FXServer ESX Society
- cron => https://github.com/FXServer-ESX/fxserver-cron
- esx_addonaccount => https://github.com/FXServer-ESX/fxserver-esx_addonaccount
- CD in your resources/[esx] folder
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/FXServer-ESX/fxserver-esx_society esx_society
- Import esx_society.sql in your database
- Add this in your server.cfg :
start esx_society
ESX Society works with addon accounts named 'society_xxx' like 'society_taxi' or 'society_realestateagent'. If you job grade is 'boss', you will see the society_xxx money of your job showed in the HUD.
local society = 'taxi'
local amount = 100
TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:withdrawMoney', society, amount)
TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:depositMoney', society, amount)
TriggerServerEvent('esx_society:washMoney', society, amount)