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Releases: SonarSonic/DrawingBotV3


15 Jan 06:02
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  • Added: "Advanced Settings" to preferences, allowing you to specify which OpenCL device to use for acceleration, use with default settings unless you have issues.
  • Improved: Colour Accuracy and Line Quality of Colour Match when using Sketch PFMs
  • Improved: Speed of the "Refine ETF" stage of Streamlines Edge Field
  • Improved: Speed of the "Comparing Pens" stage when using Colour Match
  • Fixed: Crash on load on MacOS High Sierra / Disable Documentation Integration for MacOs pre Big Sur
  • Fixed: Crash when using Streamlines Edge Field / Colour Match on more recent GPU/CPU Combinations
  • Fixed: Some preferences auto-applying when other settings change
  • Fixed: Export Image using the incorrect scaling when using High Quality Mode in some configurations
  • Fixed: Sketch PFMs creating digital-like artifacts in dark areas when using Unlimited Tests
  • Fixed: Mosaic Custom using the incorrect scaling when the mask and image size didn't match
  • Fixed: Hardware Accelerated Renderer canvas positioning when first loaded
  • Note: Switched from Aparapi to JOCL for OpenCL Integration


06 Jan 17:54
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  • Added: 3 New Streamlines PFMS Streamline PFMs generate streamlines to represent an image which are driven by the direction from a vector field. The streamlines are spaced according to the brightness of the image without overlapping. The underlying vector field can be altered dramatically to create many different styles which still remaining faithful to the original images brightness. This makes them very versatile for creating stylised wave like patterns which can be highly customised.
    • Streamlines Edge Field - Generates streamlines which follow the natural direction of the image, derived from an Edge Tangent Field
    • Streamlines Flow Field - Generates streamlines which follow a Flow Field
    • Streamlines Superformula - Generates streamlines which follow a Superformula
  • Added: Support for "Export to vpype" when using Batch Processing / Video Processing and in all default export modes "per/pen, per/n pens" etc.
  • Improved: Quality and tone retention when using CMYK
  • Improved: Line Accuracy of Sketch PFMs
  • Improved: SVG Converter - Overall speed especially when Shape Clipping is enabled.
  • Improved: SVG Converter - Quality of hatch fills on curved shapes
  • Improved: SVG Converter - Handling of compound paths and filling shapes with holes
  • Improved: SVG Converter - SVG Dimension interpretation when no dimensions are specified
  • Improved: Colour Match pen comparison speed
  • Improved: Added more detailed progress bar to Adaptive PFMs
  • Changed: CMYK / CMYK (Extended) now use a default Clean Black & Clean White of 0
  • Fixed: Sketch PFMs drawing multiple straight lines in dark areas when using Unlimited Tests.
  • Fixed: Incorrect canvas alignment when using "Crop to fit" with inches/cm
  • Fixed: GCode Export - missing pen up commands at the start/end of layers
  • Fixed: Failed start-ups in situations where OpenCV libraries failed to load
  • Fixed: Batch/Video Processing failing to draw the current task


10 Nov 11:10
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  • Added: "High Quality Mode DPI" to preferences, creating greater consistency of style between High/Low Quality input images and different page sizes.
  • Improved: Tone/Contrast consistency between High Quality / Normal Quality + better shadow detail in High Quality mode.
  • Improved: OpenGL Renderer will now initialize silently at runtime
  • Improved: Switching between Drawing and Drawing (Hardware Accelerated) will maintain the original viewport position.
  • Fixed: Pop-Ups/Dialogs appearing on a different desktop/screen and sometimes crashing the application.
  • Fixed: Pop-Ups/Dialogs sometimes minimizing/hiding the main window.
  • Fixed: High Quality mode producing lower quality results when using high resolution images.


13 Oct 04:15
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  • Improved: Initial start speed of LBG PFMs
  • Improved: MacOS - OpenGL Renderer Quality/Speed Improvements
  • Improved: HPGL / GCode Export error reporting
  • Fixed: PFMs Failing to run in some situations with "could not initialize class" errors
  • Fixed: MacOS OpenGL Renderer not initializing on some operating systems.
  • Fixed: OpenGL Renderer failing to initialize in Full Screen
  • Fixed: Import/Export Dialogs not appearing when the previous location is unavailable.
  • Fixed: HPGL / GCode Export failing to start in some situations on MacOS


01 Oct 06:21
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  • Added: Group option for Masks, right-click a mask in the table with multiple selected to create a new grouped mask.
  • Added: Link Square Paths & Link Circle Paths to Pen Calibration PFM, reducing pen lifts when running tests.
  • Added: Heart as a new Shape and Mask Type.
  • Added: Support for Proxies when running with a Corporate Firewall.
  • Improved: UI Scaling on Pen Settings and Batch Processing panels.
  • Fixed: Colour Match failing to finish with "Out of range".
  • Fixed: Catmull-Roms PFM failing to finish with "testData is null".
  • Fixed: Duplicating masks creating an additional invisible mask.
  • Fixed: SVG Converter PFM handling empty paths incorrectly, resulting in export failures.
  • Fixed: SVG Converter PFM ignoring the Pen Limit when using Colour Match


01 Sep 14:29
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  • Added: 2 New PFMs:
    • Sketch Flow Fields - Uses a Flow Field to direct the generated paths.
    • Sketch Superformula - Uses Superformula to produce sketch plots which are driven by radial patterns, such as stars, vortexes and ellipses. You can use examples shown on the Superformula wiki by using the examples m, n1, n2 and n3 for Frequency, Curvature, Sine Factor and Cos Factor respectively
  • Added: CMYK (Extended Gamut) - A new color separation option which extends the stand CMYK range to include Orange, Green, Violet, Red and Blue. It can create plots with even more vibrant colors and more colour accurate result than standard CMYK. You can even add your own pens to the color separation, allowing for even more accurate results, it is best to still keep the main CMYK pens as part of the plot.
  • Added: 2 New Distribution Types
    • Random Squiggles - Unlike the classic Random distribution, random squiggles will only change pen when a Squiggle (continuous path without pen lifts) is finished.
    • Luminance Weighted - Distributes pens according to each shape's luminance in the original image, works especially well with non-Sketch PFMs by reintroducing multiple pens to the plot in a more aesthetically pleasing way than alternative distribution types. Try it out with Adaptive Shapes!
  • Added: New CMYK Settings
    • Clean Black - Prevents areas of complete black being drawn over by non-black pens, resulting in a cleaner result with less ink wasted.
    • Clean White - Works in a similar way to Clean Black, and protects white areas from being drawn over by off-white pens.
    • Vibrancy - Controls the overall intensity for the Extended Gamut colors (Orange, Green, Violet, Red and Blue)
    • Reduce Overlay - Controls the amount pens are allowed to overlap in the final result.
  • Improved: New CMYK Separation configuration UI, to allow more advanced configurations.
  • Improved: CMYK Settings can now be saved along with Drawing Set presets.
  • Improved: Serial Connection progress will now show high values in hours/min/sec and not just min/sec
  • Fixed: Notifications not appearing
  • Fixed: Anchor point positioning when rotating mask shapes with shift held down.
  • Fixed: Elapsed time flickering when hours / minutes reached 0


16 Aug 17:29
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  • Improved: RAM Usage has been reduced in many situations and the general responsiveness of the application improved.
  • Improved: Sketch PFMs have been further optimised, with speed improvements up to 2x.
  • Improved: Sketch Sweeping Curves especially now runs considerably faster.
  • Improved: Optimised the Hardware Accelerated renderer and improved curve quality.
  • Improved: Updated Bic Pens and Drawing Set Definitions & Colours -led
  • Improved: Moved baked GCode into default GCode preset, to allow more custom GCode.
  • Improved: Drawings which take less than a second will now show elapsed time in milliseconds.
  • Fixed: Memory Leak when "Auto Run PFM" is enabled, resulting in slow down of the application.
  • Fixed: "Plotting Resolution" breaking on multiple PFMs
  • Fixed: "Plotting Size" not showing the correct dimensions when using padding -led
  • Fixed: "Preferences" config not saving properly on shutdown in some situations


04 Aug 15:36
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  • Added: 3 New PFMs: Grid Shapes, Grid Dashes and Grid Letters, more details here
  • Added: Documentation Integration
    • Go to Help / Open Documentation - to open the documentation in-app
    • In the Path Finding Controls window, select Help, to display a specific PFM's settings.
    • Select Any PFM Setting while the documentation window is open, to bring up the specific setting's definition.
  • Added: You can now check for new updates in software by going to Help / Check For Updates, if an update is available a link will be provided.
  • Added: Option to specify a default Import / Export folder for new projects.
  • Added: Invert Colour Option too Colour Match.
  • Added: Keyboard Shortcut Shift + V - Creates a new version.
  • Improved: Saved Projects will save the last used Import / Export Folder.
  • Improved: Layout / Appearance of Export Stats and moves/pen lifts will now be placed in order making the shapes slider more useful in Exported Drawing mode, shown when exporting vector files
  • Improved: Visual appearance of Notifications
  • Improved: "Reset" & "Stop" responsiveness on Voronoi PFMs
  • Improved: Mosaic PFMs will now render their progress in a more useful way, without restarting after each tile is processed.
  • Improved: Performance of transformations on SVG masks
  • Improved: Sketch Shapes PFM now supports all Style parameters.
  • Fixed: Mosaic + Layers PFM - Drawing Styles not loading/saving properly.
  • Fixed: CMYK Pens not exporting with the correct Opacity value.
  • Fixed: Export Stats displaying the wrong units.
  • Fixed: Image Cropping not loading properly when re-opening a project / switching to another open project.
  • Fixed: Drawings / Images not being refreshed properly when switching between two open projects.
  • Fixed: Voronoi PFMs continuing to run the background after being reset.
  • Fixed: Log Files being incomplete.
  • Fixed: Project files saving with the wrong extension in some situations.
  • Fixed: Stipple Size having no effect on Stipple PFMs


27 Jul 12:01
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  • Added: New Presets "Messy TSP", "Hatchy Squiggles" & "Glitchy Stars" - for Adaptive/LBG Circular Scribbles & "Light Crosshatch" for Layers PFM
  • Improved: 'Default' & 'Detailed Scribbles' & 'Sketch' - Circular Scribbles Presets
  • Improved: More improvements to the quality of Circular Scribbles, transitions between different radii will be smoother.
  • Changed: The default "Angular Velocity" for Adaptive Circular Scribbles & LBG Circular Scribbles is 60 instead of 20.
  • Fixed: Using CMYK with Mosaic PFMS.
  • Fixed: CMYK Processing failing to finish properly with "Coordinate out of bounds"
  • Fixed: SVG Converter PFM not scaling properly and sometimes moving elements of the SVG.
  • Fixed: Drawings created with the SVG Converter PFM not keeping the SVGs original size when exported.
  • Fixed: Loading Projects when the original image can't be located would not load the chosen replacement image.
  • Fixed: "Star" and "Triangle" shapes missing rotation when using Shapes PFMs
  • Fixed: Loading Projects ignored the Drawing Area orientation.
  • Fixed: Drawings being re-rendered when exporting non-vector files.
  • Fixed: Drawings being re-generated when creating new preset files.


23 Jul 23:32
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  • Added: New presets "Single Pen Preset V1" for Sketch Sweeping Curves and "Distorted Waves" for Sketch Waves
  • Added: "Cache Result" option to all LBG PFMs, which results in a significant increase in speed for subsequent runs on the same image if the "LBG Sampling" settings are still the same. Any changes to image filtering / drawing size will invalidate this cache.
  • Added: New "Exporting Drawing" stats, "Page Size" & "Drawing Size" (which shows the size of the area occupied by the drawing only) to make the size of the exported SVG more clear.
  • Added: SVG exports now contain the drawing stats, e.g. Shapes / Total Travel etc, enabled by default. Disable it by going to File/Preferences/SVG/Save Drawing Stats to SVG
  • Added: SVG exports can now contain the PFM Settings as a JSON preset, disabled by default. Enable it by going to File/Preferences/SVG/Save PFM Settings to SVG
  • Improved: Circular Scribbles Performance, now creates much smoother scribbles with fewer artifacts.
  • Improved: Simplified Batch Processing Notifications to reduce clutter.
  • Improved: Performance of Video Processing, frames are loaded when needed, rather than buffered at the start.
  • Improved: Path Optimisation performance, up to 2x reduction in 'pen up' / 'air time' with some PFMs
  • Improved: User Created Presets will now have a coloured label (User) indicating they can be edited/renamed/deleted etc.
  • Fixed: Curves becoming flattened to lines in some instances when exporting SVGs.
  • Fixed: Animation / Image Sequence Exporting not starting when selected.
  • Fixed: Video Exporting stopping unexpectedly or causing "Java Heap Issues"
  • Fixed: 'Image & Animation' settings category not displaying when selected in the preferences menu
  • Fixed: 'Exported Drawing' stats, in previous versions the reported distances were inaccurate.
  • Fixed: Pen Calibration PFM, crashing/hanging when the Test Count was set to 1.
  • Fixed: LBG Circular Scribbles not rendering a preview while the sampling is running.
  • Fixed: Export File Notifications glitching when using Batch Processing.
  • Fixed: Interactions with the "Export to vPype" interface