A quick-start project that contains code to create and configure the Syncfusion Angular TextArea component. This project also contains code to configure a few of the control's basic features, like floating labels, resize modes, validation states, the read-only state, and the disable state.
Refer to the following documentation to learn about the Angular TextArea component: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/documentation/textarea/getting-started
Check out this online example of the Angular TextArea component: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/angular/demos/#/bootstrap5/textarea/default
Make sure that your machine has the following setup before starting to work on this project.
To run this application, you need to first clone the getting-started-with-the-angular-textarea-component
repository and then open it in Visual Studio Code. Now, simply build and run your project using npm start
command to view the output.