In general it is a good idea to give complicated rules their own file and group multiple simple responses into one file.
A rule or an Array of rules are defined in a file which name must start with the event name it corresponds to ("message" or "messageDelete" at the moment), then the the name of the rule and it must be a ".js" file type:
The rules name (In the example above 'daily-quote') must be added to the rules Array in the general config file (config.js), otherwise it will not be loaded.
A rule file must contain one or more rules in the following format:
module.exports = [{ ruleConfiguration }, { ruleConfiguration }];
module.exports = { ruleConfiguration };
The rule configuration Object literal can contain the following properties (All properties except "keywords" are optional, see JSDoc for a format definiton):
* @property {string[]} keywords - Array of keywords (RegExp strings) that is compared with every event action that is emitted in channels the bot has access to
* Always use lowercase characters, all messages are converted to lowercase before comparing
* All control characters that are not meant to be part of a RegExp need to be escaped: "bla?" -> "bla\\?", "!bla" -> "\\!bla"
* @property {boolean} [wordBounds=true] - If the keyword matching should respect (RegExp) word bounds or not
* @property {boolean} [startsWith=false] - If the keyword should only match when on the beginning of the message
* @property {string[]} [allowedRoleIDs] - If specified the user can only use this command when he has one of the specified roles
* @property {string[]} [allowedChannelIDs] - If specified this rule can only be executed in the specified channels
* @property {string[]} [allowedCategoryIDs] - If specified this rule can only be executed in the specified gategories of channels
* @property {boolean} [deleteMessage=false] - Deletes the user message that matched
* @property {(object|function)} [responses] - An Object literal or a function that returns an Object literal as defined under "responses Object definition" below
* If "responses" is a function see the "responses function definition" below
* @property {string[]} [reactions] - The reactions (Emojis) to add to the users message:
* For server emojis: ':spacex:'
* For standard emojis the unicode emoji itself: '😄'
* This behaviour differs from emojis added to responses!
* @property {boolean} [dontStopChecking=false] - Normally after the first rule match further rules are not checked, this overrides this behaviour if this rule matches
"responses" function definition:
* @param {object} message - The matched message Object
* @param {string} keyword - The keyword that matched
* @param {string} commandText - The text message part after the matched command (if applies, or empty string)
* @returns {object} - An Object literal as defined under "Responses Object definition" below
"responses" Object definition:
* @property {(object|object[])} [normal] - The response the bot should answer with, an Object literal or an Array of Object literals containing a message
* as described here:
* Most text fields support the following placeholders:
* The keyword that matched: '%keyword%',
* The channel it matched in: '%channel%'
* The complete user message: '%message%'
* The mention of the user that wrote the matched message: '%userMention%'
* The message part after the matched command (If applies): '%commandText%'
* As well as all discord identifiers:
* For role mentions: '<@&83378240669788022992>'
* For channel mentions: '<#772336557824879963796>'
* For server emojis: '<a:a_hype:790297808846217332394>'
* For standard emojis the name in colons: ':smile:'
* or the unicode character: '😄'
* This behaviour differs from the emojis added as reactions!
* @property {(object|object[])} [error] - Sends a message if the user is not allowed to use the rule due to channel or role restrictions, works exactly the same as the "normal" property
* @property {(object|object[])} [admin] - Sends a message to the admin channel as specified in "adminChannelID" in config.js, works exactly the same as the "normal" property
* @property {boolean} [normalIsPM=false] - If the normal message should be sent as a private message instead
* @property {boolean} [errorIsPM=false] - If the error message should be sent as a private message instead
Only one keyword match per rule and message is executed.
If a "command" is used as a keyword (E.g. "\\!stop" or "\\?stop" or something else that matches the "commandPrefix" config in config.js) it may be a good idea to set the "startsWith" property to true.
If you need an mention or emoji identifier to use in a response you can get them with one of these methods:
If you have "Developer Options" on, right click the item and select "Copy ID"
If you have not, Create a new message with the desired emoji/channel mention/role mention and before sending it add a backslash directly in front of it.
After sending the message the corresponding unicode emoji or discord identifier appears as text in the channel.