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Print Your Own Custom Shirt

Table of Contents

Respect the Code of Conduct
I am not responsible for any bans that may occur as a result of using my invention.

If you sell or distribute any products made with this printer, please credit us - even a mention is appreciated.

About this release

This is the latest release of the printing script. Here is where you will find all necessary files for successful shirt/canvas printing.
I am updating the scripts here constantly so make sure to join this discord server for notifications about new features, help with the printer, and showcase from other users.

Make sure to Watch and Star this repository to get notified when new updates come out.

Watch Repository

Video Tutorial

Many people refuse to use the printer because they get startled by the mountain of text below.
Well, thanks to JavierFML for the amazing tutorial, which should get you started with most of the stuff needed.

I still recommend looking through the written tutorial, because you might find some things you missed in the video

~Link To The Video

Printing Video Tutorial

Shirt Printer

This repository is for converting, encoding and importing a PNG image into a RecRoom invention (Shirt Printer - Dorm) .
Said invention only works in your Dorm Room because of the Shirt Customizer.
It works best if you're the only person in the room.

There are limitations to the printer as it is an invention and not a dedicated, published room.

If you're experiencing any problems, try fixing them yourself first, by following these steps:

  • Are you alone in the room? - The print can behave differently if there's more than one person in the room
  • Re-import the image and restart the print (if the print stops midway)
  • Restart your game - sometimes RecRoom just needs a little break
  • Delete the invention (using Delete Everything in your maker-pen) and spawn the invention again - maybe you un-wired/deleted something

If none of the steps above work, you can message me on:

Discord Server Image

Getting the right coordinates for importing

If you have a monitor with a 16:9 aspect ratio you can skip the calibration.

If your monitor is not a 16:9 ratio, or if you are not sure about it, calibrate/set your own coordinates by running and following the steps bellow.

Prepare for successful calibration

To calibrate successfully, follow all of these steps exactly:

  1. Spawn a String Variable using your makerpen.
  2. Configure the String Variable with your makerpen.
  3. Expand Chip Settings, scroll all the way down until you see a Value input box.
  4. Run
  5. When prompted: "Press ENTER to open RecRoom and press on the "Value" box (TOP-LEFT corner)."
    1. Press ENTER
    2. The RecRoom window will be brought back into focus
    3. Click in the TOP-LEFT corner of the white square UNDER "Value" text. Where to click in the Value input box
  6. When prompted: "Press ENTER to open RecRoom and press the two arrows facing away from each-other."
    1. Press ENTER
    2. The RecRoom window will be brought back into focus
    3. Click on the two arrows aiming away from each other ↕ (second from the right at the top) Where to click on the done button

The Invention

The invention is called "Shirt Printer - Dorm"
It takes a lot of ink, thus you will need to delete everything in your dorm room. Don't worry, you can always load the previous saves of the room in your watch;
This Room -> press the "round arrow" button left of the Save Room button.


Optional modules/add-ons

These are inventions, that are not mandatory, but can make your life easier.

Spawning the invention

When spawning the invention you must spawn it from your watch and not your maker-pen. InventionStore SpawnInvention

Running the script

Download the ZIP file containing all scripts.
All the files (scripts) have to be in the same folder. Best to just unzip the downloaded ZIP file, and run the scripts from there.

Alternatively, you could run, which gives you an experimental User Interface.

In the newly opened window, open a PNG image you want to print.
I suggest the image is already converted into a RecRoom color palette (Photoshop ACO swatch files are included), and scaled to the appropriate size.
If the image is not converted it will automatically get converted and dithered.
Templates for the shirt are in the included Shirt_Templates map.


Importing the encoded image into Rec Room is one of the most important steps of image printing.
For the current printer there are two ways to import;
"Variable Importing" is a faster, yet more risky method - if you save or leave your dorm in any way, all imported data will be erased.
"List Create Importing" takes slightly longer but comes with the ability to save the imported image data which you can use multiple times, or even give to your friend to print.

Importing using List Create

Unlike the Variable import method, using the List Create import method you can save the imported image data as an invention, spawn it and connect it to the printer for easy repeated and remote printing.

Unlike the printer itself, this invention does not work in your dorm.
Go to ^ListCreateImporting and follow these steps:

  • Grab the Trigger Handle with your RIGHT HAND (and do not let go of it) Trigger Handle

  • Grab your maker-pen with your LEFT HAND

  • In the maker-pen menu (F), select Edit

  • Edit the circuit board named List Create Data List Create Data

  • Take a seat

  • In the maker-pen menu (F), select Connect

  • Look at the center of the first string input First Input

  • Alt - Tab back into the script window, and do as instructed

  • When the importing is done, save the List Create Data circuit board (you can ignore the others) as an invention List Create Data

  • Go back to your dorm room and spawn the newly created invention

  • Connect List Create Data to the Image Data Input

  • Connect Run from the delay at the bottom to Load Data

  • Connect Data Loaded to Load in the Shirt Printer circuit board

  • On the Shirt Printer circuit board, change Variable Import from True to False

Connecting List Create Data


Importing using String Variable

After the data has been encoded, you will be prompted to import it to RecRoom.
For this you'll have to Configure the String Variable. You will have to replace the existing one with a new one (see video below)
When you see the white Value input field, enter y in the script.
Tab back into RecRoom and wait...
I strongly recommend doing this step last, because all data gets erased if you save the room or Reset Components

If you want a more robust way of importing, go to this part

If you get any messages/errors saying to calibrate your coordinates follow this tutorial


Spawning the shirt customizer

When the importing process is finished, you will have to spawn in your Shirt Customizer.
The placement is very important! If the canvas is not flush with the wall the print might not work at all.
Spawn the shirt customizer, grab it and push it into the corner as shown in the video.


It should look like the picture below.

Shirt Customizer Placement

Alternative method of placing the shirt customizer

Spawn the invention Board Placement Seat (from your watch, not your makerpen)
This will place a seat in the exact position for optimal board placement.
Spawning the invention has a chance of spawning it at the incorrect angle (it is supposed to be rotated)

When entering the seat do not move your mouse. Best way to do this is to look at the seat, lift your mouse of the table, click on the seat and press TAB (open your watch menu).
Then navigate to your backpack and spawn the Shirt Customizer. You can then leave and delete the seat.

Invention image

Adjusting printer settings

Next step is on the circuit board named Shirt Printer.
You will have to change those inputs to suit your imported image
There's comments to help you understand better;

  • Front And Back - Set this to True if you're printing both-sided, set it to False if you're printing only one side.
  • Variable Import - If you're importing the image using the included Variable Import keep this to True. Set it to False if you're importing using the List Create method
  • Main Delay - Controls the speed of the system; if the number is too low you may experience "ghost pixels" (white dots), If so, increase the delay.
  • Image Width - The most important one of them all; enter the same number as the width of the image you imported. if it's off even by one it will mess up
  • Image Height - not as important as width; it only affects the progress display

Shirt Printer Circuit Board

Now press the Start button and wait. Preferably alone.

Printing on a canvas


Invention store: Canvas Printer Module Canvas Printer Module in the invention store When spawning the invention, make sure to spawn it from your watch menu and not your makerpen - this way it spawns with the correct placement.

Placing a new canvas

The canvas that is included with the invention functions as a reference - if you print on it, you won't be able to save the canvas as an invention.
Delete this canvas and spawn a new one using your makerpen.
Make sure you're using Surface Snapping, look at the wall next to the Rec Center door and place it.

Press the "Place Canvas" button on the wall on your right.
Place Canvas button This button does not create a canvas for you, it just takes the nearest canvas and sets its position to the correct position for printing.
It also does not scale the canvas, thus after pressing the button you'll have to scale the canvas to fit inside the white and yellow border. You can/should press the button as many times as you want.
Canvas Alignment If the canvas is too small, the image might not get drawn correctly! It's better to make it larger than smaller.

Pixel Size

On the left side of the canvas are 3 buttons:

  • Manual Pixel Size
  • Increase Pixel Size
  • Decrease Pixel Size

This will increase and decrease the size of the pixels on the canvas. It takes some trial and error to figure it out.
Usually it's best to adjust this while the printer is printing, listen for the markers hitting the board and pressing "Decrease Pixel Size" until you can't hear the marker anymore (not good) - press "Increase Pixel Size", until you hear the markers again. Pixel Size buttons

Board settings

  • Front And Back must be set to True
  • Image Width and Image Height must be set to the same size as the imported image Shirt Printer Circuit board

Printing with custom colors

Video tutorial:

Custom Colors Video Tutorial

Rec Room invention: 79 Shirt Recolorable

If you have any problems with the scripts, the invention or anything else, you can contact me on:
Discord: McRen#2940
RecRoom: @McReny

If you like the printer and would like to support/motivate me to keep updating it, you can:
Donate on PayPal
Or Buy Me a Coffee