Java + React Project Definitions - Group Project Jurassic Park Goal: Create a web application in React with Spring/Java back end
You have been asked to create a web app to allow the management in Jurassic Park to manage the dinosaur population and visitor tracking of the Park. (No expense spared)
MVP The user must be able to add paddocks, add / remove dinosaurs to paddocks, feed dinosaurs. You should also be able to transfer Herbivores between paddocks. :/
Project Extensions Dinosaurs marked as herbivores can live in the same paddock as each other.... but those marked as carnivores can only be placed with dinosaurs of the same type. Dinosaurs can randomly rampage and break out of their paddocks. The system should lock down until all dinosaurs are wrangled. (timeout?) Visitors can enter / exit the park if the dinosaurs are not rampaging. View the number of visitors in the park at a given time. Anything else you can dream up! SGNN News What's Goin' On News have asked you to build a web application to allow them to upload the latest Scottish news.
They want to be able to:
Add, Edit and Remove Journalists Add, Edit and Remove Articles For the front end of the website, users should be able to:
View a list of articles, ordered by date. (Newest first!) Filter articles based on catagory Click through to the full story (Each Article might have a headline, summary paragraph, and the full story along with the journalist who wrote it - and any other fields you want to add.)
Project Extensions Search for articles where the title includes a particular search term Filter articles by journalist Filter articles by category, which can be added by SGNN Track how many times an article has been read, and display a list of most popular articles Paginate your article list - display a certain number of articles per page, with a page number, and navigation to go to the next and previous page And other any extensions you would like to add.
Restaurant Booking System: You have been tasked to create a booking system for a brand new restaurant. The restaurant needs a way to book and arrange tables for customers who are booking over the phone. This system is for the staff to use.
MVP: Your system must be able to:
Allow a customer to book a table at the restaurant for a particular time and date Update a booking, for example if the customer wants to change a booking time Display a list of bookings for a given date Display a list of customers ordered by frequency of visits Project Extensions: Don't allow double bookings Add a customer's receipt to a booking so you can view their previous orders and how much they spent Calculate how much a customer has spent over a given period of time Give discounts to frequent customers Whatever features you think would be beneficial to a restaurant Do What You Like If none of the other project ideas float your ⛵️, you can take on a project of your own.
Your project must meet the following specification:
It must be a React / Spring web app It must contain a number of associations between classes - one to many, many to many etc. It must contain some custom logic - this could be filtering, sorting etc. Unlike with the other projects you can use any framework or library you want to achieve your goal. (Within reason) Before you start this project, write an MVP and potential extensions. You must get this signed off by an instructor before proceeding.
PDA Reminder Remember to gather evidence for your PDA this week. This should only take 5 minutes:
Go to your PDA Checklist
Submit your PDA evidence (screenshots, etc.) to your own PDA repo