a given duration time but not all.
$ cd /root/go/bin/

# This "Conformance" test for 10min. Otherwise it will take 1hour+ to successfully complete.
# Testing timing is 10 minutes.

$ kubetest --test --provider=skeleton --extract=v1.18.0 --test_args=--ginkgo.focus="\[Conformance\]" --timeout=10m > quick_testresult 

Generate Token through kubeadm command

  • Token Generate
$ kubeadm token generate

O/P :-
  • Token create
$ kubeadm token create 1fipm7.0vw539991wu62ibh(token-name) --ttl 20h --print-join-command

Note: - It's valid for next 20h.

  • Token list
$ kubeadm token list

O/P: -
   f1hi6h.ndq672735msivavx   8d          2020-07-31T11:12:24Z   authentication,signing  <none>system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token

Initializing Master Node

  • Details of Resources:

    • Kubeadm: 1.18.0
    • Ubuntu: 18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
    • Docker: 19.03.6
  • Generating token

master $ kubeadm generate token

O/P: 5bf6si.k4kr89dox7e24x2k
  • Initializing the cluster with the generated token
master $ kubeadm init --token=5bf6si.k4kr89dox7e24x2k --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-bind-port=6443 --apiserver-advertise-address= --kubernetes-version=$(kubeadm version -o short)

Note: It will take version as per kubeadm version.

  • To manage the kubernetes cluster, the client configurations and certificates required. This configuration is created when kubeadm initialises the cluster.
master $ sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config

master $ sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

master $ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config
  • Deploy network plugins as per your requirements. Network Addons

  • List of kube-system pods

master $ kubectl get pods -n kube-system
  • Once the Master and CNI has initialised. Nodes and kube-system Pods are up and running, then the Worker nodes can join Master node. Token history managed by kubeadm token.
master $ kubeadm token list 

master $ kubeadm token --help
  • To run the following command to join the cluster and also provide the ip address of the Master node.
master $ kubeadm join --discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification --token=5bf6si.k4kr89dox7e24x2k

Options: -
--discovery-token-unsafe-skip-ca-verification -- For token-based discovery, allow joining without --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash pinning. Over all bypass the discovery token verification.
  • View the nodes, after joining the worker nodes.
master $ kubectl get nodes
  • Create a deployment and view the pods and deployments.
master $ kubectl create deployment nginx --image=nginx:1.17

master $ kubectl get deployments

master $ kubectl get pods
  • Pause Containers:- The Pause container is responsible for defining the network for the Pod. Other containers in the pod share the same network namespace. This improves network performance and allow multiple containers to communicate over the same network interface. When we are exposing port for the Pod, Ports are exposed on the Pod, not for the nginx containers itself.
master $ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port 80

master $ kubectl expose po nginx --name nginx --port 80 --type NodePort

worker $ docker ps | grep nginx