This project is Checking member's attendance via nfc
- Due to domain issues, to check the website out, press this link.
- PC for hosting website(Cloud computing service like gcp is also OK)
- Raspberry 3b+ for using NFC module
- NFC reader to read card
- Small display to show register QR code
- Python3
- git
- Django
- mysql
- gcp
- Adafruit_CircuitPython_PN532
- Run setup script
- Open terminal(like UNIX system) or cmd(Windows)
- Move to directory that you want to clone repo
- Type this command to clone
git clone
- Move to repo folder
- Type this command to move folder for hosting PC
cd server
- Install python virtualenv to activate virtualenv
sudo apt install python3-venv
pip3 install virtualenv
- create your own virtualenv
python3 -m venv <virualenv name>
- activate your virtualenv
source <virtualenv name>/bin/activate
- Install necessary library to operate by this command
pip install --user -r requirement.txt
- make setting folder
rm -r .config_secret
mkdir .config_secret
- make secretkey randomly
- Copy generated secretkey
- make server_info.json echo -e "{"development":{"SECRET_KEY":"","DATABASES":{"default":{"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.mysql", "NAME": "<db_name>", "USER": "<new_account>", "PASSWORD": "<new_passwd>", "HOST": "localhost", "PORT":""}}}}" > .config_secret/server_info.json echo "export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=jaram_atd.settings.development" >> ~/.bash_profile
: generated secretkey from step 12 <db_name> : database name in mysql server <new_account> : account for attendance <new_passwd> : password for account
python3 makemigrations main python3 migrate
python3 createsuperuser