preg_filter() is identical to preg_replace() except it only returns the (possibly transformed) subjects where there was a match. For details about how this function works, read the preg_replace() documentation.
* Return array entries that match the pattern
* @link
* @param string $pattern <p>
* The pattern to search for, as a string.
* </p>
* @param array $input <p>
* The input array.
* </p>
* @param int $flags [optional] <p>
* If set to <b>PREG_GREP_INVERT</b>, this function returns
* the elements of the input array that do not match
* the given <i>pattern</i>.
* </p>
* @return array an array indexed using the keys from the
* <i>input</i> array.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function preg_grep ($pattern, array $input, $flags = 0) {}
$array = ['0.123','23123','.01','sadasd.a',"0."];
// return all array elements
// containing floating point numbers
$fl_array = preg_grep("/^(\d+)?\.\d+$/", $array);
var_dump($fl_array); // "0.123","0.01"
* Quote regular expression characters
* @link
* @param string $str <p>
* The input string.
* </p>
* @param string $delimiter [optional] <p>
* If the optional <i>delimiter</i> is specified, it
* will also be escaped. This is useful for escaping the delimiter
* that is required by the PCRE functions. The / is the most commonly
* used delimiter.
* </p>
* @return string the quoted (escaped) string.
* @since 4.0
* @since 5.0
function preg_quote ($str, $delimiter = null) {}
$keywords = '$40 for ][ ^ a g3/400';
$keywords = preg_quote($keywords, '/');
echo $keywords . PHP_EOL; // \$40 for \]\[ \^ a g3\/400
* Returns the error code of the last PCRE regex execution
* @link
* @return int one of the following constants (explained on their own page):
* <b>PREG_NO_ERROR</b>
* <b>PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR</b> (see also pcre.backtrack_limit)
* <b>PREG_RECURSION_LIMIT_ERROR</b> (see also pcre.recursion_limit)
* <b>PREG_BAD_UTF8_OFFSET_ERROR</b> (since PHP 5.3.0)
* @since 5.2.0
function preg_last_error () {}
preg_match('/(?:\D+|<\d+>)*[!?]/', 'foobar foobar foobar',$result);
if (preg_last_error() == PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR) {
print 'Backtrack limit was exhausted!' . PHP_EOL;