#Formatting stuff for the OC jupyterbook
- Use descriptive names for variables to make it clear what the object represents. For example:
initial_velocity = 85 # [m/s]
velocity[0] = initial_velocity # [m/s]
Comments in cell codes should be avoided as much as possible. Only the units should be placed as comments when necessary. Units inside of squared brackets, i.e.
# [m/s]
The maximum characters in cell codes for webpage is 90, PEP-8 recommends 79
Don't brake a long url to fit the max characters. It's more practical to be able to quickly copy/paste an url then to remove line breaks when pasting into the browser.
The Let's drop down admonition can be used to explain the cell script instead of comments. Let's drop down (
class: dropdown
) example:
:class: dropdown
Here's a step-by-step explanation of the code:
1. ``import numpy as np``: This line imports the NumPy library and assigns it the alias "np" for easier usage in the code.
2. ``time = np.arange(0,61,1) # [s]``: This line creates an array called "time" using the ``arange`` function from NumPy. It starts from 0, goes up to 61 (exclusive)
- The Toolbox admonition can be used to provide the steps to answer an exercise and the functions that students could use. Toolbox (
class: tip
) example:
:class: tip
These are your tools to solve this exercise:
* Import numpy and load the data set.
* Define the input variables and check if the conditions are satisfied.
You can use the following numpy functions (but not limited to):
``np.loadtxt()``, ``np.all()``, ``np.max()``
- This an example of notes
::: {note}
* The notation $[40,50)$ means every value between $40$ and $50$, including $40$ but excluding $50$; similar to $(40 \leq value < 50)$.
- This an example of warnings
::: {warning}
Your endpoint is <b>not</b> included in the array. If you want to include the endpoint in the array, you have to specify the stop to be <b>endpoint + step</b>. This will be clearer in the following examples.