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A minimal Apache/PHP container for Kubernetes and Docker


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Flight Deck

Flight Deck Web

Flight Deck Web is a minimalist Apache/PHP container for Drupal, Wordpress, and other PHP-based sites on Kubernetes and Docker. You can use it both for local development and production.


  • ConfigMap-friendly YAML configuration
  • PHP optimized out of the box for Drupal sites, while supporting any PHP application.
  • Composer 2, Drush, Imagemagick, Node, SASS out of the box

Tags and versions

There are several tags available for this container, each with different software and support:

Tags PHP version Drupal versions Drush
latest 7.4 7, 8, 9 8.x and 10.x
x.y.z 7.4 7, 8, 9 8.x and 10.x


  • x.y.z is the container version as seen on the tags page


Instead of a large number of environment variables, this container relies on a file to perform all runtime configuration, flightdeck-web.yml. Inside the file, create following:

flightdeck_web: {}

All configuration is done as items under the flightdeck_web variable. See the following sections for details as to particular configurations.

You can provide this file in one of three ways to the container:

  • Mount the configuration file at path /config/web/flightdeck-web.yml inside the container using a bind mount, configmap, or secret.
  • Mount the config file anywhere in the container, and set the FLIGHTDECK_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to the path of the file.
  • Encode the contents of flightdeck-web.yml as base64 and assign the result to the FLIGHTDECK_CONFIG environment variable.

Configuring virtual hosts

This container may have one or more virtual hosts configured to serve. Each is specified as an item under the vhosts key:

    - name: ""
      host: "*:80"
      docroot: "/var/www/html"
        - "docker.test"
        - "docker.localhost"
        - name: ANSWER_TO_EVERYTHING
          value: "42"
      https:  yes
      certFile: "/etc/ssl/apache2/server.pem"
      keyFile: "/etc/ssl/apache2/server.key"
        - "SSLProxyEngine On"


  • name is the fully-qualified domain name of the site. Required.
  • host is the hostname:port on which to accept requests. Optional, defaults to *:80.
  • docroot is the full path inside the container to the site docroot. Optional, defaults to /var/www/html.
  • aliases is a list of domain aliases to treat as alternate domain names for the site. Optional.
  • env is a list of environment variables to set when serving requests. Optional.
  • https specifies that this vhost should serve requests through HTTPS. yes to enable, no to disable. Optional, defaults to no.
  • certFile is the full path inside the container to the SSL certificate chain in *.pem format. Optional.
  • keyFile is the full path inside the container to the SSL certificate private key. Optional.
  • extraLines is a list of additional custom lines to add to the vhost. Optional.

Configuring PHP

This container uses mod_php to provide PHP as part of the Apache process. While PHP is configured with sensible defaults out of the box, you may customize them by defining the php key:

    sendmail_path: "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
    max_execution_time: "120"
    max_input_vars: "3000"
    memory_limit: "320M"
    upload_max_filesize: "128M"
    post_max_size: "128M"
    error_reporting: "E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT"
    display_errors: no
    display_startup_errors: no
    error_log: "/dev/stderr"
    variables_order: "GPCS"


  • sendmail_path is the sendmail command to use when sending email. Optional, defaults the the sendmail binary included with the container.
  • max_execution_time is the maximum time in seconds for PHP to serve a request. Optional, defaults to 120 seconds.
  • max_input_vars specifies the maximum number of variables that may be submitted in a single request. Optional, defaults to 3000.
  • memory_limit specifies the maximum amount of memory PHP may consume to serve a web request. Optional, defaults to 320M.
  • upload_max_filesize is the maximum file size that may be uploaded in a single request. Optional, defaults to 128M.
  • post_max_size is the maximum size a POST request may be and still be accepted. Optional, defaults to 128M.
  • error_reporting specifies the types or errors that may be displayed on screen. Optional, defaults to development values.
  • display_errors specifies if errors should be written to the output of web requests. Optional, defaults to no.
  • display_startup_errors specifies if startup errors should be written to the output of web requests. Optional, defaults to no.
  • error_log is the full path inside the container to write the PHP error log. Optional, defaults to the docker log collector at /dev/stderr.
  • variables_order specifies the order and types of variables to make available when serving web requests. Optional, defaults to production values.

Drush version

This container assumes Drush 10 out of the box. To use Drush 8.x for Drupal 7, set the flightdeck_web.drush.version key:

    version: 8.x


  • version is the Drush version series to use, either 8.x or 10.x.

Alternatively, you may choose to set the DRUSH_VERSION environment variable to 8.x. This is only respected on container startup. To force a particular command invocation to use Drush 8.x, use the drush8 command instead of drush.

XDebug configuration

XDebug is included out of the box with Flight Deck Web. By default, it is not enabled. You can configure it using the xdebug key:

    enabled: no
    autostart: no
    connectBack: no
    stdoutLogs: no
    idekey: "PHPSTORM"
    remoteHost: ""


  • enabled specifies if XDebug is enabled (yes), or disabled (no). Optional, default is no.
  • autostart specifies if XDebug should always run on every request, even if the idekey isn't present. Optional, defaults to no.
  • *connectBack specifies if XDebug should attempt to connect back to a remote debugger. Optional, default is no as this is not functional on Docker for Mac or Windows.
  • stdoutLogs specifies if XDebug's logs should be sent to STDOUT or not. Optional, default is no as this is only necessary when troubleshooting XDebug.
  • idekey specifies the XDebug trigger value passed via a GET request to dynamically enable debugging on a per-request basis. Optional, defaults to PHPSTORM.
  • remoteHost is the remote host at which to allow debugging. Optional, defaults to

XDebug Profile configuration

The XDebug profiler is also included with the container out of the box for use in gathering PHP performance data for your application. You may configure it by using the xdebugProfile key:

    trigger: "XDEBUG_PROFILE"
    force: no


  • trigger is the XDebug trigger value passed via a GET request to dynamically enable profilin gon a per-request basis. Optional, defaults to XDEBUG_PROFILE.
  • force specifies if profiling should be run on every request (yes), or not (no). Optional, default is no.

Deployment on Kubernetes

Use the ten7.flightdeck_cluster role on Ansible Galaxy to deploy the web container as a deployment. By default, it shares the same pod with ten7/flight-deck-varnish:

  namespace: "example-com"
    - name: "flight-deck-web"
        - name: "flight-deck-web.yml"
          content: |
    replicas: 1
      - name: "flight-deck-web"
        path: "/config/web"

Using with Docker Compose

Create the flight-deck-web.yml file relative to your docker-compose.yml. Define the varnish service mounting the file as a volume:

version: '3'
    image: ten7/flight-deck-web
      - 80:80
      - 433:433
      - ./flight-deck-web.yml:/config/web/flight-deck-web.yml

Using overrides to enable XDebug

XDebug creates a performance cost whenever enabled, even if the trigger value is not present in the request. For this reason, it's best to leave XDebug disabled unless you need to use the debugger. To do so, you can create a docker-compose.overrides.yml in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml file:

version: '3'

It is highly recommended to add docker-compose.overrides.yml to your project's .gitignore.


Often, you may wish to build a custom container on top of this one which includes your website. To see an example of this, see the ten7/flight-deck-drupal example container.

Part of Flight Deck

This container is part of the Flight Deck library of containers for Drupal local development and production workloads on Docker, Swarm, and Kubernetes.

Flight Deck is used and supported by TEN7.


If you need to get verbose output from the entrypoint, set flightdeck_debug to true or yes in the config file.

flightdeck_debug: yes

This container uses Ansible to perform start-up tasks. To get even more verbose output from the start up scripts, set the ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY environment variable to 4.

If the container will not start due to a failure of the entrypoint, set the FLIGHTDECK_SKIP_ENTRYPOINT environment variable to true or 1, then restart the container.


Flight Deck is licensed under GPLv3. See LICENSE for the complete language.