This is the backend for, built with nodejs, typescript and using express as framework.
- React router dom
- Lottie react
- Firebase
- Material UI
- Redux
- React-redux
- Redux toolkit
- React hook form
- React number format
- Home
- For companies home
- Login
- Register user
- Register company
- Vacancies list
- Companies list
- Users list
- User profile
- Company profile
- Vacancy details
- Forgot password
- Reset password
- Verify email
>> Fork this repository
>> Create a new branch containing your feature
git checkout -b feature
>> Commit your changes
git commit -m "new feature"
>> Push to your branch
git push origin feature
>> After your pull request's merge has been done, you can delete your branch
- Website - Romario Negreiros
- Frontend Mentor - @Romario-Negreiros