Final version
v 1.0.0 [17/01/25]:
- Ready for submiting to the Kodi repositories
v 0.2.5 [17/01/22]:
- When Scrobbled using filename, get data from Simkl. Fix #11
v 0.2.4 [17/01/15]:
- Fixed #7. Rescrobbling duplicate.
- Fixed a settings button (#8)
- Fixed SSL Timed out (#9)
- Enhanced login (#5)
v 0.2.3 [17/01/04]:
- Fixed bubbles (#4)
v 0.2.2 [17/01/03]:
- Fixed Reescrobbling (#3)
v 0.2.1 [17/01/01]:
- Working w/ Kodi for Windows
v0.1.1 [16/12/24]:
- Auto scrobbles
- Shows a bubble
- Nothing more
- It works (I think)[on Linux]