Field | Definition | Example |
entityinfo-name | Name of the entity as submitted while listing itself in the CR. | “Bank Ltd” |
entityinfo-id | ID, as issued by the CR, to the entity | FIU00020001 |
entityinfo-code | ID, as issued by the financial sector regulator, regulating that entity. | BBL2 |
baseurl | The URL of the FIU service that hosts all ReBIT-compliant API endpoints | “” |
inboundports | The ports of the FIU that the AA can connect to. | ["5678","0002"] |
outboundports | The ports of the FIU that the AA can expect to receive requests from. | ["1234","7785"] |
ips | The IP addresses of the FIU that the AA can send and receive requests to. | ["222.333.444.555","012.345.678.901"] |
certificate | The public key of Digital Certificate issued to the FIU by a Certificate Authority (JSON Web Key format) | "alg": "RS256", |
tokeninfo – url | The URL of the Token Issuance Service of the entity that other entities can connect to, to get API tokens. This can be ignored for now. | “” |
tokeninfo – maxcalls | Ignore for now | 1 |
tokeninfo – desc | Ignore for now | "string" |
signature – signValue | Ignore for now | “7dYbsr4iJmG0Qu2j8DsVyT1azpJC_NG84Ty5KKthuCaPod7iI7w0LKmX0PjRasEBvkLTe8Muc4“ |