Sun May 25 2014
Fix #60: contentFor directive not compiling already compiled content anymore. You can use directives in contentFor blocks.
Fix #64: switch directive: ngModel changes are now properly reflected in the parent scope and external changes to the linked ngModel are now handled by the directive through ngClass.
Dropped overthrow.toss.js
- Fixes #53: Android devices bad rendering box model with %-based translate3d. Switched to fixed sidebars width and media-queries.
Sun May 11 12:54 2014
- Drop angular.js dependencies
- grunt/grunt connect now serves both from "." and "site/output" simplifying demo testing
Sat May 10 15:10 2014
- Changed css distribution policy. Now base.css includes .sm grid and desktop.css includes .md+ grid. No other styles are distributed.
Fri May 9 19:21 2014
- Changed
directive to obtain a flexible behaviour with grids - Added responsive .sm+ grid style to desktop.css version (it won't affect containers, they stay always fluid).
- Improved form style to look consitently both in horizontal and vertical layout
- Switch now supports ng-change and ng-click (fixes #46)
Tue May 6 13:59 2014
- Added this changelog :)
- Updated to latest bootstrap (3.1.1) and angular.js (1.2.17)
- Rewritten everything in vanilla js in the hope to have more people collaborating
- Rewritten toggle/toggleable directives in a more Angular.js fashion
- A lot of work to get rid of memory leaks
- Restructured .less code to be more understandable and use bootstrap vars and mixins whenever possible (you can now customize almost everything through less vars)
- Supporting different icons sets (added same style of .fa to .icon)
- Dropped support to iScroll (sorry too much work to maintain even this)
- Removed $swipe service from fastclick touch implementation (just use ngTouch for that)
- Included everything else in the same distribution file
- Renamed bsInput to bsFormControl
- Sidebars closes by default on outer clicks (customizable). Fix #45.
- Fixes bsFormControl label disappearing with jquery. Fix #42.