- Uses yarn instead of npm in the CMake build to improve fetching js deps time
- Removed QR-Code scanner when Dev GUI is connected through non-secure mode(eg http)
- Fixed Battery cluster name in Dev UI.
- ForcereadAttributes is removed from commands List in clusters, as the same is available as Action Button
- Endpoints are now automatically sorted by name on the Nodes page.
- Added support for new clusters * ConcentrationMeasurement.CarbonMonoxide * ConcentrationMeasurement.CarbonDioxide * ConcentrationMeasurement.PM25 * WaterContentMeasurement.SoilMoisture * WaterContentMeasurement.RelativityHumidity
- Added a popup whenever any of the app's crashes, disconnects or reconnects
- Updating name and location from DEV GUI now supports [ a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ : . ] characters
- Binding Cluster
- ElectricalMeasurement Cluster
- Metering Cluster
- SystemMetrics Cluster
- Possibility to set up simple scenes
- Various updates all around the UI.
- Organized the left-side menu items into categories.
- Support for Configuration Parameters
- Color Control support
- Level Control support
- Name and Location support
- Identify support support
- Scenes support
- DevGUI sends invalid JSON payload